Story By Laura Tyson

Laura Tyson

I\'m a 32 year old mother to an adorable little boy. We greatly enjoy the outdoors and I have recently started writing in my past time when the weather keeps us indoors.
Maze of Trees
Maze of Trees
Updated at Aug 14, 2022, 14:24
A Rogue who has her heart set on traveling the world, breaking free of the restrictions and suffocating traditions that one must follow while in a pack. A up-and-coming alpha who believes traditions are there to be followed and kept alive. That there's no better place than home. What will happen when these two have their paths cross?
The Beauty of Death
The Beauty of Death
Updated at Jul 7, 2021, 17:51
I want to finish my first signed book and write at least 2,000-3,000 words per chapter! This will be a story about a necromancer and her love interest, currently i do not know who her love interest will be! story in the making!