Story By Various


A Pandemic Survivors Omnibus
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 14:47
Pandemics have a way of showing up over and over.All throughout our history. And there is no good time for them to appear.And so writers have imagined all the different outcomes and what-if's to explore all the things that could happen, that might happen.In these works, we see our options, the many possible decisions we can make. No matter if it's in distant history, in a foreign land, across town, or down the street.These pandemics and plagues are occurring with more frequency, probably due to our population areas being thick and numerous with so many people. One advantage this has is in the higher quality of medical care. And the many universities and medical centers who are constantly at work on how to improve that health quality.Our concerns with our health are also reflected in our own fiction works.As bad as the news is about pandemics and plagues, our fiction works have already explored these outcomes and more. But at least they are there for our entertainment only. No one ever takes them seriously.So that's the point of this small omnibus. A selection of stories to help you through your own healthy days and those where you may need to isolate yourself or even self-quarantine. Days where you have to use social distancing until you know your illness can't be spread to your friends and family and associates.Entertainment is useful in times like these. Distractions from the noise, fears, and panic attacks some encounter. And maybe a way to prepare yourself for the worse - while hoping those days never come.You'll find some classics here, and stories by classic authors you may not have read, as well as authors and stories completely new to you, even if old in time.And even if you are picking this up when the skies are blue and all the world is running fine, and everyone you know is completely healthy - then take some time to enjoy a break in your routine, to explore different worlds and live through their eyes and feelings.These stories were written about the survivors. Some are gruesome, some just unsettling. While its said that fiction is used to educate as well as entertain - here's hoping your choices in "real life" are less deadly than the one's you read about here...This omnibus contains:- The Case of the Forever Cure by C. C. Brower & J. R. Kruze- The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe- The Scarlet Plague by Jack London- Pandemic by J. F. Bone- The Gray Plague by L. A. Eshbach- The Great Gray Plague by Raymond F. Jones- An All-American Plague by Teddy Keller- The Dust of Death by Fred Merrick White- Space Plague Physician by Lester Del Ray Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.
A Pandemic Survivor's Omnibus II
Updated at Dec 28, 2021, 23:10
Pandemics have a way of showing up over and over.All throughout our history. And there is no good time for them to appear.And so writers have imagined all the different outcomes and what-if's to explore all the things that could happen, that might happen.In these works, we see our options, the many possible decisions we can make. No matter if it's in distant history, in a foreign land, across town, or down the street.These pandemics and plagues are occurring with more frequency, probably due to our population areas being thick and numerous with so many people. One advantage this has is in the higher quality of medical care. And the many universities and medical centers who are constantly at work on how to improve that health quality.Our concerns with our health are also reflected in our own fiction works.As bad as the news is about pandemics and plagues, our fiction works have already explored these outcomes and more. But at least they are there for our entertainment only. No one ever takes them seriously.So that's the point of this small omnibus. A selection of stories to help you through your own healthy days and those where you may need to isolate yourself or even self-quarantine. Days where you have to use social distancing until you know your illness can't be spread to your friends and family and associates.Entertainment is useful in times like these. Distractions from the noise, fears, and panic attacks some encounter. And maybe a way to prepare yourself for the worse - while hoping those days never come.You'll find some classics here, and stories by classic authors you may not have read, as well as authors and stories completely new to you, even if old in time.And even if you are picking this up when the skies are blue and all the world is running fine, and everyone you know is completely healthy - then take some time to enjoy a break in your routine, to explore different worlds and live through their eyes and feelings. Anthology containing:The Panic of 2020 by S. H. Marpel, R. L. SaundersBadge of Infamy by Lester Del RayThe Plague by Teddy KellerThe Gathering of Brother Hilarius by Michael FairlessFreedom by Mack ReynoldAndrew Golding: A Tale of the Great PlagueScroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.
The Blue Fairy Book
Updated at Jan 7, 2021, 19:10
The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang. It is almost impossible to envision what childhood would be like without the enchanting world of fairyland. Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, giants and dwarfs, monsters and magicians, fairies and ogres — these are the companions who will thrill young boys and girls of all lands and all times, as Andrew Lang's phenomenally successful collections of stories have proved. From the day that they were first printed, the Lang fairy tale books of many colors have entertained thousands of boys and girls, as they have also brought pleasure to the many parents who have read these unforgettable classics to their children. The Blue Fairy Book was the first volume in the series and so it contains some of the best known tales, taken from a variety of sources: not only from Grimm, but exciting adventures by Charles Perrault and Madame d'Aulnoy, The Arabian Nights, and other stories from popular traditions. Here in one attractive paperbound volume — with enlarged print — are "Sleeping Beauty," "Rumpelstiltskin," "Beauty and the Beast," "Hansel and Gretel," "Puss in Boots," "Trusty John," "Jack the Giantkiller," "Goldilocks," and many other favorites that have become an indispensable part of our cultural heritage. All in all, this collection contains 37 stories, all narrated in the clear, lively prose for which Lang was famous. Not only are Lang's generally conceded to be the best English versions of standard stories, his collections are the richest and widest in range. His position as one of England's foremost folklorists as well as his first-rate literary abilities makes his collections unmatchable in the English language.  
Short Romance Escapes
Updated at Dec 22, 2020, 03:01
14 Short Romances Beyond Time and Space - stories to transport you to worlds you've never known before, from days where all fiction was "clean." Find authors you've never heard of, or didn't know they wrote romances as well. Find new lovers and experience their passion, their pitfalls and perils. This collection of romantic short stories are ready to transport you to new worlds and bring you back by the time your coffeebreak is over.  You deserve to get relief from the "slings and arrows" of life - with these short reads you can find out if true love wins out. And enjoy exotic worlds and places you may never have loved before.  Perfect for lunch time, taking a well-deserved break, or daily commutes. Get transported and love life more.  This anthology contains: The Vampire Maid by Hume Nisbet George Loves Gistla by James McKimmey Love Story by Irving Cox The Huddlers by William Campbell Gault Salomy Jane by Bret Harte The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman A World is Born by Leigh Brackett Parasite Planet by Weinbaum, Stanley G. Love Among the Haystacks by David Herbert Lawrence Between Friends by Robert William Chambers The Beautiful Lady by Newton Booth Tarkington The Lifted Veil by George Eliot Daisy Miller by Henry James The Madness of May by Meredith Nicholson Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.