Story By Rachael Bassey

Rachael Bassey

I\'m a passionate storyteller embarking on a journey of sharing my stories to the world
Down Memory Lane
Updated at Jun 29, 2021, 06:22
My name is Meghan Trevor and I've got a story to share. Saturday morning 7th of April 1990 I married the man of my dreams all seemed like a happily ever after story, but only for a short time. He was deployed for war, a war without end, a war that would take his life a war that made me a widow, I waited for him, days turned to months and months turned to years. Years passed no contact from him. I accepted what is (he dead) and moved on. Started a new family with a man that was loving and patient. On Valentine's day my world turned upside down yet again. I guess fairy tale endings aren't for me. He was back was he a ghost I couldn't tell. He looked alright but something changed. He wasn't the man that left for war. The war changed him. So I was plunged into a life of confusion, delima. I have a new family now, but my past had come back to life. Who do I stand for and with. In the End I'm just a woman searching for peace and happiness