Story By Chioma Oparah

Chioma Oparah

The Dilettante
Updated at Jul 26, 2024, 10:47
Hannah a Spy tries to find her lost brother and also stop the smuggling of illegal drugs gets captured by the great mafia boss. in an attempt to find out what Hannah and her team is up to, the Mafia boss, Travis ends up falling for Hannah, will they end up together?
Depressing Love
Updated at May 18, 2024, 06:56
Sean, a billionaire, use to be a very cheerful man but soon turned dark and gloomy because of a blemish in his relationship. Now, he has become a very short tempered man, no one seems to impress him in any way until a middle class lady who works for his as his P.A, at first, he finds this woman very irritating because she's a woman and because she'll have to be with him everytime in the office and assist him in literally everything he does. but then, he began to fall for this lady. Will Sean finally accept his love for this lady?