Story By FallenAngel4869


Genius Wife & Superstar Husband (FREE)
Updated at Nov 15, 2022, 17:00
Aku akan menikahimu dengan satu syarat: Pernikahan kita harus dirahasiakan! Carolina Akai adalah seorang mahasiswi yang tidak sengaja memasuki kamar hotel lain ketika sedang berpesta dengan teman-temannya. Di dalam kamar itu, dia tidak sengaja melakukan cinta satu malam. Awalnya Carolina berpikir dia tidak akan menemui pria berambut merah itu lagi, tapi siapa yang mengira bahwa pria berambut merah itu adalah CEO sementara perusahaan tempat dia akan melakukan magang? Dan yang lebih parahnya lagi, pria itu ternyata adalah Aktor Korea Selatan, membuat kehidupan kampus Carolina yang tadinya tenang, kini dikelilingi oleh fans-fans pria itu yang ingin meminta bantuannya! Ethan Nam sama sekali tidak mengira dia akan bertemu dengan wanita yang tiba-tiba masuk ke kamarnya dan menggodanya di kantor milik papanya! Melihat wanita itu yang berpura-pura tidak mengenalnya setelah mereka menghabiskan malam yang begitu menyenangkan, Ethan merasa kesal dan terus memanggil anak magang itu ke ruangan miliknya. Tiba-tiba Ethan mengetahui bahwa anak magang itu ternyata hamil setelah apa yang mereka lakukan dan bersedia untuk bertanggung jawab dengan menikahinya. Tapi bukannya Carolina langsung setuju dan berterima kasih karena Ethan mau bertanggung jawab, wanita itu memberikan syarat bahwa dia akan menikahinya jika pernikahan mereka dilakukan secara rahasia? Kira-kira bagaimanakah kehidupan pernikahan Ethan dan Carolina yang terjadi karena sebuah kecelakaan? Apakah pernikahan itu akan berlangsung lama? Lalu kenapa Carolina ingin merahasiakan pernikahan mereka? Bagaimana dengan karir Ethan yang merupakan seorang aktor di Korea Selatan? Apakah karirnya akan baik-baik saja ketika dia memutuskan untuk menikah padahal dia adalah aktor yang baru terkenal?
Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband (FREE)
Updated at Nov 8, 2022, 17:00
Living with my ex-husband? Sarah never thought she would meet again with Michael who is her ex-husband in the operating room with his body full of wounds and needing treatment from her. The divorce has been three years, but Sarah doesn't have a good memory of the man, if she could… she would have let him die, but she is a doctor, and a doctor's job is to save her patients. However, Sarah immediately regrets her decision to save the man because suddenly it turns out that Michael has amnesia and remembers that they just got married! To Sarah's even more regret, why did she stupidly accept her ex-in-law's request to pretend to remain Michael's wife while taking care of him? But… During the time she spent with her ex-husband, Michael's attitude was very different from what Sarah had last remembered. He is very gentle… and loving, making the feelings she thought were gone, are still there. Will Sarah be able to deal with her feelings? Then… what will happen when Michael's memory suddenly returns? Will his attitude stay the same? ============= EXCERPT: "Wifey," Michael called, looking at Sarah who was lying beside him. “Hm,” Sarah answered curtly, not looking at Michael. "I think I'm healthy." Sarah's body stiffened when she heard that. Is Michael healthy? Did that mean he had remembered everything? Will he scold me for tricking him? "Wifey? Why are you silent? I think I'm healthy and I can do it," Michael said quietly. "What do you mean?" Sarah finally looked at Michael with raised eyebrows. "Making babies."
Superstar Husband & Genius Wife (FREE)
Updated at May 15, 2022, 20:35
I will marry you on one condition: Our marriage must be kept secret! Carolina Akai is a college student who accidentally enters another hotel room while partying with her friends. In that room, she accidentally had a one night stand. At first Carolina thought she would never see the red-haired man again, but who would have thought that the red-haired man was the interim CEO of the company where she was going to do an internship? And what's even worse, the man turns out to be a South Korean Actor, making Carolina's previously quiet college life, now surrounded by the man's fans who want to ask for her help! Ethan Nam never thought he would meet a woman who suddenly came into his room and teased him, in his father's office! Seeing the woman pretending not to know him after they had had such a pleasant night, Ethan was annoyed and kept calling the intern into his room. Suddenly Ethan finds out that the intern is pregnant after what they did and is willing to take responsibility by marrying her. But instead of Carolina readily agreeing and thanking Ethan for taking the responsibility, did she give him the condition that she would marry him if their marriage was kept secret? How is Ethan and Carolina's married life that happen because of an accident? Then why did Carolina want to keep their marriage a secret? How about Ethan's career as an actor in South Korea? Will his career be okay when he decides to get married when he is a newly famous actor? Ps: The cover is belong to me. Pss: Check my other stories: 1. Superstar Husband & Genius Wife 2. Cohabitation With My Ex-Wife