Story By David J Andrews

David J Andrews

Bahamian Rhapsody
Bahamian Rhapsody
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 19:00
The second in the series another fast paced adventure novel with the serious intent of bringing history into the readers’ imagination. They are written from actual historical events but also from interpretations based on varied experiences. Rhapsody elevates the battle between the Teacher and the protagonists as the real significance of the Elders and the Teachers plans becomes reality.
Chasing Columbus
Chasing Columbus
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 19:00
Chasing Columbus is the first in a breathtaking new series of four books bringing the past into the present. Never have the events of history seemed as pertinent to the modern day as Guy Trepanation battles against evil forces of conspiracy intent on destroying him and changing the course of history. A fast paced adventure thriller that takes the reader on a journey from the Caribbean to Asia. CHASING COLUMBUS Adventure devotees will love this one as the author creates a host of ruthless, ambitious characters. Who, for both good and evil reasons are all intent on possessing the legendry ‘Columbus and Tucker Crosses’. Originally discovered by Columbus on his epic voyage of discovery and mysteriously spirited away amidst a background of deceit and intrigue, the hunt is on for these two ancient legendary religious icons. The priceless value and power which these crosses allegedly posses is the theme and lure of for this action packed thriller, which carries you through a host of different historical times, facts and places, which the author skillfully and gradually brings together via a roller coaster ride of complex and exciting escapades transporting you from Europe to the Caribbean in this nail biting story.
Khan's Legacy
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:28
Guy Tresanton and his business partner Rose are once again drawn into a battle for survival with the Teacher. Their merciless enemy has drawn great strength from the capture of certain ancient artefacts. He now stands poised to use the power they give him to eliminate all who oppose him and seek the final piece of the puzzle devised so long ago by the man who ruled the greatest empire the world has ever known, Kublai Kahn. The Elders, a secret philanthropic organisation charged with the responsibility to maintain order in the world, join forces with Guy, Rose, their indomitable friend Monty the Bahamian policemen now working for Interpol and many others from around the world who all combine to thwart the Teacher's plans. Filled with exciting historical facts this fast paced story flies from the Caribbean, moving swiftly to the Arctic Circle through Russia , East Africa, on to Vietnam, China and eventually to Australia. Climaxing in an thrilling showdown in the Indian Ocean. Posing many challenging questions of the reader - is the Teacher really the arch villain? Are there greater forces with the even more evil intent of world domination behind him? Will Guy and his friends save the day? Seeking Kahn's Legacy we learn much about a thrilling era of history few will know of until now.