Story By Johanna Ziegler

Johanna Ziegler

Blyss of the TrueHearts
Updated at Jun 1, 2018, 13:46
After surviving a perilous journey into the realm of magic, Blyss discovers her destiny lies somewhere else, somewhere completely unknown. Armed with powerful magic magic, she is thrust into a new realm where she must learn to master her abilities as a TrueHeart. While Blyss struggles to overcome magical and social barriers, an imminent danger arises, threatening to kill those she holds closest and and subdue anything remaining alive. With more attacks mysterious occurring, it becomes harder and harder to decide who to trust and who to kill. With Rudy, Elhanan, and an army of TrueHearts, Blyss Bannon must give the ultimate sacrifice to save her realms from utter destruction and defend Good one last time. *sequel to A Month of Midnights*
A Month of Midnights
Updated at Apr 30, 2018, 09:00
Her world is divided into two realms: the poor and the magical. To be chosen and sent to Istoria to live out a fairytale character's life is the highest honor. For Blyss Bannon, a young woman with enough problems of her own, being sent to Istoria means a miserable life and a bloody death. With one month to find a way to erase her predetermined destiny, Blyss sets out into the mysterious Istoria and finds herself in a fight for survival against the lurking evil surrounding her. Along the way, she enlists the help of two off-beat fairytale characters and a charming young man with a few uncanny powers of his own. With each passing day, Blyss struggles to decide whether she should accept her fate or stand firm in what she knows to be true. The clocking is ticking down for her to prove to herself, and to the adamant world around her, that evil will not prevail and that goodness is always stronger.