Story By Karen Myers

Karen Myers

The Hounds of Annwn (1-5)
Updated at Mar 24, 2021, 19:37
Book Bundle for The Hounds of Annwn: Books 1 thru 5. To Carry the Horn: Book 1 of The Hounds of Annwn. AN ENTIRE KINGDOM BUILT AROUND A SUPERNATURAL NEED FOR JUSTICE, ENFORCED BY THE WILD HUNT AND THE HOUNDS OF HELL. What would you do if you blundered into a strange world, where all around you was the familiar landscape of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, but the inhabitants were the long-lived fae, and you the only human? George Talbot Traherne stumbles across the murdered huntsman of the Wild Hunt, and is drafted into finding out who did it. Oh, and assigned the task of taking the huntsman's place with the Hounds of Hell, whether he wants the job or not. The antlered god Cernunnos is the sponsor of this kingdom, and he requires its king to conduct the annual hunt for justice in pursuit of an evil criminal, or else lose his right to the kingship, and possibly end up hunted himself. Success is far from guaranteed, and no human has held the post. George discovers his own blood links to the fae king, and he's determined to try. But Cernunnos himself has a personal role to play, and George will have to sort out just why he's the one who's been chosen for the task. And whether he has any chance of surviving the job. Find out what it's like to live in a world where you can help the Right to prevail, even if it might cost you everything. To Carry the Horn is the first book of The Hounds of Annwn. The Ways of Winter: Book 2 of The Hounds of Annwn. TRAPPED BEHIND ENEMY LINES, CAN HE FIND THE STRENGTH TO DEFEND ALL THAT HE VALUES MOST, OR EVEN JUST TO SURVIVE? It’s the dead of winter and George Talbot Traherne, the new human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is in trouble. The damage in Gwyn ap Nudd's domain reveals the deadly powers of a dangerous foe who has mastered an unstoppable weapon and threatens the fae dominions in both the new and the old worlds. Secure in his unbreachable stronghold, the enemy holds hostages and has no compunction about using them in deadly experiments with newly discovered way-technology. Only George has a chance to reach him in time to prevent the loss of thousands of lives, even if it costs him everything. Welcome to the portrait of a paladin in-the-making, Can he carry out a rescue without the deaths of all involved? Will his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, help him, or just write him off as a dead loss? He has a family to protect and a world to save, and little time to do it in. King of the May: Book 3 of The Hounds of Annwn. MORE VALUABLE AS A WEAPON THAN A KINGMAKER, HE MUST MAKE HIS OWN CHOICES TO SECURE THE FUTURE. George Talbot Traherne, the human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, had hoped to settle into a quiet life with his new family, but it was not to be. Gwyn ap Nudd, Prince of Annwn, has plans to secure his domain in the new world from the overbearing interference of his father Lludd, the King of Britain. The security of George's family is bound to that of his overlord, and he vows to help. But when he and his companions stand against Lludd and his allies at court, disaster overturns all their plans and even threatens the Hounds of Annwn themselves. George and his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, must survive a subtle attack that undermines them both. Other gods and gods-to-be have taken an interest, but the fae are divided in their allegiances and fear the threat of deadly new powers in their unchanging lives. George and his companions must save themselves if they are to persuade their potential allies to help. But how can they do so, attacked on so many fronts at once? Will he put his family into greater jeopardy by trying to defend them? Bound into the Blood: Book 4 of The Hounds of Annwn. DISTURBING THE FAMILY SECRETS COULD BRING RUIN TO EVERYTHING HE’S WORKED SO HARD TO BUILD. George Talbot Traherne, the human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is preparing for the birth of his child by exploring the family papers about his parents and their deaths. When his improved relationship with his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, is jeopardized by an unexpected opposition, he finds he must choose between loyalty to family and loyalty to a god. He discovers he doesn’t know either of them as well as he thought he did. His search for answers takes him to the human world with unsuitable companions. How will he keep a rock-wight safe from detection, or even teach her the rules of the road? And what will he awaken in the process, bringing disaster back to his family on his own doorstep? What if his loyalty is misplaced? What will be the price of his mistakes? Tales of Annwn: A story collection from The Hounds of Annwn. The Call – A very young Rhian discovers her beast-sense and, with it, the call of a lost hound. It’s not safe in the woods where cries for help can attract unwelcome attention, but two youngsters discover their courage in the teeth of necessity. Under the Bough – Angharad hasn’t lived with anyone for hundreds of years, but now she is ready to tie the knot with George Talbot Traherne, the human who has entered the fae otherworld to serve as huntsman for the Wild Hunt. As soon as she can make up her mind, anyway. George has been swept away by his new job and the people he has met, and by none more so than Angharad. But how can she value the short life of a human? And what will happen to her after he’s gone? Night Hunt – When George Talbot Traherne goes night hunting for fox in Virginia, he learns about unworthy men from the old-timers drinking moonshine around the fire and makes his own choices. Who could have anticipated that the same impulse that won him his old bluetick coonhound would lead him to his new wife and the hounds of Annwn? Every choice has a cost, he realizes, but never a regret. Cariad – Luhedoc is off with his adopted nephew Benitoe to fetch horses for the Golden Cockerel Inn. He’s been reunited with his beloved Maëlys at last, but how can he fit into her capable life as an innkeeper? What use is he to her now, after all these years? Luhedoc needs to relearn an important lesson about confidence. The Empty Hills – George Talbot Traherne arranges a small tour of the local human world for his fae family and friends, hoping to share some of the sense of wonder he discovered when he encountered the fae otherworld. He’s worried about discovery by other humans, but things don’t turn out quite the way he expects.
The Chained Adept (1-4)
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Books 1-4 of The Chained Adept. 1: The Chained Adept. MEET A POWERFUL WIZARD WITH UNANSWERED QUESTION--AND AN UNBREAKABLE CHIN AROUND HER NECK. Have you ever wondered how you might rise to a dangerous situation and become the hero that was needed? The wizard Penrys has barely gained her footing in the country where she was found three years ago, chained around the neck and wiped of all knowledge. And now, an ill-planned experiment has sent her a quarter of the way around her world. One magic working has called to another and landed Penrys in the middle of an ugly war between neighboring countries, half a world away. No one has any reason to trust her amid rumors of wizards where they don’t belong. And she fears to let them know just what she can do--especially since she can't explain herself to them and she doesn't know everything about herself either. Penrys has her own problems, and she doesn't have any place in this conflict. But they need her, whether they realize it or not. And so she's determined to try and lend a hand, if she can. Whatever it takes. And once she discovers there's another chained adept, even stronger than she is, she's hooked. Friend or foe, she has questions for him -- oh, yes, she does. All she wants is a firm foundation for the rest of her life, with a side helping of retribution, and if she has to fix things along the way, well, so be it. 2: Mistress of Animals. AN ERRANT CHILD WITH DISASTROUS POWERS AND NO ONE TO STAND IN HER WAY. Penrys, the wizard with a chain and an unknown past, is drafted to find out what has happened to an entire clan of the nomadic Zannib. Nothing but their empty tents remain, abandoned on the autumn steppe with their herds. This wasn’t a detour she’d planned on making, but there’s little choice. Winter is coming, and hundreds are missing. The locals don’t trust her, but that’s nothing new. The question is, can she trust herself, when she discovers what her life might have been? Assuming, of course, that the price of so many dead was worth paying for it. 3: Broken Devices. CHAINS WITHOUT WIZARDS AND A RISING COUNT OF THE DEAD. The largest city in the world has just discovered its missing wizards. It seems the Kigali empire has ignited a panic that threatens internal ruin and the only chained wizard it knows that’s still alive is Penrys. The living wizards and the dead are not her people, not unless she makes them so. All they have in common is a heavy chain and a dead past -- the lives that were stolen from them are beyond recall. What remains are unanswered questions about who made them this way. And why. And what Penrys plans to do to find out. 4: On a Crooked Track. SETTING A TRAP TO CATCH THE MAKERS OF CHAINED WIZARDS. A clue has sent Penrys back to Ellech, the country where she first appeared four short years ago with her mind wiped, her body stripped, and her neck chained. It's time to enlist the help of the Collegium of Wizards which sheltered her then. Things don't work out that way, and she finds herself retracing a dead scholar's crooked track and setting herself up as a target to confirm her growing suspicions. But what happens to bait when the prey shows its teeth? In this conclusion to the series, tracking old crimes brings new dangers, and a chance for redemption.
The Chained Adept (3-4)
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Books 3-4 of The Chained Adept. 3: Broken Devices. CHAINS WITHOUT WIZARDS AND A RISING COUNT OF THE DEAD. The largest city in the world has just discovered its missing wizards. It seems the Kigali empire has ignited a panic that threatens internal ruin and the only chained wizard it knows that’s still alive is Penrys. The living wizards and the dead are not her people, not unless she makes them so. All they have in common is a heavy chain and a dead past -- the lives that were stolen from them are beyond recall. What remains are unanswered questions about who made them this way. And why. And what Penrys plans to do to find out. 4: On a Crooked Track. SETTING A TRAP TO CATCH THE MAKERS OF CHAINED WIZARDS. A clue has sent Penrys back to Ellech, the country where she first appeared four short years ago with her mind wiped, her body stripped, and her neck chained. It's time to enlist the help of the Collegium of Wizards which sheltered her then. Things don't work out that way, and she finds herself retracing a dead scholar's crooked track and setting herself up as a target to confirm her growing suspicions. But what happens to bait when the prey shows its teeth? In this conclusion to the series, tracking old crimes brings new dangers, and a chance for redemption.
The Chained Adept (1-2)
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Books 1-2 of The Chained Adept. 1: The Chained Adept. MEET A POWERFUL WIZARD WITH UNANSWERED QUESTION--AND AN UNBREAKABLE CHIN AROUND HER NECK. Have you ever wondered how you might rise to a dangerous situation and become the hero that was needed? The wizard Penrys has barely gained her footing in the country where she was found three years ago, chained around the neck and wiped of all knowledge. And now, an ill-planned experiment has sent her a quarter of the way around her world. One magic working has called to another and landed Penrys in the middle of an ugly war between neighboring countries, half a world away. No one has any reason to trust her amid rumors of wizards where they don’t belong. And she fears to let them know just what she can do--especially since she can't explain herself to them and she doesn't know everything about herself either. Penrys has her own problems, and she doesn't have any place in this conflict. But they need her, whether they realize it or not. And so she's determined to try and lend a hand, if she can. Whatever it takes. And once she discovers there's another chained adept, even stronger than she is, she's hooked. Friend or foe, she has questions for him -- oh, yes, she does. All she wants is a firm foundation for the rest of her life, with a side helping of retribution, and if she has to fix things along the way, well, so be it. 2: Mistress of Animals. AN ERRANT CHILD WITH DISASTROUS POWERS AND NO ONE TO STAND IN HER WAY. Penrys, the wizard with a chain and an unknown past, is drafted to find out what has happened to an entire clan of the nomadic Zannib. Nothing but their empty tents remain, abandoned on the autumn steppe with their herds. This wasn’t a detour she’d planned on making, but there’s little choice. Winter is coming, and hundreds are missing. The locals don’t trust her, but that’s nothing new. The question is, can she trust herself, when she discovers what her life might have been? Assuming, of course, that the price of so many dead was worth paying for it.
The Hounds of Annwn (1-2)
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
AN ENTIRE KINGDOM BUILT AROUND A SUPERNATURAL NEED FOR JUSTICE, ENFORCED BY THE WILD HUNT AND THE HOUNDS OF HELL. What would you do if you blundered into a strange world, where all around you was the familiar landscape of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, but the inhabitants were the long-lived fae, and you the only human? George Talbot Traherne stumbles across the murdered huntsman of the Wild Hunt, and is drafted into finding out who did it. Oh, and assigned the task of taking the huntsman's place with the Hounds of Hell, whether he wants the job or not. The antlered god Cernunnos is the sponsor of this kingdom, and he requires its king to conduct the annual hunt for justice in pursuit of an evil criminal, or else lose his right to the kingship, and possibly end up hunted himself. Success is far from guaranteed, and no human has held the post. George discovers his own blood links to the fae king, and he's determined to try. But Cernunnos himself has a personal role to play, and George will have to sort out just why he's the one who's been chosen for the task. And whether he has any chance of surviving the job. Find out what it's like to live in a world where you can help the Right to prevail, even if it might cost you everything. The Ways of Winter: Book 2 of The Hounds of Annwn. TRAPPED BEHIND ENEMY LINES, CAN HE FIND THE STRENGTH TO DEFEND ALL THAT HE VALUES MOST, OR EVEN JUST TO SURVIVE? It’s the dead of winter and George Talbot Traherne, the new human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is in trouble. The damage in Gwyn ap Nudd's domain reveals the deadly powers of a dangerous foe who has mastered an unstoppable weapon and threatens the fae dominions in both the new and the old worlds. Secure in his unbreachable stronghold, the enemy holds hostages and has no compunction about using them in deadly experiments with newly discovered way-technology. Only George has a chance to reach him in time to prevent the loss of thousands of lives, even if it costs him everything. Welcome to the portrait of a paladin in-the-making, Can he carry out a rescue without the deaths of all involved? Will his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, help him, or just write him off as a dead loss? He has a family to protect and a world to save, and little time to do it in.
The Hounds of Annwn (3-5)
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
A bundle of books from The Hounds of Annwn - Books 3-5. MORE VALUABLE AS A WEAPON THAN A KINGMAKER, HE MUST MAKE HIS OWN CHOICES TO SECURE THE FUTURE. King of the May – Book 3 of The Hounds of Annwn.    George Talbot Traherne, the human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, had hoped to settle into a quiet life with his new family, but it was not to be.  Gwyn ap Nudd, Prince of Annwn, has plans to secure his domain in the new world from the overbearing interference of his father Lludd, the King of Britain. The security of George's family is bound to that of his overlord, and he vows to help.  But when he and his companions stand against Lludd and his allies at court, disaster overturns all their plans and even threatens the Hounds of Annwn themselves. George and his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, must survive a subtle attack that undermines them both.  Other gods and gods-to-be have taken an interest, but the fae are divided in their allegiances and fear the threat of deadly new powers in their unchanging lives. George and his companions must save themselves if they are to persuade their potential allies to help.  But how can they do so, attacked on so many fronts at once?  Will he put his family into greater jeopardy by trying to defend them? DISTURBING THE FAMILY SECRETS COULD BRING RUIN TO EVERYTHING HE’S WORKED SO HARD TO BUILD. Bound into the Blood – Book 4 of The Hounds of Annwn. George Talbot Traherne, the human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is preparing for the birth of his child by exploring the family papers about his parents and their deaths.  When his improved relationship with his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, is jeopardized by an unexpected opposition, he finds he must choose between loyalty to family and loyalty to a god. He discovers he doesn't know either of them as well as he thought.  His search for answers takes him to the human world with unsuitable companions. How will he keep a rock-wight safe from detection, or even teach her the rules of the road?  And what will he awaken in the process, bringing disaster back to his family on his own doorstep?  What if his loyalty is misplaced? Tales of Annwn – A Story Collection from The Hounds of Annwn. THE CALL: A very young Rhian discovers her beast-sense and rushes to the rescue of an errant hound. UNDER THE BOUGH: Angharad hasn’t lived with anyone for hundreds of years, but now she is ready to tie the knot with George Talbot Traherne, the human who has entered the fae otherworld to serve as huntsman for the Wild Hunt. As soon as she can make up her mind, anyway. NIGHT HUNT: George Talbot Traherne goes night hunting for fox in Virginia and thinks about the choices he has made. CARIAD: Benitoe and Luhedoc are off to fetch horses for the Golden Cockerel Inn in Edgewood. Luhedoc needs to relearn an important lesson about confidence. THE EMPTY HILLS: George Talbot Traherne shows a bit of the human world to family and friends, hoping to share some of the sense of wonder he discovered when he encountered the fae otherworld.
To Carry the Horn
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
AN ENTIRE KINGDOM BUILT AROUND A SUPERNATURAL NEED FOR JUSTICE, ENFORCED BY THE WILD HUNT AND THE HOUNDS OF HELL. What would you do if you blundered into a strange world, where all around you was the familiar landscape of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, but the inhabitants were the long-lived fae, and you the only human? George Talbot Traherne stumbles across the murdered huntsman of the Wild Hunt, and is drafted into finding out who did it. Oh, and assigned the task of taking the huntsman's place with the Hounds of Hell, whether he wants the job or not. The antlered god Cernunnos is the sponsor of this kingdom, and he requires its king to conduct the annual hunt for justice in pursuit of an evil criminal, or else lose his right to the kingship, and possibly end up hunted himself. Success is far from guaranteed, and no human has held the post. George discovers his own blood links to the fae king, and he's determined to try. But Cernunnos himself has a personal role to play, and George will have to sort out just why he's the one who's been chosen for the task. And whether he has any chance of surviving the job. Find out what it's like to live in a world where you can help the Right to prevail, even if it might cost you everything. To Carry the Horn is the first book of The Hounds of Annwn.
The Ways of Winter
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
TRAPPED BEHIND ENEMY LINES, CAN HE FIND THE STRENGTH TO DEFEND ALL THAT HE VALUES MOST, OR EVEN JUST TO SURVIVE? Book 2 of The Hounds of Annwn. It’s the dead of winter and George Talbot Traherne, the new human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is in trouble. The damage in Gwyn ap Nudd's domain reveals the deadly powers of a dangerous foe who has mastered an unstoppable weapon and threatens the fae dominions in both the new and the old worlds. Secure in his unbreachable stronghold, the enemy holds hostages and has no compunction about using them in deadly experiments with newly discovered way-technology. Only George has a chance to reach him in time to prevent the loss of thousands of lives, even if it costs him everything. Welcome to the portrait of a paladin in-the-making, Can he carry out a rescue without the deaths of all involved? Will his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, help him, or just write him off as a dead loss? He has a family to protect and a world to save, and little time to do it in.
Bound into the Blood
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
DISTURBING THE FAMILY SECRETS COULD BRING RUIN TO EVERYTHING HE’S WORKED SO HARD TO BUILD. Book 4 of The Hounds of Annwn. George Talbot Traherne, the human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, is preparing for the birth of his child by exploring the family papers about his parents and their deaths. When his improved relationship with his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, is jeopardized by an unexpected opposition, he finds he must choose between loyalty to family and loyalty to a god. He discovers he doesn’t know either of them as well as he thought he did. His search for answers takes him to the human world with unsuitable companions. How will he keep a rock-wight safe from detection, or even teach her the rules of the road? And what will he awaken in the process, bringing disaster back to his family on his own doorstep? What if his loyalty is misplaced? What will be the price of his mistakes?
Broken Devices
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
Book 3 of The Chained Adept. CHAINS WITHOUT WIZARDS AND A RISING COUNT OF THE DEAD. The largest city in the world has just discovered its missing wizards. It seems the Kigali empire has ignited a panic that threatens internal ruin and the only chained wizard it knows that’s still alive is Penrys. The living wizards and the dead are not her people, not unless she makes them so. All they have in common is a heavy chain and a dead past -- the lives that were stolen from them are beyond recall. What remains are unanswered questions about who made them this way. And why. And what Penrys plans to do to find out.
The Chained Adept
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
MEET A POWERFUL WIZARD WITH UNANSWERED QUESTIONS--AND AN UNBREAKABLE CHAIN AROUND HER NECK. Have you ever wondered how you might rise to a dangerous situation and become the hero that was needed? The wizard Penrys has barely gained her footing in the country where she was found three years ago, chained around the neck and wiped of all knowledge. And now, an ill-planned experiment has sent her a quarter of the way around her world. One magic working has called to another and landed Penrys in the middle of an ugly war between neighboring countries, half a world away. No one has any reason to trust her amid rumors of wizards where they don’t belong. And she fears to let them know just what she can do--especially since she can't explain herself to them and she doesn't know everything about herself either. Penrys has her own problems, and she doesn't have any place in this conflict. But they need her, whether they realize it or not. And so she's determined to try and lend a hand, if she can. Whatever it takes. And once she discovers there's another chained adept, even stronger than she is, she's hooked. Friend or foe, she has questions for him -- oh, yes, she does. All she wants is a firm foundation for the rest of her life, with a side helping of retribution, and if she has to fix things along the way, well, so be it. The Chained Adept is the first book of the series.
On a Crooked Track
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
Book 4 of The Chained Adept. SETTING A TRAP TO CATCH THE MAKERS OF CHAINED WIZARDS. A clue has sent Penrys back to Ellech, the country where she first appeared four short years ago with her mind wiped, her body stripped, and her neck chained. It's time to enlist the help of the Collegium of Wizards which sheltered her then. Things don't work out that way, and she finds herself retracing a dead scholar's crooked track and setting herself up as a target to confirm her growing suspicions. But what happens to bait when the prey shows its teeth? In this conclusion to the series, tracking old crimes brings new dangers, and a chance for redemption.
Mistress of Animals
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
Book 2 of The Chained Adept. AN ERRANT CHILD WITH DISASTROUS POWERS AND NO ONE TO STAND IN HER WAY. Penrys, the wizard with a chain and an unknown past, is drafted to find out what has happened to an entire clan of the nomadic Zannib. Nothing but their empty tents remain, abandoned on the autumn steppe with their herds. This wasn’t a detour she’d planned on making, but there’s little choice. Winter is coming, and hundreds are missing. The locals don’t trust her, but that’s nothing new. The question is, can she trust herself, when she discovers what her life might have been? Assuming, of course, that the price of so many dead was worth paying for it.
King of the May
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
MORE VALUABLE AS A WEAPON THAN A KINGMAKER, HE MUST MAKE HIS OWN CHOICES TO SECURE THE FUTURE. Book 3 of The Hounds of Annwn. George Talbot Traherne, the human huntsman for the Wild Hunt, had hoped to settle into a quiet life with his new family, but it was not to be. Gwyn ap Nudd, Prince of Annwn, has plans to secure his domain in the new world from the overbearing interference of his father Lludd, the King of Britain. The security of George's family is bound to that of his overlord, and he vows to help. But when he and his companions stand against Lludd and his allies at court, disaster overturns all their plans and even threatens the Hounds of Annwn themselves. George and his patron, the antlered god Cernunnos, must survive a subtle attack that undermines them both. Other gods and gods-to-be have taken an interest, but the fae are divided in their allegiances and fear the threat of deadly new powers in their unchanging lives. George and his companions must save themselves if they are to persuade their potential allies to help. But how can they do so, attacked on so many fronts at once? Will he put his family into greater jeopardy by trying to defend them?