Story By Sana Hk naz

Sana Hk naz

I wabt to share my imagination with you. Writing is my passion and reading is my obsession.
Love and Pain: Rebirth from the End
Updated at Mar 10, 2024, 11:09
Rose was daunted by the truth about that person whom she delegated the most, that person killed her family, as well he tries to finish her too, but she survived, after three years she sauntered back to where the story had begun, the real face of that person comes in front of her eyes and that was necessary cause she was not believing anyone who speaks against her love, but when she goes through his reality everything gets made over, she got rebirth, and got turned from Rose to Maya, and all she longed for was her revenge, revenge from that ruthless man who destroyed her world. But in these occurrences, she met someone who was about to change her life, they started their story with such scorn, and became each other's enemies, but the time changed and those enemies became lovers, Rose thinks that her close ones whom she is believing are doing favor for her, but she was unaware that whom she considered her savior is the real beast of her story.