Story By NLF


I am a creative writer here on Dreame! I love a good comeback story with strong female characters. I love reading unique takes on supernatural characters! I really enjoy reading my readers comments and their enthusiasm!
The Greedy Luna and her Thirst for Power
Updated at Sep 5, 2024, 19:33
"Grace, stay hidden until I return. Do not make a sound or come out for any reason," her mother, the Luna of her pack told her urgently as she closed the hatch on the hidden crawl space under the floor. Young Grace was about to experience the aftermath of war.Her pack had been attacked by the most fearsome enemy, Blood Moon. As the young, hybrid princess of Raven Wood pack, she had lived a life of luxury. Her mother had drilled into her the importance of power from the moment she was old enough to walk. The Luna was a cunning woman who had clawed her way to her position. She was set to teach her daughter how to do the same. That fateful day, as Grace was pulled out of her hiding place and into her father's arms, she bore witness to the brutality of war. The blood, the screaming, the wailing of those grieving the lost. Her father carried her, holding her tightly, as they made their way through the pack, surveying what was left. Her mother had spotted a young boy kneeling beside his dead mother. His head was bowed as he cried silently. His jet black hair was stunning against his pale skin. But it was his eyes that had taken Grace's breath away. They were a breath taking mix of aqua and violet. She watched as her mother knelt beside him and took his hand. That was the day she met Silas, orphaned by the attack and selected by her mother for a specific destiny. Always cunning, her mother had seen an opportunity in young Silas, to mold him into a brave warrior, loyal to a fault. Grace and Silas had fates that were intertwined, destined to haunt each other's lives . A story of love and loss, greed and passion. Will Grace become her own woman or is she destined to become as her mother intended: Powerful and feared?
Her Forbidden Human Mate
Updated at Aug 6, 2024, 00:53
"Our mate is perfect," her wolf, told her. Tessa froze. A human mate? This was why she had needed Rowan so badly last night? But wolves didn't have human mates. It would never be accepted. "Yes, he is, but I can't have him. Not a human." *** As a hybrid between a wolf and a vampire, Tessa had almost given up on finding her mate. Unexpectedly, the moon goddess seemed to have played a joke on her. One night when she goes to the human world to let off some steam with her best friend Ellie, Tessa felt a strong pull to a certain handsome young man. In the throws of passion Tessa marked him, a human! What had she done?! Tessa and Rowan's worlds are about to get real complicated, real fast. Tessa's pack experiences hell on Earth when an old enemy rears its ugly head, and Tessa is thrown in the middle of it. She realizes just how powerful love can be when Rowan's life is threatened....more than once. These two lovers are about to uncover so many lies about who they really are. Can they make it through together, in one piece?
Ember: The Spark Felt Around the World
Updated at May 27, 2024, 23:09
The Sequel to: My Forbidden Human Mate: The story of Ember, the daughter of Rowan and Tessa. I stumbled through the woods, narrowly missing branches that swiped at my skin. I have been here before. This place of torment. I can hear my mother screaming for me. Her voice is full of pain and desperation. I need to get to her. I can hear the agonized screams of my people, my pack. I shouldn't have gone out. I just needed to clear my head, get away from the darkness that we have been living in ever since..... I can't say the next words. It hurts too much. I don't believe it. I don't believe he's gone. So much hatred fills our world. A door was opened and from it came the most foul of beasts. They came for the innocent, the humans, and my people rose up. We couldn't sit by and watch them get slaughtered. We made our bed. Now we must lay in it. The screams are getting louder the closer I get to the pack. I pray to the moon goddess that my little brother is safe. My mom's cries are sorrowful and gut wrenching. It threatens to rip me in two. I break through the last bit of trees and I am gut punched by the carnage before me. Homes are on fire. There are people dead in the street. "Ember!" I hear my mom screaming for me. She is running toward me at full speed. The left side of her head is covered in blood. She grabs ahold of my arms, clinging to me desperately, "They took him. They took Asher. My baby!" "Where did they go?" I demand. "I didn't see! I blacked out! One hit me with something! Ember we can't lose him. We've already lost your dad." "I'll find him. I'll get him back," I swear to my mom. I close my eyes trying to pick up on Asher's aura. He is not too far away but he's moving so fast! I take off running. 'Let me take over! I can reach him faster!' my wolf Ash urges. I immediately give her control and shift. She can smell Asher. As I bound through the streets I catch sight of him. He's flung over someone's shoulder. He's growling ferociously, clawing at their back. The way their body moves I can tell what creature from hell they are. Necromancer. Asher looks up and he spots my wolf. He reaches his small arms out to me, "Ember! Sissy help!" He is crying now, his emerald eyes wide with fear. I am running as fast as my legs can carry me but it's like he's slipping farther and farther away. Suddenly two wolves appear, coming from either side of me. They block my path. As I strike the first one I hear my brothers cries getting farther and farther away. I claw at these traitors with no mercy. I need to get to Asher. Before it's too late. I rip out the throat of the black wolf first then turn on the grey one, blood dripping from my mouth. I lunge at him with all my might...... And then I wake up. I am drenched in sweat. Tears stain my face. I am in my own room, in my own bed. I try to calm my racing heart. I have relived this nightmare countless times. It never gets any easier. It always ends the same. I hear quick footsteps running down the hall and try to compose myself before Asher bursts through the door. "Wake up sleepy head," he teases as he jumps on my bed. His blonde hair is messy, his emerald eyes bright and shiny. "Daddy is making pancakes! Hurry up!" "I'll be right there," I tell him as he jumps off the bed and takes off. I'll need to clean myself up. Dad will still know. He always knows when I have a nightmare. He has them too. It's part of our gift..... or curse, depending on how you look at it. We both live in fear that one day our nightmares will unfold in real life. They always do. We just don't know when. So we prepare. The best we know how. This is how it's always been for us. The joys of being a Tribrid. I pray Asher never carries this burden.....