Story By SassAss


Hello readers!!
Their Powerful Hybrid Mate
Updated at Aug 29, 2024, 20:16
Lorraine is anything but average, though she tries her best to blend in. But who could possibly blend in when they can talk to the dead? A runaway hybrid princess, seeking a normal life finds herself in a pack that might just have more secrets than her. Join us as Lorraine navigates her new life, her new identity, alongside the future alphas of the pack; Noah, Owen, and Zack. Drool worthy triplets who have their eyes set on her, and only her.
The Alpha King and His Second Chance (Werewolf Throne Legacies 1-5)
Updated at Mar 10, 2024, 23:56
Book 1-5 Completed My mom had just gotten through her speech about how we need to listen closely to her today and not leave her side, much to my brothers' annoyance. It was only a moment later when her eyes glazed over and her expression changed from commanding Luna to a fearful mother. "Mom?" I asked. "Run, we need to run!" She whisper-yelled to my brother and I. No sooner had she said it, fire began to spread through the pack. Fear took over my body and I stood stunned in place trying to process what was happening. My mother quickly picked me up and began to run with my brother following closely next to her. Everything happened so fast. Seth took a sharp left turn, heading towards our border, undoubtedly where our father had gone off too. I think my mom yelled at him. I was too distracted looking at our home going up in flames. I felt her put me down and finally snapped out of it when she told me to run again. "Head north and don't look back!" She yelled, pushing me in the correct direction before she took off in the direction of Seth. With a final longing stare, I took off, heading north as fast as my feet could carry me. It wasn't until I was about to cross our pack border that I saw a scary-looking man facing my direction. He was enormous, much taller and bigger than a normal werewolf. Was he a Lycan? The smoke was making it hard to breathe, my lungs begging for clean air. I didn't know what to do but to keep running. ------ Sierra Wilson is not your average werewolf. When tragedy strikes, her life is turned upside down and everything seems hopeless. That is until she meets Edward. None other than the Alpha Lycan King and her mate. Will they be able to face their demons together, or will fate have something else in store? Note: Books 1-5 of the Werewolf Throne Legacies series are all under one title! The Alpha King and His Second Chance The Alpha King and His Human Luna The Alpha Queen and Her Chosen Mate The Lost Werewolf Princess The Legend of the Alpha Twins
Selling Myself To The Hunter
Updated at Feb 24, 2024, 22:04
Hunter Another day down, forever to go. I lay on the marshy ground, staring up at the lifeless looking sky while my latest kill cooked over the fire, wondering if I would ever see the moon or stars again. Perhaps only in my dreams. But even those have been especially dull lately. It was always the same; wake up, survive, go to bed. Day in and day out. Nothing was ever different, there was no good here. Any good that did exist was snuffed out upon arrival. Seraphina made sure of that. She did a wonderful job of making this place hell. There had to be something more. Something more in this life. I was made for so much more. My life before was... I guess it doesn't matter now. None of it does. One decision, that's all it took for my life to be completely changed forever. I was never getting out. I was never going to see the moon or start again, never feel the warm summer breeze. I would never see my family again, or start one of my own. I was completely and utterly alone, and would remain that way until death came knocking at my doorstep, or something more ruthless than me challenged me for my life. What a glorious day that will be. - - - - - - - - Seraphina, a high fae banished to earth, has created her own world where she drags her victims for the rest of their mortal lives. Join us as we follow Hunter (a gifted werewolf) and Daliah (a human) on their thrilling journey to survive the un-survivable!
The Legend Of The Alpha Twins
Updated at Jan 18, 2024, 00:22
Its all been leading up to this... All the drama, all the chaos, it has all led to this. The legend of the Alpha Twins. If you have not already, I highly recommend reading through books 1-4 to get the full picture and not get lost or have any spoilers! Happy reading! - - - - - Sierra Dark. Nothing but darkness. I feel...uneasy. Afraid, worried. My feet are carrying themselves as I trudge through the thick forest, trying to go unseen and unheard. I am with people, I can hear their footsteps and whispers, though I cannot make out what is being said, or why we are in this goddess-forsaken wasteland. My heart is heavy. I am with a woman. She is...different. She looks as terrifying as the forest, which I had not feared until that day. Some words are exchanged, though I can't hear them. I can't make out the faces surrounding me. And then... Pain. Endless, torturous pain. Physical, emotional, every kind of pain you can imagine. I hear screaming in the background, I can feel the adrenaline running through my veins, my lungs burning from running. There had to be a way out, somehow, someway. She was gaining on me. I had to keep moving. But where? This was her world, not mine. "Sierra?" Edward called to me, pulling me from my vision. I sat up and gasped for air, my heart racing a mile a minute. Edward had sympathetic eyes, pulling me close to him as I calmed my jumpy nerves. "Another vision? Or a nightmare?" He asked. "Vision." I gulped. "Definitely vision." "They are coming more frequently." He mulled over. "Our pups are getting older. If the legend is really true..." I said, a tremor in my voice. And as they got older, my visions came more frequently, though a bit blurry. My coven sisters seem to think it is an emotional response, one my subconscious self made to protect myself from seeing things I really don't want to. Things that could very well affect my pups and leave me broken inside. My gift was both a blessing and a curse. "Who was it this time?" Edward asked, tucking my disheaved hair behind my ear. "I-I don't know, it was too blurry this time." "Tell me about it." He pressed. "Tomorrow, I need to check on them." I said, scooting out of bed and slipping on a bathrobe and slippers before heading down the hall to our pups rooms. Edward didn't dare stop me, he knew better than that. After everything that has happened in our lives, after having our pups taken from us, our family taken from us, he knew better. I went from room to room checking that they were all here and safe. Lorraine, my youngest and biggest surprise, check. I couldn't believe she was seven already. Probably the most cryptic of all my pups too. She had been gifted with the ability to speak to spirits. Nothing creepier than walking in on her having conversations with no one else in the room. No one in the flesh anyway. I guess that's what we get though, when you mix a lycan king with a hybrid such as myself. Werewolf, witch, and vampire, a beautiful and chaotic mix of genetics. Abby, my second to last, check. Born while I was in captivity, and named after her aunt who sacrificed herself for me. I missed the first year of her life, but have tried to do everything I can to make it up to her, though she wont ever remember that dark year. She was gifted with incredible healing abilities, much to our amusement. Almost as if the moon goddess was trying to redeem Edward's sister Abby by giving our pup the ability to heal. Hunter, third from the bottom, still awake and playing video games, check. He was gifted with strong spell casting abilities, able to give even the most able witches a run for their money. He was also a total computer geek, and I loved him for it. "Get to bed soon." I whispered. He slowly turned his head, his eyes glued to the computer screen for a moment longer before he looked at me and yanked off his headset. "I will, goodnight mom." He smiled. He was always such a good kid. Always ready to lend a hand or just listen. Stella, my second pregnancy, but third from the top, check. Stella was the most strong willed and feisty of the group, never taking no for an answer. She was gifted with divination. With a simple touch, she could see into someone's past, present or future. She could read people, and know if they were good or bad. Like a walking lie detector. Levi, my first born, twin A, check. The most responsible of the group, unsurprisingly. He was almost a man now, and carried himself like one too. He was gifted with the ability to control the elements. He could cause a hurricane if he wanted, but had enough self control not to. He was going to make a great king one day. And finally....Xander. I peered into his room and did not find him in bed. It was past three in the morning. It was past curfew. Where was he?
The Alpha King and His Second Chance
Updated at Oct 12, 2023, 10:44
My mom had just gotten through her speech about how we need to listen closely to her today and not leave her side, much to my brothers' annoyance. It was only a moment later when her eyes glazed over and her expression changed from commanding Luna to a fearful mother. "Mom?" I asked. "Run, we need to run!" She whisper-yelled to my brother and I. No sooner had she said it, fire began to spread through the pack. Fear took over my body and I stood stunned in place trying to process what was happening. My mother quickly picked me up and began to run with my brother following closely next to her. Everything happened so fast. Seth took a sharp left turn, heading towards our border, undoubtedly where our father had gone off too. I think my mom yelled at him. I was too distracted looking at our home going up in flames. I felt her put me down and finally snapped out of it when she told me to run again. "Head north and don't look back!" She yelled, pushing me in the correct direction before she took off in the direction of Seth. With a final longing stare, I took off, heading north as fast as my feet could carry me. It wasn't until I was about to cross our pack border that I saw a scary-looking man facing my direction. He was enormous, much taller and bigger than a normal werewolf. Was he a Lycan? The smoke was making it hard to breathe, my lungs begging for clean air. I didn't know what to do but to keep running. Sierra Wilson is not your average werewolf. When tragedy strikes, her life is turned upside down and everything seems hopeless. That is until she meets Edward. None other than the Alpha Lycan King and her mate. Will they be able to face their demons together or will fate have something else in store?
The Lost Werewolf Princess
Updated at Oct 8, 2023, 18:03
Hey Readers! This is a standalone story in my book series; The Werewolf Throne Legacies! If you haven't read the first three books, "The Alpha King and His Second Chance", "The Alpha King and His Human Luna", and "The Alpha Queen and Her Chosen Mate," now is the time! There won't be any MAJOR spoilers, but you will have a better understanding of the book in general by reading the first three books first! Hope you enjoy and happy reading! - - - - - - - - Annalise We sat at the opposite sides of the long wooden dinner table, our silverware clinking against the ceramic plates that had been handed down for generations. I wonder who was going to make the first move. Her or me? There were far too many looks being exchanged at this meal for something not to happen. And given this past year, I think it's safe to say things are about to go down. I tried to think back to where everything went wrong. Was it something I said? Something I did? Perhaps, but I don't think it was my actions that caused my older sister, Bethany, to kill our father. I know she did it, I just cant prove it, though I have tried hard to. And she knows this. Under normal circumstances, once our father, Alpha King Bjorn, passed away, Bethany would have taken over as the new ruler. But this was no normal circumstance. Our father had a will, and in it he named me to be his successor. Unfortunately, the will has mysteriously been misplaced. And that was okay, at first. The council decided to leave our kingdom without a ruler temporarily. Sadly, that time was almost up. It would go to a vote. The council would thoroughly evaluate my sister and me and decide who was more fit to rule. She had years on me, but I surpassed her in all other categories, and she knew this, and so did everyone else. She was getting desperate, her hunger for power driving her. In fact, several months ago, she even told the council a bit of information I wished to keep secret, and soon after, King Derek was at my door wanting to pursue me romantically. Had things moved forward, I might be living in another kingdom far far away right now and Bethany would have already been made queen. However, King Derek had just recently decided to form a union with princess Kelly, and now here we sat, just days away from the council's arrival, to see who was more fit to rule. If something was going to happen, it would be right about now. I asked a number of my father's closest guards to stay near me for protection, but it was clear that the loyalty in our castle was split. Half seemed to think the first born was the rightful heir to the throne, the other half prayed that the will was in fact real and Bethany would not be made Queen. "I will see you at breakfast?" I asked, setting my napkin down on the table. "Sure." Bethany shrugged, a dangerous glint in her eye. "Perhaps I will make quiche Lorraine." "Sounds lovely." She said, her eyes narrowing.
The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate
Updated at Aug 18, 2023, 08:10
Book 3 in the series! Come along for Kelly's journey of self discovery and choosing a mate! - - - - - - - - Kelly Goddess, it was so busy tonight. I hoped I wouldn't miss meeting my mate on account of how many people were here. I had a lot of ground to cover with a lot of moving bodies. I spent a large part of my night just greeting people, but I also made sure to spend a little time on the dance floor, actually enjoying my party and not acting like a chicken with my head cut off. After some time, I took a break from dancing and went to look at the sparkling sky, getting a breath of fresh crisp air. Unlike the warm, sweaty dancefloor air I had been in most of the night. If I had to guess, it was just past two in the morning. Kelsey had been escorted back to her room by our father a few hours ago. Guests were starting to dwindle. Maybe I won't find my mate tonight after all. That's what I thought anyway, until the crisp breeze hit again and I smelled him. "Mate" I gasped, the word leaving my mouth before I could even register what was happening. "Mate smells divine" My wolf Keres purred. She wasn't wrong either. I took a deep whiff, following his freshly baked blueberry muffin scent. He was so close I could almost taste him. I passed a few dozen guests before I finally saw his silhouette in the moonlight. He turned his head, looking in my direction, as I stalked closer and closer to him. "Hi." I said nervously. "Hi." He mirrored. "I'm Dustin." He said, holding out his hand. He was a gorgeous specimen of a man. Tall, tan, and a few tattoos from what I could see. He was perfectly dangerous and delicious looking. "Kelly." I smiled, the sparks from our bond erupting with our touch. "Wait...Princess Kelly?" He frowned. "The one and only," I said, giving an exaggerated shrug. "Oh..." He said disappointedly, letting go of my hand as if it were diseased. "Is there a problem?" I asked, worry etched in my face. "I'm really sorry to do this, especially since its your birthday party...but I'm just not interested in having a mate..." "What?! Why wouldn't you want your mate? Why wouldn't you want me?" I pleaded for answers. "I'm only twenty. I don't want to settle down, and I especially don't want to be part of the royal family." He said matter of factly. "But-" "I, Dustin Harris of the Willow Pack, reject you Princess Kelly Cook of the Western Kingdom Pack." I stood there in dumbfound silence. He didnt want me? My fated mate was rejecting me? During my birthday party?! Fine! If he was the kind of person that would reject someone without even knowing them first, then that wasn't someone I wanted to be with. "I accept." I bit out. The moment the words left my mouth I was filled with the most agonizing pain I had ever experienced before. I dropped to my knees, gasping for air, fighting the tears that were already falling. Dustin looked to be in terrible pain as well, but managed to crawl away from me. I don't know how long I laid there crying, but it felt like hours. "Kelly?" Jonas called. I could hear his footsteps coming towards me, fast and heavy. "Kelly, are you alright? What happened?!" He frantically asked. "My mate...he rejected me." I said, breaking into an ugly sob.
The Alpha King And His Human Luna
Updated at May 29, 2023, 09:19
Book 2 Standalone Story "Whiskey." I barked over the loud music. I leaned my back against the bar, staring out into the crowd. Things were starting to get wild; body shots, drugs, strippers, all started to come out. It smelled like smoke, booze, and cum. That is until the most heavenly smell hit my nose. What was that? Coconut? Vanilla? It was intense and overwhelming, putting my dampened senses on overdrive. "Whiskey." The bartender called. I turned back to the counter, reaching for the drink, when someone snatched it before I could get to it. "Hey that\'s mine-" I started to protest, my words falling short when my eyes laid on her. The coconut and vanilla scent was wafting off of her. "Mate!" Dean yelled in my head. "It cant be..." "Oh, I\'m sorry-" She started but stopped, gasping, when her big brown eyes laid on mine. Any thoughts I had about returning to the women at my table were soon forgotten. "Its fine." I said, taking calculated steps towards her, stalking my prey. She had long, silky black hair, and was about 5\'6\'\', maybe a little less on account of the high heels she had on. She wore a black long-sleeved top and black mini skirt with fishnet stockings and a fake set of cat ears on top of her head. Her makeup matched her outfit, making her look like a black cat with whiskers and all. "Split it with me?" She said, batting her eyes at me. Her face turned bright red the moment I took it from her. I took a big gulp then placed the glass on her lips. "Finish it," I said, licking my lips. She hesitated but obeyed, downing the rest. I could see her eyes studying me, not sure what to make of me. Being an Alpha made me bigger and stronger than most. I stood at a comfortable six foot four, my body well sculpted from years of exercise and a killer metabolism. I had thick brown tousled hair, looking more on the wild side than the professional side most days. Add in a pair of vibrant green eyes and, well, I was a lady killer. "Do you wanna.." She started to ask but blushed again and hung her head, avoiding looking at me. I took her chin between my thumb and pointer fingers, tilting it up to face me. "Do I want to what?" I asked, stepping closer to her. She took a deep, steadying breath. "Wanna get out of here?" She said, her eyes filled with lust. "My place or yours?" I whispered into her ear, my teeth grazing the soft flesh of her neck. "Yours." She shivered, her hands grabbing onto me for stability. "Lets go, Kitten." I winked, and she smiled. I led her slowly to the front entrance, my hand on the small of her back.