Story By Kamali_S


Just want to become a famous author one day. Likes to write a thrilling stories. Read my stories, you\'ll like it.
Updated at Mar 31, 2023, 18:30
Evelyn, the most beautiful girl in the Thanatology research department , But she was always alone and depressed because of her parents death. Greyson , who is also working in the same research department and he is quite handsome, he is having a crush on Evelyn. Carter and Sasha, they both also working in the same Thanatology research department, The whole Thanatology department was very proud of these four young scientists, Cause they invented the camera, which will not capture human and instead it will capture supernatural spirits and souls. It's a crazy invention. The department head giving them some task like to stay in one haunted lab and they have to do some research and after entering that haunted lab, Evelyn , Greyson , Sasha and Carter are scared to death. [COPYRIGHT © This work should not be print or copy or publish without the permission of the author.]
Updated at Mar 21, 2023, 23:22
"Who are you? Why are you following me? What the heck you are? I'm the person, who kill the bad peoples and cheating people. I will decide your life based on your mistake. " Who are you to decide my life? You also normal human being, More than me, you are doing so much mistakes by killing the peoples. It's a normal thing for human beings to betray and do mistakes in their life. Who gave the right to you to kill the people?" Maybe, But I'm not a normal human being like you. I will read your mind and I will disappear. Then why the god gave these powers, I will change the whole world into a beautiful and I will destroy all bad peoples. If I kill the people no one will find me, I will make it as a perfect like a suicide. "What???? Are you human or something??? How can you disappear? Don't ask me a questions, He is going near to her. "No, Don't come near to me? No....... No....... Claaash..... slash.....