Story By Kimberly Cullen

Kimberly Cullen

Hello my name is Kimberly Cullen, I\'m an author obsessed with stories. My stories almost always contain a hint of magic in them. I like fantasy and how I\'m able to make different worlds and people.
The Billionaire's Runaway Nurse
Updated at Jun 12, 2024, 21:38
"He's constantly in pain, even with all his money Noah's so lonely, and yet "He trapped himself in that damned castle, he's given up. He's welcoming death and I can't lose him. The job Amelia isn't just about his physiotherapy but to give him something more, he needs hope. Noah needs to live again. Can you do that? Can you give me back my son?" Amelia hopes so, this was her final shot. There's always a way and she had experience dealing with these types of situations but she was nervous if she does this there's no going back. She's already inn too deep. "Yes, I believe I can," Amelia said the fear coming in waves. "Then you have the job. But Amelia remember you don't get to quit no matter what my son puts you through. Noah will offer you money for you to leave. In the contract my secretary will have you will restrain you from doing that so don’t get any ideas. The plane leaves for Ireland tomorrow. Make sure you're at the airport by 6.00 am." Elena didn't want to commit fraud but she needed the money to pay for her mother's hospital bills and put herself through college. The job was simple take care of a cripple and be a live in nurse in exchange she'll be paid a lot. So she did something stupid and faked her papers got the job and fell into more trouble when she found out that the cripple she'd be taking care of is none other than Noah Pearson the billionaire badboy that's been missing from the tabloids for years and she was begging to fall for him. Will she be able to survive? And what will happen when he finds out the truth?
The Vampires Torment
Updated at Jan 6, 2023, 09:02
"The demons, my demons," he began," the nightmares. They're getting a bit too frequent. I am not a saint, I've done some terrible things, most of them to people that cared about me. I've tried to seek some peace but somehow they just keep growing. The guilt, it burns me. It scorches me like a withering leaf on a hot summer's day. I'm afraid if I don't talk to someone about it. It might consume me." "You have Marcus. Why not tell him?" "I wouldn't know where to begin. He doesn't know all the things that I did. I even hurt a person close to him, a person he cares for even in death. I'm afraid if I tell him, Miss Frey, he'll abandon me like everyone else and I'll be doomed to live the rest of eternity alone with no one." "And will it help? When you talk to someone, do you think the demons and nightmares will go away if you talk to someone?" "No. I think they'll go away if I talk to you." "Me? Why me?" "Why not? Aren’t you a therapist? Wouldn't you be more helpful?" He laughed, It made Sabrina's heart flutter, his laugh was different. It was infectious, bubbly and a but childlike it made the corners of her lips pull up in a small smile. He should laugh more often. When his smile formed, his eyes became smaller and crinkles formed at the side and his fangs came through but just slightly. It was gone almost as fast as it had come. His eyes became dull, the vibrancy long gone, his smile replaced with a frown. “Why do you get them? The nightmares. Tell me what happened." "It's a long story." "I have a year." "Okay then. My story begins with a boy and a girl and the promise of forever. Finn Wild had left her on her wedding day for another, she had waited for him by the river bed, slowly wasting away living on memories of a cursed love and a hope for his return. Finn made a deal, a deal that as a result made him a monster and cursed the love of his life to an endless eternity of death, reincarnation and torture, now the gods have blessed him with a way to break the curse and finally have the love of his life, Sabrina by his side. But there's one problem Sabrina doesn't remember the centuries they had spent fighting for their love and is hesitant to let her guard down and fall for the Vampire King of the Underworld, the vampire who she was bonded under blood oath to kill.
The Alpha's Unexpected Mate
Updated at Dec 19, 2022, 05:57
The reality was that werewolves didn’t exist aside from her nightmares, at least that’s what Aria thought until she befriended a large black wolf who came to her in the middle of her favorite spot in the woods. The man in her dreams kept on telling her that he was looking for her. The sisters in the Orphanage that she lived in decided to throw her out and Heather her school bully was hell bent on sending her to the hospital with a concussion. Aria knew her life was messed up, after all she was the girl who saw her parents being brutally mutilated in front of her. Her only two friends had abandoned her a long time ago, so when the new transfer students started following her around and protecting her and her favorite History Teacher Mr. Edwards begins treating her differently and occasionally calling her Luna Aria knew something was definitely wrong. All she wanted to do was survive the last year of high school and be done with it all who knew things would end up like this. Then there was the whole making things happen with her mind thing that’s freaking Aria out, the fact that she had hidden abilities that she didn’t even know she had until Brandon tried to Kill her by throwing her off a roof. Then there was the gothic like man who kept popping up everywhere and begging her to listen to him. And how could she forget about Mr. Noah Wilde, her English teacher who showed up the same day as the new transfers and was the talk of the whole school because of how exasperatingly hot he was. Aria had a thing for him and so did heather, she’d tried to run away from him but he’s always there, tempting her she can’t have something with her teacher right…. It seems like the world is upside down and mythical creatures now exist, most specifically werewolves, so what would Aria do when she finds out the true origin of her powers and what it truly means to be the mate of an all-powerful werewolf who’s spent centuries looking for her.