Story By Amarachukwu Onyechi

Amarachukwu Onyechi

My name is Amarachukwu Onyechi, and I\'m from Nigeria. Some of my friends refer to me as Amara or Amy. In general, I like to be referred to as Amara Onyechi. In my childhood, I used to write on a regular basis, and I\'ve been resuming that practice for over two years now. I am now working as a content creator for Hustle Africa as an intern. I enjoy listening more than I enjoy speaking, which explains why I ask the most bizarre questions possible.  I could ask you questions to which I already know the answers; I wouldn\'t do it to test your intelligence, but rather to just listen to what you have to say.  The majority of the folks I\'m close to are excellent communicators. Answering phone calls is a draining activity for me. Chats are preferable to phone calls for me.  This is also one of the reasons why I enjoy reading and writing.
Lemons and Lemonade
Updated at Mar 8, 2022, 20:37
Having faced a life of abuse, violence and loneliness at an early age. Jane's quest to find someone leads her into making very drastic decisions. Whether she would recover from this or not, is something we would find out after reading.
Jane's way home
Updated at Jan 16, 2022, 11:27
Growing up, Jane had great aspirations for herself and her mother. Unfortunately, the death of her mother, coupled with the beginning of her stepfather's sexual abuse of her, caused her to experience her world for the first time as a bitter taste. She had no idea, then, that she was about to go on a roller coaster ride of abuse, humiliation, and neglect. However, life provides her with a second chance to live a better life, and whether she chooses to take advantage of this opportunity or not will be revealed in the book.