Story By mocking_bird


Go forth. Go north.
Rich lies & poor truths
Updated at Feb 8, 2022, 10:00
Riley has a secret. A secret that she doesn't know about, until she meets the mesmerizing CEO of a business company, Stephen. He changes her perspective of life completely. Stephen is set to safe Riley from the dark circles erupting when her father disappears and he leaves clues of who she really is behind. Is she willing to find out the truth? Or will she stay trapped in the wicked events of what happened and is happening to her. The only question is: why does she keep forgetting them?
Werewolves & Witches
Updated at Jan 12, 2022, 09:26
With forbidden love, Rosalie was born and lived in secret as the most powerful being on earth. In the wolrd she lived in, no love were allowed. It was love and once you turned eighteen, you get paired with another powerful specie to provide a more powerful being. They mixed blood with witches, werewolfs, sirens and all other supernatural beings, trying to find the perfect one. But they don't know that she already exits. Rosalie has to fight for herself and also her brewing love for a pack member.
Imprinting on a nun
Updated at Jan 5, 2022, 11:05
Charlie never thought that she would be held captive in a convent full of nuns. Without choice she becomes one, learning that there's a deep dark secret all the purely beautiful nuns hold. When things can't get more worse a werewolf imprints on her and she can't help but feel an electric connection towards him. But what is it to become a nun? Charlie has to fight through her temptation and become what the nuns really are.
Obsessed with the Ceo
Updated at Dec 29, 2021, 10:12
In a world where Casey got tired of being the left out lone girl she decided to change completely. Straining necks on the schooo grounds she also strain necks of a certain CEO, but she doesn't know that yet so shhh. This CEO makes her life entertaining with little papers containing clues, for Casey to find an adventure he wants to put her on. But when things get to aggressive and dark, Casey realizes there's notjing6she wouldn't do for him even though she still haven't met him yet.
Behind the display
Updated at Nov 30, 2021, 09:57
Emily, chosen to stand behind the display in a month's time because of her extinct beauty. But in a month's time questions arise and she has to face the truth. They want to destroy all the beauty in the world and the glass display is only the beginning of it. When she meets the CEO who began all this, she has to fight between love and the truth. Is her who he says he is?
Saved by a CEO
Updated at May 31, 2021, 09:35
Living in a sex house since a child, Tameryn faces her worst fate everyday. Wanting to escape frok her world of sex and drugs, she is thrown in Cameron's hands who would do anything to save her although he has he's own mysterious secrets, she can't help but think why would a man like him save a girl like her.