Story By shafa maurrizka

shafa maurrizka

Updated at Sep 19, 2024, 18:10
After being kicked out by her parents, Riley woke up in the hospital, weak and confused. A mysterious man named Logan Hatcher suddenly stepped into her treatment room and claimed to be the father of her baby. Panicked and scared, Riley tried to escape Logan's grip with the help of Doctor Wren. She would start a new life in another state, free from Logan's clutches. But Riley chose the wrong opponent. Logan was not an ordinary man. He was a billionaire and leader of a mafia gang. Riley had no idea why a mafia leader would want her to bear his offspring. What made her special in Logan's eyes?
Updated at Sep 19, 2024, 18:00
Life can be very unpredictable and upsetting. That's what happened to Cammila Bennet. Her sister was sold to a rich man to pay off her stepmother's debts. But, her sister had an accident and was declared in a coma. As a younger sister, Cammila had to replace Avery in marrying the rich man. And in an instant, she was completely the bride of a stranger. While walking down the aisle, Cammila was shocked to find out that her groom was Shane Coffey, her professor. He is famous as a handsome young professor on her campus and all of Cammila's friends adore him. Cammila hid her face behind a veil during the wedding process until the moment the priest asked Shane to kiss his bride... Cammila knew she was in big trouble.