Story By CyneBurn004


White Eagle - Please, read it first Discord: Cyeburn004
Honey Empire: Building the Sacred Empire
Updated at Apr 28, 2024, 09:00
Sacred treasures are bestowed upon men, scattered all around the world and through the ages. It has such power that it can be used to protect, build, or destroy. Crown prince Evan Shawn Siegmund, at the age of 24, is now ascending the royal throne. The handsome, angelic-looking rebellious prince will be taking over the strong empire that was built by his father, William Lance Seigmund. This is the story of a prince of assassins who became a Strong Capable Ruler.
Unleash the Time Keeper
Updated at Dec 13, 2021, 10:20
Tom was a typical timid young man. During his college class a tall man entered to his public college school but unseemly his existence is a little odd to the people below. He often get smoothly glide into situations and no one ever question his sudden appearance. That made Tom a little curious about his identity. When he was about to test and see for himself who the guy is. He was stonished to find out that the guy's ulterior motive in entering that college was because of him. "Gifted one" he said. He was trembling when said it to him but then after everything happens more unsual as before. First, he thought he was insane but he doesn't know that he was gifted by a supernatural power. Let me show you Gemini. "Your true name is Gemini" he said.
I have Fallen in Love with a Sacrifice
Updated at Dec 13, 2021, 02:34
There was a young winged messenger that falls in love to a young girl who was intended to be sacrifice to their god. He was highly intrigue with the ways of men and befriend the young lady pretending to be the god in that temple. It was too late when he notice that she became so important to her and even falls in love with her. How will their love survive?