Story By PandaChild


The stories published on this website are not indicative of my present views or my writing style (neither in form nor content). I am contractually obligated to keep the stories online and theyshould be read at the reader\'s discretion. These were written at an age where my understanding of consent had not fully developed. The behaviours of characters in the text should neither be idealized or condoned.
Rapunzel, Mine
Updated at Jan 2, 2019, 06:43
This story was written during the digi fiction boom and much like any young writer of that time, the only 'feedback' for my work was in form of comments and likes. Therefore as most writers, I turned to content that attracted viewership, without much regard for the impact. I now realize that much like me, a number of young people have gotten their ideas about consent and masculinity and dynamic from such sites. I am contractually obligated to keep this work online but I request readers to view it with caution. The actions of any character in this work should not be condoned or idealized. These works were written on ill based knowledge and general immaturity in teenage years and are not reflective of my current views or writing.
The Damned
Updated at Dec 26, 2018, 10:42
This story was written during the digi fiction boom and much like any young writer of that time, the only 'feedback' for my work was in form of comments and likes. Therefore as most writers, I turned to content that attracted viewership, without much regard for the impact. I now realize that much like me, a number of young people have gotten their ideas about consent and masculinity and dynamic from such sites. I am contractually obligated to keep this work online but I request readers to view it with caution. The actions of any character in this work should not be condoned or idealized. These works were written on ill based knowledge and general immaturity in teenage years and are not reflective of my current views or writing.