Story By GreysZombie27


Updated at Sep 16, 2021, 04:46
Lucy Carson is a rich girl, keeps it hidden because she can’t stand fake friends. At the beginning of 6th grade a group of guys, Landon, Tanner and Grayson torment Lucy everyday. They hurt her repeatedly every school year, summer was the only break she got from being beat up and teased. If only they knew her life, they’d want to be her friend instead of hurting her every chance they got. They were truly assholes, they didn’t care about anyone unless they had money. Lucy would have more friends, but she didn’t want people to only like her because she had money, that was horrible. She has this incredible next door neighbor Trevor, who secretly loves her, he doesn’t tell her because of all the bullying. He feels she’ll isolate herself more if she knew. Little does he know Lucy likes him back. Her best friends Savannah and Chelsea try their best to help her through the school year, not knowing she has begun to hurt herself over the bullying.
Haunted Ave
Updated at Sep 16, 2021, 04:46
Jillian Fox is a 26 year old, single and finds a roommate online to rent a house with, when she meets Gerald Gillum she finds him attractive but she isn't looking for a relationship with anyone, the f "I'm at work Daryl." "I know, I just wanted to check on you! Harry said you're covered in bruises!" My brother says through the phone. I sigh, "I got into it with a junkie in the ER that attacked me last night and I fell at home, I'm fine, the new house just needs some getting used to I'll be fine, I have a roommate I'm not alone," I say into my phone as I walk into the ER. "Okay sis! Call if you need me! Don't be a stranger!" He says, "I love you!" "I love you too and I will Dar!" I say smiling. "Bye sis," he says. "Bye bro," I say as I hang up and put my phone into my pocket and pull my pager out, turning it on. I go grab my tablet for my patients, I clock in at the desk, then login into my tablet and access my patient files for the night, I head for Trauma Bay 1 to check vitals on a patient waiting for Ortho, "Hello I'm Jill your nurse, I'm just here to check your vitals before Ortho gets here to check out that leg," I say sweetly smiling at the girl in front Of me. "It hurts so much!" She cries out, I check out her leg and it's bruised badly. "I understand, Ortho is on their way," I say trying to reassure her as I begin to check her vitals then type them into my tablet. As I go to leave she grabs my arm, causing me to make a face since it was on the bad bruise that was covered with my long sleeve, I push it away as I ask, "What's wrong Alex?" "I'm scared! My parents are going to kill me!" She cries out, then begins to cry. I sit on the chair near her bed, "I'm sure they will only care that you're alive, can you tell me how this happened?" "I was goofing off with my friends doing flips and I screwed one up and ended up on the ground, landing wrong on my leg, and hence why it's probably broken, it hurts so badly," She cries more. I hit the page butt