Story By kanji


I\'ve been writing stories for a long time. Most of the time, I write short stories to spare myself the stress of pondering what will happen next. Now, I yearn to craft longer tales that brim with excitement. The concepts of my stories are diverse, contingent upon the musings of my mind.
Revived Affection
Updated at Jul 28, 2024, 01:27
From the very beginning, their paths intertwined, creating a connection that blossomed in their tender years. As time passed, they grew inseparable, forging a bond that seemed unbreakable. However, fate took an unexpected turn when the girl mustered the courage to reveal her affection for the boy. Her heart sank as their emotions failed to mirror one another. Nevertheless, her unwavering sentiments for him persisted, refusing to dissipate into the depths of forgotten memories. In the eyes of the boy, she appeared as a pawn to be manipulated, leading him to contemplate the notion of a relationship. Alas, his heart remained untouched, devoid of any genuine emotions for her. Yet, as the boy grew weary, a flicker of sentiment ignited within him, albeit fleeting, before he embarked on a journey to a distant land, driven by his ambitions. Their paths diverged, and they were forced to part ways, their love caught in the crossroads of circumstance and choice. Time passed, and like a wandering soul, the boy returned to the girl's life. This reunion served as the ultimate crucible, testing the depth of her love and resilience. A profound challenge that would either rekindle the flames of their connection or extinguish them forever.