Story By K.K.S.


His by Law (New Link)
Updated at Feb 2, 2023, 00:06
I wasn't ever going to belong to Bodin. I wasn't his for the taking! Bodin Charters had been my friend since we were kids. Painfully shy and uncomfortable in crowds. I was always the outgoing one. Willing to fight and shout for what I wanted. But Bodin wanted something now. Me. I had told him he'd not have me countless times over the years. I was waiting for a man who wrote me sonnets and climbed walls to sneak into my chambers. Bodin would never do any of that. He didn't have an unpredictable bone in his body... Until he did. My father was ill and had been for a long time. I didn't know Bodin, who'd inherited the Charter's fortune and property, had persuaded my father to make me his ward upon his deathbed. Now my father is gone. And Bodin is stating I can't be his ward because it'd be improper. I must become his wife. I won't. But as his ward, he has law over me. Law where he can make me do things I don't want to do. And he keeps reminding me, he'll have more sway over me as my husband so I best start learning to obey him. The devil I will. Unfortunately, I'm finding Bodin is a far more clever devil then I expected...
The Ravening (New Link)
Updated at Jan 16, 2023, 00:05
A nightmarish tale. I had no idea why the panicked witches marked me at first. But it didn't take me long to realize I'd been sacrificed to assuage the hunger of an insatiable incubus. A man sentenced to haunt the Earth as a demon with a ravening hunger for human women. He won't leave me alone. How can I escape someone whom I can't even see until he's inside me. I can't touch until he's already feeling me. No one can see him but me. I can't make him stop. And the longer this goes on the less sure I am that I want it to.
The Bad Boy & The Tomboy (New Link)
Updated at Jan 15, 2023, 00:05
Eric was my nemesis. The school bully who had laser focus on me as his target. As if highschool wasn't hard enough. Even worse, he was quite possibly the one person that seemed to know me best. All I wanted was to avoid Eric but he had a knack for showing up whenever I wanted to avoid him most. Then we made that bet... I believed that the only girl dirt biker in the contest, Tomboy, would win this year. But Eric thought otherwise...And he was willing to bet me a week of slavery on it. We'll see who is obeying who by week's end...