Story By TayMarie


The Bar Stool
Updated at Dec 31, 2018, 21:00
It was a run down place. Small at its best. It smelt of beer and cigars. Many stools lined the bar, they were ripped and torn from how many times they've been sat on. The lights were always dim and the air was cloudy with smoke. But there it sat, the one chair to the far left of the bar, right below a race car painted ceiling tile. That's where he sat. That's where it all started and where it should have ended "He knew if he had a soul, it belonged to her and only her." All rights reserved to TayMarie™
Updated at Dec 29, 2018, 01:00
"My love for her was forbidden but the lust I felt was never forgotten" Looking at her made my heart skip beats but I fought against it knowing that each single feeling I felt for her was wrong. But fate or whatever you want to call it brought us to each other. Little did I know the girl I fell for, the girl that learned my darkest thoughts and fears would be... My student. "Our hearts connected as one without thought of the consequences" Being in love wasn't something common to me. Nor did I ever think it would be. But, beginning the school year with a new understanding of the word "love" made it seem possible. It was possible for me to find the right person. Someone to confine in and lay in bed at night and confess your darkest fears, and hopes. Little did I know that person would be...My teacher.
Updated at Dec 28, 2018, 07:00
Games aren't always fun. .... Games are dangerous and can be quite cold in a sense. They're based off ones needs....lust, desire, and more than you can imagine. Harry... The school player and heartthrob is always up for a new pon in his little game of heartbreak. Most girls come easier than others...until that one girl comes discovering that that secrets, hate, and even romance can come from a monster... Savy... The quiet nerd mostly unspoken but never unseen. She's mostly a dancer as she fights herself on what she wants and needs. She's stuck between her mind and her heart.... Together these two people from seemingly two different sides of the world find each other becoming one....with each other