Story By Benard Sinzala

Benard Sinzala

I m Benard sinzala very well determined person , I love things around me to change that\'s why I write books for you to change the world you are perfect and loved don\'t change your self.
Updated at Aug 22, 2022, 19:58
There was a girl who loved God so much named Kimberly she used to live in Philadelphia, every morning she would kneel down and prayer to God this young girl used to attend to a church referred as an Adventist every Saturday she would go to the church and teach young children's about God one child asked who is God Kimberly softly quickly responded God is the one who made us every one on Earth including me and your mom the young child was so happy and again one child asked "why can't we see God cause me I have never seen God before ", Kimberly giggled answered God is everywhere even now God is here watching us.the classes were over it was evening the Sabbath cut the leg off . Kimberly reached home clocking 7pm ,she was shocked finding the mother has already arrived home preparing for supper the mother of Kimberly asked we're have you been my daughter I was escorting my friend the mother responded "have you been seeing a guy,a m so happy my daughter is having a friend," Kimberly laughed cause she was not thinking about dating ,she went into her room and slept exhausted as she was.
Never give up God is with you
Updated at Aug 19, 2022, 19:17
There was a girl who loved God so much named Kimberly she used to live in Philadelphia, every morning she would kneel down and prayer to God this young girl used to attend to a church referred as an Adventist every Saturday she would go to the church and teach young children's about God one child asked who is God Kimberly softly quickly responded God is the one who made us every one on Earth including me and your mom the young child was so happy and again one child asked "why can't we see God cause me I have never seen God before ", Kimberly giggled answered God is everywhere even now God is here watching us.the classes were over it was evening the Sabbath cut the leg off . Kimberly reached home clocking 7pm ,she was shocked finding the mother has already arrived home preparing for supper the mother of Kimberly asked we're have you been my daughter I was escorting my friend the mother responded "have you been seeing a guy,a m so happy my daughter is having a friend," Kimberly laughed cause she was not thinking about dating ,she went into her room and slept exhausted as she was. Alarm ringing it was 6 A:M she woke up, and kneeled down started praying to God "God thank you for your protection during the night, a m here to do your works as you have sent me on Earth, help me during the day amen.she gently got the teeth brush started singing " praise the Lord praise the Lord let the people rejoice ", she loved singing this song every morning as she was singing the mother called her "honey you Will be late to apply for your University and your daddy called me he is coming tomorrow you should do something for him , do you get me honey. Kimberly was excited run and dress up and went to do the usual thing to apply as she was coming from the University she had applied ,saw a poor man complaining saying " God has abandoned me a m suffering if God is truely alive we're is he," Kimberly was shocked and distorted approached the poor man " how are you ?" the poor man responded " a m good and you," Kimberly " a m not good , why are you complaining that God do not love you ?"the poor man " yes God has abandoned me why a m I suffering ?" Kimberly answered the poor man " God has not abandoned you , you have abandoned him Kimberly asked the name of the poor man assuredly answered I a m Barnes Kyle from the street of Philadelphia I was born in Florida I had a great family we lived happily and when I had lost my job for the crime I didn't commit I tried telling them I was not the one who stole the diamond I used to work in a diamond tester company and I was arrested for 10 years, when I was released I found my wife is married to another man and all my assets were sold by her wife I can just call her my former. I did not have we're to go so I choose to live in the streets this is my home full of blameless were I have to beg for food and no one wants to help me that's the reason, I feel God has abandoned me, "I miss my child Nuzra Kyle," Kimberly asked the poor man named Barnes why do you worry so much ?," cause God loves you so much, you have to trust in God faith is built on trust" Barnes failed in tears saying " why can't God rescue me from this poverty?" Kimberly " cause you don't trust in God you always doubt him that's why God cannot bless you , Barnes was stunned and shocked he removed the Bible he had hidden in his bag which was in the rugs,he started reading Ephesians 3 vs 4 4 by which, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ. Ephesians 3 vs 20 - 21 20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.