Story By Robert W. Chambers

Robert W. Chambers

The King in Yellow
Updated at Jun 2, 2021, 02:18
The King in Yellow is a book of mysteries and supernatural stories by American writer Robert W. Chambers. The stories inspired production of the new hit HBO series True Detective. There are ten stories, the first four of which, The Repairer of Reputations, The Mask, In the Court of the Dragon, and The Yellow Sign, mention The King in Yellow, a forbidden play which induces despair or madness in those who read it.
The King in Yellow
Updated at Oct 19, 2020, 20:09
The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers. With its strange, imaginative blend of horror, science fiction, romance and lyrical prose, Robert W. Chambers' The King in Yellow is a classic masterpiece of weird fiction. This series of vaguely connected stories is linked by the presence of a monstrous and suppressed book which brings fright, madness and spectral tragedy to all those who read it. An air of futility and doom pervade these pages like a sweet insidious poison. Dare you read it?
The King in Yellow (Illustrated)
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
The King in Yellow is a classic collection of short stories which has been described by critics such as E. F. Bleiler as a highly influential work in the field of the supernatural. The first four tales -- The Repairer of Reputations, The Mask, In the Court of the Dragon and The Yellow Sign -- mention The King in Yellow, a forbidden play which induces despair or madness in those who read it.
The King in Yellow
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:31
Toward the end of the year 1920 the Government of the United States had practically completed the programme, adopted during the last months of President Winthrop's administration. The country was apparently tranquil. Everybody knows how the Tariff and Labour questions were settled. The war with Germany, incident on that country's seizure of the Samoan Islands, had left no visible scars upon the republic, and the temporary occupation of Norfolk by the invading army had been forgotten in the joy over repeated naval victories, and the subsequent ridiculous plight of General Von Gartenlaube's forces in the State of New Jersey. The Cuban and Hawaiian investments had paid one hundred per cent and the territory of Samoa was well worth its cost as a coaling station. The country was in a superb state of defence. Every coast city had been well supplied with land fortifications; the army under the parental eye of the General Staff, organized according to the Prussian system, had been increased to 300,000 men, with a territorial reserve of a million; and six magnificent squadrons of cruisers and battle-ships patrolled the six stations of the navigable seas, leaving a steam reserve amply fitted to control home waters. The gentlemen from the West had at last been constrained to acknowledge that a college for the training of diplomats was as necessary as law schools are for the training of barristers; consequently we were no longer represented abroad by incompetent patriots. The nation was prosperous; Chicago, for a moment paralyzed after a second great fire, had risen from its ruins, white and imperial, and more beautiful than the white city which had been built for its plaything in 1893. Everywhere good architecture was replacing bad, and even in New York, a sudden craving for decency had swept away a great portion of the existing horrors. Streets had been widened, properly paved and lighted, trees had been planted, squares laid out, elevated structures demolished and underground roads built to replace them. The new government buildings and barracks were fine bits of architecture, and the long system of stone quays which completely surrounded the island had been turned into parks which proved a god-send to the population. 