Story By Emma Levy

Emma Levy

Mi enemigo, mi pareja
Updated at Apr 15, 2024, 01:30
Ariana se esfuerza al máximo por cumplir sus obligaciones como hija de un alfa. Pero su vida se desequilibra cuando conoce a su misteriosa pareja. Él es fuerte. Es feroz. Y, de hecho, puede que sea su enemigo. Ahora se siente dividida entre el deber y el amor… ***** "Por favor, no te vayas", susurré mientras empezaba a besar su cuello una vez más. Me acarició la cabeza, pero empezó a decir las razones por las que sabía que estaba mal. "No podemos hacerlo, Tritón", me dijo. "Nos está matando y está destruyendo a nuestras familias. Imagina cómo reaccionaría la manada si nos descubrieran aquí. ¿Si descubrieran que estás en el bosque conmigo, besándonos y acariciándonos? Por mucho que te quiera y por más que seamos pareja, también somos enemigos, Tritón". "¡No!", dije, con mi cara aún enterrada en su cuello."¡No me importa lo que piensen! ¡No me importa lo que pueda pasar! Todo lo que quiero eres tú". «Mi enemigo, mi pareja», es una obra de Emma Levy, autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
My Enemy, My Mate
Updated at Jan 21, 2022, 01:21
Two packs are locked in continual feuding for many generations. That is until one night at a ball, the packs' fates were changed forever.  Ariana tries her best to live up to her duties as a child of an alpha. But, her life is thrown way off balance when she meets her mysterious mate. He is strong. He is fierce. And, he may, in fact, be her enemy.  Now she feels torn between duty and love.  *****  "Please, don't go," I whispered as I started kissing her neck once again.  She caressed my head but started saying the reasons why she knew it was wrong.  "We can't do this, Triton," she told me. "It is killing us, and it is destroying our families. Imagine how the pack would react if they were to discover us here? If they discovered that you were in the woods with me, kissing and caressing? As much as I love you and as much as we are mates, we are also enemies, Triton."  "No!" I said, my face still buried in her neck. "I don't care what they think! I don't care what will happen! All I want is you."  My Enemy, My Mate is created by Emma Levy, an eGlobal Creative Publishing author. 