Story By Mark Wildyr

Mark Wildyr

Gabacho and Other Wildyr Tales
Updated at Feb 16, 2023, 18:37
In this anthology, Mark Wildyr introduces Gabacho, an itinerant Texas cowboy who likes to travel on horseback. Born Gary James Hawthorne and dubbed Gabacho when he ventures south of the border is a womanizer who is introduced to something different. And you know what? He sorta likes it.<br><br>Across nineteen stories, Gabacho explores the ribald, the serious, the occult. At the core of each story is love -- hopeless love, successful love, love that fails. There are chance encounters and planned encounters. Twins with different needs, guys accused of being losers who achieve small victories, a killer, a vampire, an old cowboy’s tale of how he got the recipe for banana pudding.<br><br>Meet all these and more in <i>Gabacho and Other Wildyr Tales</i>!
More Wildyr Tales
Updated at Sep 18, 2022, 22:46
In this follow-up to <i>Wildyr Tales</i>, twenty-three gay romance stories introduce a wide variety of characters, some who have no idea who they are and have a ribald time in discovering the answer.<br><br>You’ll meet military gays, one who has paid a penalty for serving his country but carries on nonetheless. A young man told from early adolescence he is worthless struggles to disprove that to himself. An alien haunts a man’s house and spies on his dalliances between the sheets. A dying teen gives his best friend a poetic journal to know him better.<br><br>From to artists and models, hardcases facing unexpected revelations and slut-talking queens and every day guys just trying to make it in a world hostile to their kind. <br><br>Find out what happens in <i>More Wildyr Tales</i>!
Wildyr Tales
Updated at Jul 3, 2022, 20:17
This anthology debuts twenty gay short stories by accomplished novelist Mark Wildyr.<br><br>Among the stories is an altercation with an outlaw biker’s club, a ghost haunting the dream world of an art restorer, and a soldier’s unexpected bus ride of a lifetime. A protective guide dog leads his blind handler to the perfect human companion, and a western movie star introduces a young projectionist to a different kind of life. A tattoo artist strikes a bargain with a new client, a valet serves his Medieval lord, and other men find love and lust with each other in a variety of settings and time periods.<br><br>Who knows what will happen in these <i>Wildyr Tales</i>?
Charlie Blackbear
Updated at Dec 21, 2021, 22:23
Take an irresponsible, hard-drinking womanizer and dump him into the middle of a logging crew, and it’s a recipe for disaster.<br><br>Charlie Blackbear is already a near-legend in his little corner of the world. The size of his package has been the subject of whispers since he was a lad and his sexual conquests the stuff of legends.<br><br>When he wakes up drunk in a motel room with a man going down on him, he shrugs it off and goes right back to chasing women. Charlie accepts a job with a logging crew. But when he shares a room at the Boar’s Nest with his best friend, Daniel Warhorse, he fights a growing, unexpected, and unwelcome attraction to his childhood friend. Apparently Daniel feels the same way, and when they finally get together, the world turns on its axis for both of them.<br><br>Then handsome, sexy Aden Jones shows up to complicate things. Charlie never suspects the danger lurking at the edge of his complicated life.
The Victor and the Vanquished
Updated at Oct 8, 2021, 23:29
Young William "Wilum" Greyhorse carves small animals and toys for his younger sisters as a method of coping with alcoholic parents and physical abuse. With the growing estrangement from his family, he is shaken by the increasingly powerful feeling that he is different.<br><br>The day he meets Jason Bedford in an Albuquerque park, the Native American youth's unexplained yearnings blaze into outright desire. Jason, a successful Anglo artist, likewise exposes him to a different, heretofore unimagined, economic lifestyle. When his whittling turns into art, Wilam begins to hope this will provide a way of escape from the trap his life has become.<br><br>Born into a Native American culture without a tradition of respect for Two-Spirits, Wilam finally embraces his unusual appetites and struggles to chart an uncertain course through the homophobic society surrounding him. His growing skill as a sculptor helps him find his way. His search for a soul mate proves more difficult.
Medicine Hair
Updated at Jun 21, 2021, 01:15
The August 1883 eruptions of Krakatoa took place half a world away from North America’s Dakota Territory. Yet, John Strobaw’s explanation to his Lakota kinsmen of the atmospheric anomalies caused by those cataclysmic explosions secured his reputation as a shaman. That plus his strange black scalp dotted with strands of his mother’s yellow hair, earned him the name Medicine Hair.<br><br>The Cut Hand saga continues as John and his mate, Matthew Brandt, struggle to bridge two worlds. Matthew, a full blood known as Shambling Bear, lives deeper inside his Native American culture than his lover. But John’s growing reputation as a medicine man and the historic events of the time draw Cut Hand’s grandson away from the white man’s world onto the plains occupied by the Sioux Nations.<br><br>Can John and his mate find a way to live together in two worlds?
Updated at May 9, 2021, 19:39
Thirty-two-year-old mixed blood John Strobaw, known to the Sioux as Medicine Hair, returns to his Turtle Crick Farm after a six-year exile on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Grief-stricken at the loss of his mate and lover Matthew Brand, known as Shambling Bear, at the Battle of Wounded Knee, he struggles to become a farmer again while fighting an internal battle to let go of the past and face his future. Will that future be with his best friend Winter Bird or with Pretty Face, an outrageous flirt who hasn’t yet decided who he is? But before he can come to grips with this, John faces several battles. Will his former friends and neighbors accept him now the Indian War has come to an end? Can John forgive those same friends and neighbors after the murderous ambush of the Sioux by the 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee? Or survive the hostility of an Indian-hating sheriff named Charles Landreth and protect himself against the mindless fear and loathing for Two Spirits, men who love men?
Cut Hand
Updated at May 7, 2021, 23:38
Far from the world he knows, he’ll find a home. Among strangers, he’ll find acceptance. And in the arms of an unexpected man, he’ll find love. Young Billy Strobaw comes West to escape the stigma of his Tory family. In the Dakota Territories, he encounters the Yanube warrior Cut Hand. Billy’s attraction to the other man is as surprising as the Yanube perspective on same-sex love. Unlike Europeans, the Siouan tribe celebrates such unions. Billy and Cut Hand can live as partners and build a life together, which Billy agrees to do. As Billy struggles to acclimate to a very different culture, quickly discovering the Yanube have as much to teach him as he has to impart to them, a larger struggle is brewing. The white man is barreling through the Great Plains, trampling underfoot anyone who stands in his way. As a leader of his people, Cut Hand must decide whether it will be peace or war. In a historical romance taking place against the epic backdrop of the early American West, where a single spark can ignite a powder keg of greed, lust for power, and misunderstanding, one man must find his place in history and his role in the preservation of all he has come to value.
River Otter
Updated at May 7, 2021, 23:17
Born into a society tolerant of homosexuals, River Otter is confused by the white culture’s persecution of such men. As the war begins to wind down, Otter leaves the only home he has ever known to help Major James Morrow, commandant of Ft. Yanube, build a farm north of the fort. He begins a new life with the handsome major while coming to grips with growing hostility toward natives and rising danger from a local militia bent on eliminating all bloods from the territory. As his physical attraction for the blond soldier slowly grows into a love perilous to both of them, Otter is distracted by personal challenges. As he struggles to survive the social and political upheaval sweeping the plains, can remain true to his own set of values?
Echoes of the Flute
Updated at May 7, 2021, 20:32
A love between two very different men is put to the test. John Strobaw, a young mixed-blood, grows up in the relative security of a family farm after the Civil War. His mother raises her family as Americans, but his foster brother, Matthew Brandt feels his red blood more keenly and leaves to ride with Crazy Horse. John doesn’t understand the longing he feels for his absent companion until he has his first sexual experience with a man and he only thinks of Matthew. After the murder of Crazy Horse, Matthew makes his way back home. John fights hard against a growing lust for Matthew, but when he ultimately succumbs, he is lost to this handsome, dusky warrior. Just when the future looks bright, another suitor appears -- a handsome Cheyenne army scout, and trouble looms on the horizon.