Story By K.K.S.


I write dark erotica with raw animal aggression and brutality. Please read with caution.
Turning Tables on the Princess
Updated at Sep 15, 2024, 15:32
She'd escaped me once. She'd not do it again. I am the brother of the Alpha of the Asara Pack. I did everything she asked of me. She was a princess on a throne. I was her Captain of the Guard. Her secret assassin killing anyone who'd threaten her. She seduced me and then bid me do whatever she commanded. But before that, I had declared my intent to claim her as my mate. And she had fled. Like the coward she is. Now she claims to rule this kingdom. However, her people are starving and her fiancé is to blame. But will she hear a word of it? Of course not! Well, I've found a way to make her listen. It's high time she learn a she-wolf's place in this realm. She needs a real king, and it won't be that sniveling lord that has designs on her. It's going to be me. She'll learn I'm no longer hers to command. She is mine.
Warlord's Ward
Updated at Sep 13, 2024, 16:05
He came into our village like a shadow. A Dark Dread filled with powerful magic. The King merely called him Warlord. And he owned the name. Leaving wreckage in his wake. But for me he had other plans. His cutting blue eyes seeing straight through my disguise. As his slave, his mere plaything, I'll learn the true darkness of magic without conscience. Anything he wants if me, he takes. Anything he wants me to do. I am willed to do with the flick of his hand. His power is an all consuming whirlwind. And I'm just the pretty butterfly caught in it.
His by Law
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 13:07
I wasn't ever going to belong to Bodin. I wasn't his for the taking! Bodin Charters had been my friend since we were kids. Painfully shy and uncomfortable in crowds. I was always the outgoing one. Willing to fight and shout for what I wanted. But Bodin wanted something now. Me. I had told him he'd not have me countless times over the years. I was waiting for a man who wrote me sonnets and climbed walls to sneak into my chambers. Bodin would never do any of that. He didn't have an unpredictable bone in his body... Until he did. My father was ill and had been for a long time. I didn't know Bodin, who'd inherited the Charter's fortune and property, had persuaded my father to make me his ward upon his deathbed. Now my father is gone. And Bodin is stating I can't be his ward because it'd be improper. I must become his wife. I won't. But as his ward, he has law over me. Law where he can make me do things I don't want to do. And he keeps reminding me, he'll have more sway over me as my husband so I best start learning to obey him. The devil I will. Unfortunately, I'm finding Bodin is a far more clever devil then I expected...
The Mating Moon - Asara Pack Series
Updated at Feb 23, 2023, 20:19
The Asara Pack - Related to The Pack's Girl There is turbulence in the Asara Pack this Mating Moon. The males and females are at war. The Mating Moon sends all wolf's blood pumping. But the females have been taught to fear the animal aggression of the males as they claim their mates under the pink moon. But the males know that to continue their assembled pack they must obey the Alpha's decree that mates will be taken under this moon and lines continued. Asara Pack Series includes: AN UNWILLING MATE MY LITTLE SUCCUBUS NOWHERE TO RUN TURNING TABLES ON THE PRINCESS
Updated at Feb 23, 2023, 18:57
A particularly dark tale. Not for the faint of heart. He was the all-powerful Magistrate Mathis. The man that accused the witches and then found them guilty in the dungeons of WitchFall Fortress. I had feared ever being one of them, but not enough to be determined to figure out why he didn't seem to be what he was. So I followed him into the woods one day and discovered the one secret he was willing to wreak havoc to keep. The secret he'd make me pay for ever knowing. And if he couldn't have me on my terms, well he was certainly powerful enough to find a way, wasn't he? The most horrible kind of way... Barely understanding what was happening I soon found myself in the worst place I could possibly be. And under his complete control...
The Bad Boy & The Tomboy
Updated at Feb 23, 2023, 18:11
Eric was my nemesis. The school bully who had laser focus on me as his target. As if highschool wasn't hard enough. Even worse, he was quite possibly the one person that seemed to know me best. All I wanted was to avoid Eric but he had a knack for showing up whenever I wanted to avoid him most. Then we made that bet... I believed that the only girl dirt biker in the contest, Tomboy, would win this year. But Eric thought otherwise...And he was willing to bet me a week of slavery on it. We'll see who is obeying who by week's end...
Updated at Feb 20, 2023, 12:51
I am a Catalyst. The Spark. At least that’s what the lore calls me. The problem with being a Spark was two-fold. Monsters were drawn to me. And I’d known so many of them that I found myself unable to be intrigued by any normal, human male. I was drawn to those dangerous breeds like a moth to flame. You’d think that with my time as a Spark, I’d have learned how to recognize each creature. But there were so many, I didn’t know where to begin. Every male creature lusted for me. And I for them. The trick I faced was in trying to identify the ones that might kill me as I wandered the country. Trying not to attract every unholy thing I came across. Something I was clearly failing at.
Porter's Reward
Updated at Dec 5, 2022, 10:03
Kane Porter was as boring as his name implied. Of all the financial coordinators under me, he was the one least likely to be interesting on an intoxicated evening. Kane was quiet, well-mannered and nobody was friends with him. I was his boss and I got along well with everyone until I came across a problem. The account I'd been skimming from had a good hunk of change missing now. Not good. How could I have it investigated without flagging myself for the ten thousand dollars I'd 'borrowed'? There was only one thing I could do. Porter was a nice guy. He'd help me out. No one could be safer to ask...
The Pack's Girl
Updated at Dec 5, 2022, 09:07
THE PACK'S GIRL She was rescued by our pack, the Asara.  But with her delicious female scent, my brothers and I soon caught a whiff of her. We liked it and were quick to investigate.  It didn't take us long to figure out what she was hiding under that oversized cloak. And we each wanted a part of it.  She thought she could run from us? The best in enemy combat, the tracker and best sniffer in the pack, and the fastest one of us. Second to only our Alpha.  The Mating Moon is on the rise and my brothers and I don't mind sharing. As long as we each get a taste of that sweet scent. And to partake of that delicious body. She might resist but we're strong, and she is one of only seven breedable females...she won't be going anywhere until we've had our fill of her. And under a Mating Moon, us males get insatiable.  Go ahead. Run little Vanna Rae, it's more fun that way... *** THE PACK GIRL'S RETRIBUTION (BOOK TWO) I had been nearly dead, covered in blood and unable to remember anything other than I was scared. I remembered making it to the Asara Territory wall, half-starved. Jaecar, a Border Guard had found me and been kind enough to guide me into the Territory and to help me evade some of the more dangerous males of our pack...At least for a while. But the Hayden brothers had caught my scent. Three fierce males that took me hunting and made me leave me hut. Three males that soon took me for their own under the Mating Moon. Forcefully breeding me before marking me as theirs. But something had changed for me. I'd had my first memory. Since then, more had come. And I'd begun forming an idea. An idea which will require the help of my three mates. A plan to rain retribution on those that had forced me bloody into the woods and killed those I loved. And I had three dangerous males at my disposal.
The Barbarian's Pleasure
Updated at Sep 29, 2022, 10:38
I'd been lonely lately. Having accrued enough wealth to no longer need to go on the raids I was well off. Now I just needed a little slave girl to warm my bed. I'd considered a docile thing with a warm spot for me. But instead, I was intrigued by the spitfire commanding she'd not be touched. I saw her body and thought her too tiny but when I touched her, I wanted her. And what I want. I get. Afterall, I'm a wolf at heart. And a full moon is coming. She'll learn the way of things. One way or another.