Story By Zombie Unicorn

Zombie Unicorn

I\'m a 34 year young wife & mother. My family & I live in Missouri. I have 1 child, my daughter.
Triad Family
Updated at Dec 13, 2021, 08:43
This is the Triad Trilogy. Where the story of Novah, Max & Melissa. We're going to see how their relationship changes & evolves but is it for the better? Or is it going to tear them all apart? Can love really conquer all?
Triad Storm
Updated at Oct 11, 2021, 07:57
This is the sequel to Triad Love. Novah is having a hard time juggling pregnancy, love and fear. Will Sam and his evil plan catch up to her? Or will she finally be rid of him? With Max and Melissa's help anything is possible.
Triad Love
Updated at Sep 13, 2021, 09:16
Ever wondered how life would go when you're in love with your friend? Novah has always had a thing for her friend, Max. After a one night stand she finally realizes it will never happen...or will it? A co-worker falls for her & puts her relationship with Max in jeopardy but its her life she's fighting for. Novah has done something that she will either regret or be proud of in the future. What if she falls on her face? If you're curious to see what happens please read. Keep in mind some scenes may be a little detailed. So read at your own risk.