Story By Bgloria179


in us we trust
Updated at Apr 21, 2024, 04:15
I love fruit but only if it's forbidden come along on the journey of a lifetime
I’ll love you forever
Updated at May 18, 2022, 00:27
What if you see the person you never expected to see again what if that person broke your heart into a billion pieces what if your billion dollar company could save his company what if you wanted revenge from his betrayal would you hurt him like he hurt you or will you be the bigger person Azara He was my light in a town full of snobs and bullies he was my protector he whispered sweet dreams in my ear while giving me even sweeter kisses and then he broke me his betrayal lingers like a bad breath now I know no longer see the light Sin She was my strength through all the hard times she stood beside me she helped me when I was down and clapped for me when I was doing good she was my biggest fan when I started my business and then she become a person I never thought she would be or so i thought but that doesn’t matter because the betrayal sits so heavy on my chest that it’s starting to cave in my strength is no longer here
Placing your world in my arms
Updated at Sep 4, 2021, 22:03
Life was great I was daddy's little princess i never had to lift a finger I spent my time hanging with friends and talking about the latest gossip but now dad is gone and I am the first female mafia leader to ever lead the Popov family everyone thinks I will fail but I can't I have to carry out my fathers last mission and find who kidnapped my mom but then I seen him the one I'm suppose to hate but hate is such a strong word for someone who looks and acts like him but I cannot let this weird attraction for him get in my way I Inessa Popov will be the best leader of the Russian mafia and I will prove it Life was great I was oblivious to all the things my father did I hung with friends and I didn't even have to work how cool is that I never even imagined taking on the family business but now that my dad is gone I don't have an option the bad thing is I feel like everyone is out to get me and the time is ticking so fast but I have no clue who is lurking to take my place all I do know is the way she makes me feel is something I would have never expected and we are more alike than anyone could have thought now I have to convince her to be mine like our fathers planned before everything went bad while I also try to figure out who is out to get me and why my father had so many secrets I Nicolo Ferrari will be the best leader of the Italian mafia and crush anyone who gets in my way