Story By Mark twain

Mark twain

Leben auf dem Mississippi: Nach dem fernen Westen
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:17
Leben auf dem Mississippi; Nach dem fernen Westen von Mark Twain (Life on the Mississippi) ist eine 1883 erschienene Erzählung des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Mark Twain über sein eigenes Leben als Lotse auf verschiedenen Mississippi-Dampfern in der Zeit vor und nach dem Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg. Das Buch ist mehrfach ins Deutsche übersetzt worden. 1980 wurde das Werk verfilmt.Das Buch beginnt mit einem geschichtlichen Rückblick auf die Zeit, als Hernando de Soto 1542 als erster Europäer den Fluss zu Gesicht bekam. Weiter geht der historische Streifzug über französische Entdecker wie Jacques Marquette und Robert Cavelier de La Salle im 17.Jahrhundert bis zu den ersten ständigen europäischen Siedlern. Ab der Epoche der Holzflößerei und dem Beginn der Dampfschifffahrt auf dem Strom wird die Handlung zunehmend von autobiographischen Elementen geprägt.
Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry Finn
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:17
Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry Finn von Mark Twain (im Original Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) ist der erfolgreichste Roman von Mark Twain und gilt als Schlüsselwerk der US-amerikanischen Literatur. Er wurde am 10. Dezember 1884 in Großbritannien und Kanada und am 18. Februar 1885 in den Vereinigten Staaten veröffentlicht. Die erste deutsche Übersetzung verfasste Henny Koch mit dem Titel Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer und Fahrten (1890).Der Ich-Erzähler ist Huck Finn selbst. Mark Twain simuliert die Perspektive und die Sprache eines Jungen, der seiner Zeit und seiner Umwelt verhaftet ist, sie aber auch in Frage stellt.Das Buch liefert eine detailreiche Beschreibung der Menschen und Orte an den Ufern des Mississippi und gibt ernüchternde und bissige Einblicke in die fest verwurzelten Verhaltensweisen dieser Zeit, insbesondere den Rassismus und die Sklaverei. Das Buch wird bisweilen selbst als rassistisch missverstanden, weil Jim durchweg als „Nigger“ bezeichnet wird.Mark Twain übernimmt damit gewollt eine zu der Zeit gebräuchliche Anrede für Afroamerikaner, so wie er die handelnden Figuren auch in unterschiedlichen regionalen und subkulturellen Dialekten sprechen lässt. Dieser Ansatz wird heute kritisch diskutiert. In der 2011 durch den Verlag NewSouth veröffentlichten englischsprachigen Ausgabe des Buches wurde das Wort „Nigger“ im Text durch „Slave“ ersetzt.
Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer
Updated at Apr 14, 2023, 01:40
"Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer" est un roman de Mark Twain publié en 1876. En 1876, Mark Twain est déjà connu comme journaliste et pour avoir publié d'autres œuvres avec des confrères, mais c'est son premier roman écrit seul. C'est aussi son roman le plus célèbre.Tom Sawyer est né de l'imagination de Mark Twain. C'est un jeune garçon du sud des États-Unis vivant dans le Missouri. Le roman est en partie autobiographique mais Twain a aussi donné à Tom Sawyer des caractéristiques de ses camarades d'enfance. Tom Sawyer est devenu un symbole de liberté, même si Twain le présente de façon plus contrastée.Dans l'esprit de l'auteur, c'était un roman plutôt destiné aux adultes qu'aux enfants. C'est son éditeur qui le persuada de le publier comme livre pour les jeunes garçons et jeunes filles. Il est devenu, en ayant souvent été édulcoré, un classique de la littérature pour la jeunesse.RÉSUMÉTom Sawyer et Huckleberry Finn sont deux amis aussi turbulents qu'inséparables. Tom vit chez sa tante Polly , aime à se battre avec les nouveaux venus au village et est amoureux de Becky Thatcher, la fille du Juge. Huck , son ami, mène une vie de bohème à l'image de son vagabond de père.Ce roman raconte leurs aventures. Un soir, alors qu’ils se rendent en cachette au cimetière pour enterrer un chat, Tom et Huck assistent à une scène qui les glace . Trois hommes, le docteur du village, Joe l'Indien et Muff Potter déterrent un homme. Soudain, une bagarre éclate entre les trois hommes. Joe l’Indien tue le docteur de son couteau. Puis il glisse l’arme du crime dans la main de son compère, Potter, qui est complètement ivre. Le lendemain, Potter est arrêté et accusé du meurtre.Lors du procès , Potter risque d’être condamné à la pendaison. N’écoutant que son courage, Tom dénonce Joe l’Indien , le vrai coupable. Mais ce dernier réussit à s'enfuir. Avant de s‘échapper, il promet de se venger. Grâce à leur débrouillardise, leur intelligence et leur courage, Tom et Huck réussiront à déjouer les plans du bandit. Certes ils seront en mauvaise posture dans la caverne au trésor, mais ils parviendront à...
Le avventure di Tom Sawyer
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 03:05
Le avventure di Tom SawyerTitolo originaleThe Adventures of Tom SawyerFrontespizio della prima edizione di Le avventure di Tom SawyerAutoreMark Twain1ª ed. originale1876GenereromanzoSottogenereper ragazziLingua originaleingleseAmbientazioneStati Uniti d'America (Missouri)ProtagonistiTom SawyerCoprotagonistiHuckleberry "Huck" FinnAntagonistiJoe l'indianoAltri personaggizia Polly, Mary, Becky, Sid, JoeSeguito daLe avventure di Huckleberry FinnModifica dati su Wikidata · ManualeLe avventure di Tom Sawyer (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) è un romanzo per ragazzi dello scrittore statunitense Mark Twain pubblicato nel 1876; si tratta della prima di quattro opere collegate tra loro, la seconda delle quali, sorta di seguito ideale, è Le avventure di Huckleberry Finn, la terza e la quarta (molto meno note) Tom Sawyer Detective e Tom Sawyer Abroad. Sono raccontate le avventure di un ragazzino che vive nel sud degli Stati Uniti, in un periodo di tempo di poco precedente alla guerra di secessione, ed è ambientato nella cittadina fittizia di St. Petersburg in Missouri, sulle rive del grande fiume Mississippi. Luoghi e persone sono in parte autobiografici, ispirati quindi alla vita di Twain, alla sua famiglia ed agli amici d'infanzia. Mark Twain (pseudonimo di Samuel Langhorne Clemens) dice testualmente di questo libro:«La gran parte delle avventure riportate in questo libro sono accadute realmente. Un paio sono esperienze personali, le altre di quei ragazzi che erano a scuola con me. Huck Finn è preso dal vero, e così Tom Sawyer. Tom, però, non nasce da una persona sola: per lui ho messo insieme il carattere di tre ragazzi che conoscevo, il risultato è quindi un'architettura d'ordine composito. Le singolari superstizioni di cui parlo erano molto comuni tra i ragazzi e gli schiavi dell'Ovest ai tempi di questa storia, ossia trenta o quaranta anni fa. .... Hartford, 1876»Da Wikipedia
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Updated at Jul 3, 2022, 20:14
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is an 1876 novel by Mark Twain about a boy growing up along the Mississippi River. It is set in the 1840s in the town of St. Petersburg, which is based on Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived as a boy.In the novel, Tom Sawyer has several adventures, often with his friend Huckleberry Finn. Originally a commercial failure, the book ended up being the best selling of Twain's works during his lifetime.Though overshadowed by its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the book is considered by many to be a masterpiece of American literature. It was one of the first novels to be written on a typewriter.Tom Sawyer is an orphan who lives with his aunt, Polly, and his half-brother, Sid, in the town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, which is based on Hannibal, Missouri, where Mark Twain originally lived, sometime in the 1840s. A fun-loving boy, Tom skips school to go swimming and is made to whitewash his aunt's fence for the entirety of the next day, Saturday, as punishment.In one of the most famous scenes in American literature, Tom cleverly persuades the several neighborhood children to trade him small trinkets and treasures for the "privilege" of doing his tedious work, using reverse psychology to convince them it is an enjoyable activity. Later, Tom trades the trinkets with other students for several denominations of tickets, obtained at the local Sunday school for memorizing verses of Scripture.Tom then exchanges the tickets with the minister for a prized Bible, despite being one of the worst students in the Sunday school and knowing almost nothing of Scripture, eliciting envy from the students and a mixture of pride and shock from the adults.
Tom Sawyer Abroad (Annotated)
Updated at May 16, 2022, 19:39
Do you think Tom Sawyer was content after all of his adventures? I'm referring to our river exploits, as well as the time we released Jim free and Tom was wounded in the leg. He wasn't, no. He was only p'isoned for more. That was the only impact it had. When we three returned up the river in glory, as you might say, from our long journey, and the hamlet greeted us with a torchlight parade and speeches, and everyone hurrahed and shouted, it made us heroes, and Tom Sawyer had always wanted to be one.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Annotated)
Updated at May 15, 2022, 20:19
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a nostalgic portrait of a world Mark Twain knew well, depicts the stirring narrative of a child who must forge his own path in an often brutal society where assisting a runaway slave is considered a sin. Iacopo Bruno's new graphics and a modern cover grace this version. This new appearance coincides with the release of The Absolutely True Adventures of Becky Thatcher and a new version of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson
Updated at May 13, 2022, 02:12
The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson begins with the act of a young slave girl exchanging her light-skinned child, fearing for its safety, for that of her master's. From this reversal of identities evolves a suspenseful murder mystery and courtroom drama. "The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson" is everything one would expect from a novel by Mark Twain. On the surface it is a witty and satirical tale but as one digs deeper a biting social commentary of racial inequality can be found.
The Prince and the Pauper (Unabridged)
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:31
The Prince and the Pauper: Unabridged with all the Illustrations by Mark Twain.This is the story of two young boys, one a prince and the other a pauper, who look identical. They meet and on a whim trade places. Unfortunately each ends up trapped in the other's world. The result is a great adventure story told by the master storyteller Mark Twain. The text is unabridged and includes 114 vintage illustrations.Set in sixteenth-century England, Mark Twain's classic "tale for young people of all ages" features two identical-looking boys - a prince and a pauper - who trade clothes and step into each other's lives. While the urchin, Tom Canty, discovers luxury and power, Prince Edward, dressed in rags, roams his kingdom and experiences the cruelties inflicted on the poor by the Tudor monarchy.When young Edward VI of England and a poor boy who resembles him exchange places, each learns something about the other's very different station in life.
The Complete Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: Illustrated
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:16
The Complete Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: Illustrated by Mark Twain. With over 300 illustrations.Adventures of Tom Sawyer, searching for treasure, witnessing a murder, getting caught in a bat cave, tricking others into doing his work, running away with Huckleberry Finn--Tom Sawyer's antics and mischief-making are sheer, child-pleasing delight.Adventures of Huck Finn, son of the town vagrant drunkard. Sleeping on doorsteps when the weather is fair, in empty hogsheads during storms, and living off of what he receives from others, lives the life of a destitute vagabond.Tom Sawyer Abroad in a parody of Jules Verne adventure stories. Tom, Huck, and Jim set sail to Africa in a futuristic hot air balloon, where they survive encounters with lions, robbers, and fleas to see some of the world's greatest wonders, including the Pyramids and the Sphinx.Tom Sawyer Detective, he attempts to solve a mysterious murder in this burlesque of the immensely popular detective novels of the time.
The Prince and the Pauper
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 14:46
"The Prince and the Pauper" is a fable or fairy tale for young readers written in the 19th century by Samuel Clemens, under the pen name of Mark Twain. The novel has become an essential masterpiece of the American literature."The Prince and the Pauper" tells the story of two boys in 16th century England who were born on the same day and look identical, but are unrelated. One, named Edward Tudor, is a prince and the other, named Tom Canty, is a pauper. Edward Tudor was a real person in history, but Tom was invented by Twain. Through unusual circumstances, Edward and Tom meet and exchange clothing, which leads to everyone confusing the identities of the two boys...
Life on the Mississippi
Updated at Jun 2, 2021, 01:58
Join Mark Twain on his trip on board a steamboat from St. Louis to New Orleans. He describes the competition from railroads, and the new, large cities, and adds his observations on greed, gullibility, tragedy, and bad architecture. The book also introduces a brief history of the river as reported by Europeans and Americans, beginning with the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto.
Roughing It
Updated at May 27, 2021, 02:51
Roughing It follows the travels of young Mark Twain through the Wild West. He travels with his brother Orion Clemens, who had been appointed Secretary of the Nevada Territory, on a stagecoach journey west. Twain consulted his brother's diary to refresh his memory and borrowed heavily from his active imagination for many stories in the book.
Life on the Mississippi
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 09:24
"Life on the Mississippi" (1883) is a memoir by Mark Twain of his days as a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River before the American Civil War, and also a travel book, recounting his trip along the Mississippi River from St. Louis to New Orleans many years after the War. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910) better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer.
The Prince and the Pauper
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 09:24
The Prince and the Pauper tells the story of two young boys who are identical in appearance: Tom Canty, a pauper who lives with his abusive father in Offal Court off Pudding Lane in London, and Prince Edward, son of King Henry VIII. The prince wants to see something of real life, and the pauper longs to escape from the cruelty of his world. Through a quirk of fate, each boy is given the chance to glimpse the world through the other"s eyes.
Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Extrait : "— Tom ! Pas de réponse. — Tom Sawyer ! Pas de réponse. — Où donc a-t-il pu se cacher ? Ah ça, te montreras-tu, mauvais garnement ? La vieille dame qui s'exprimait ainsi abaissa ses lunettes et regarda par dessus ; puis elle les releva et regarda par dessous. Il ne lui arrivait jamais de s'en servir autrement pour découvrir un objet aussi peu volumineux que maître Tom." À PROPOS DES ÉDITIONS LIGARAN : Les éditions LIGARAN proposent des versions numériques de grands classiques de la littérature ainsi que des livres rares, dans les domaines suivants : • Fiction : roman, poésie, théâtre, jeunesse, policier, libertin. • Non fiction : histoire, essais, biographies, pratiques.
Tom Sawyer Collection - All Four Books
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 07:38
“You feel mighty free and easy comfortable on a raft.” Here they all are, the denizens of Mark Twain’s fictional town St. Petersburg – Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, Aunt Polly, Becky Thatcher, Jim and Injun Joe – in one collection bringing together all four Tom and Huck adventures: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Tom Sawyer Abroad. Tom Sawyer Detective. There’s something here for everyone, from the young to the old, the lowbrow to the high.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 07:38
Mark Twain, born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, was an American humorist and writer, who is best known for his enduring novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has been called the Great American Novel. Raised in Hannibal, Missouri, Twain held a variety of jobs including typesetter, riverboat pilot, and miner before achieving nationwide attention for his work as a journalist with The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. He earned critical and popular praise for his wit and enjoyed a successful career as a public speaker in addition to his writing. Twain s works were remarkable for his ability to capture colloquial speech, although his adherence to the vernacular of the time has resulted in the suppression of his works by schools in modern times. Twain s birth in 1835 coincided with a visit by Halley s Comet, and Twain predicted, accurately, that he would go out with it as well, dying the day following the comet s return in 1910.
Le avventure di Tom Sawyer
Updated at Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
Simpatico, vivace, irrequieto, ribelle. Tom Sawyer è un ragazzino di dieci anni, adottato dalla zia alla morte dei genitori; i suoi abiti sono sempre sgualciti e nelle sue tasche si possono trovare gli oggetti più impensabili: biglie, girini, petardi, chiavi, gessetti, soldatini, pomi d’ottone… Furbo e intelligente, Tom si diverte a ingannare gli altri, pur di raggiungere i propri scopi, e ne combina di tutti i colori alla povera zia Polly, dalle cui punizioni riesce sempre e comunque a salvarsi. Protagonista di sensazionali avventure, il ragazzino fugge di casa per divenire un pirata, si finge morto annegato per assistere al suo funerale, insomma ne combina di tutti i colori. Il romanzo, scritto da Mark Twain sulla base delle sue esperienze personali, è ambientato agli inizi dell’Ottocento nella cittadina immaginaria di Saint Petersburg, immersa in una natura incontaminata sugli argini fangosi del Mississippi, e offre un ritratto fedele della società e delle tradizioni del Sud degli Stati Uniti. Divenuto un caposaldo della letteratura americana, dal 1876 Le avventure di Tom Sawyer continua a divertire e a conquistare generazioni di ragazzi.