Story By Ada Line Cooper

Ada Line Cooper

Love what I\'m doing. Instagram: daretolov
Жизнь среди парней
Updated at May 11, 2021, 04:24
Волей судьбы главная героиня оказалась в мужском общежитии, в комнате с тремя такими разными, но в тот же момент похожими парнями. Эта комната для нее словно Рай и Ад одновременно. А самое главное, что просто невозможно понять, о чем думают эти парни, они, словно закрытые книги, которые привлекают своей обложкой. Что же это: дар или наказание?
The Secrets of Her Past | My Princess
Updated at Apr 17, 2021, 09:43
"What are you doing? Get off there!'' I shouted as I slowly approached her to pull her back in. "Stay back! He doesn't love me! He cheated on me!" - in tears, the girl said. "Are you stupid?" Explain it!!! You decided to commit suicide because of some asshole?! If your friend did that, it means she wasn't your friend. Do you know how bad it is for other people?! Millions of people are more fucked up than you are right now. Did you feel that way when someone confessed their love to you, but you can't return it, even though you really want to?! Do you know what it's like to live every day in fear for your loved ones?! You are not afraid for your own life, but for the lives of your friends. You know that feelings, when you have a birthday, your friends have prepared a party for you, and instead of celebrating, you run away from them?! Because you hate this holiday because of the past.’’ Everyone has a secrets. Nobody can be sure that it will keep a secret, but once upon a time your past life becames your present life. What should you do? Run. Run the other way. Or face it. 'Cause all your unresolved issues will find you. Warning! Book can contains violence, blood, drugs, alcohol, sex, suicide.