Story By Jesse Wilson

Jesse Wilson

Kingdom Chronicles Collection - Books 1-3
Updated at Apr 28, 2023, 01:58
Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. is dedicated to bringing outstanding and inspiring science fiction & fantasy, new adult/young adult, mystery, paranormal, middle-grade, non-fiction, Christian, and more to readers!
Darker Elements
Updated at Apr 6, 2023, 18:50
Ten years after a team of chosen completed their last mission, the world is in a bad state all over. They haven't spoken in years and have no purpose in the world. After a a chance encounter with a bunch of thugs, William decides enough is enough and plans to get even using Gabon, the ring of fire. This sets off a signal that attracts the others to go investigate, and also wakes up an old lab in Las Vegas that unleashes their last challenge to track them down. One last time, the team reluctantly decides to join forces to take on the challenge, only to discover the problem was a whole lot worse than they thought. Now, five have-been heroes will need fight to save a dying world... and rediscover themselves in the process.
Offensive Operations
Updated at Mar 10, 2022, 23:27
The war is over. The Delta Squad ended the invasion, and the war of the worlds was over. But at the same time as the last battle, 188 assassinated the President of the United States, hoping that even with his defeat the country would fall. Putting their commander in charge of the country under disguise to keep chaos from breaking out, the Syndicate believes they have avoided disaster. But the hard-headed commander only plays the part for so long before revealing himself, causing unprecedented civil unrest. After a surprise attack from Mark and his own version of the Delta Squad turns the country upside down, they become public enemy #1. The real squad is forced back into action, to free the country one vicious battle at a time, and rescue America from a near-hopeless situation. But are they already too late?
Nuclear Knights
Updated at Mar 4, 2022, 02:01
After the end of modern civilization, the world hangs in a dreadful balance. Humanity, giant beasts and aliens live together, all fighting to survive a wasteland littered with scars of the apocalypse. The Nuclear Knights - humanity’s last defenders - disappeared five years ago to parts unknown. Now, the last remaining piece of human society on a space station plots to reclaim the Earth for themselves. Seeking help from the reclusive heroes to survive the coming war, the last survivors of mankind soon face a deadly last stand that will forever change the future of their world.
Updated at Mar 3, 2022, 01:09
La mitología está equivocada. Todo lo que sabemos es una mentira. Para ganar la guerra contra los titanes se necesito más que sólo el poder de los dioses. Zeus no podía derrotar a los titanes por si solo, así que creó un arma: doce creaturas conocidas como los Yokaiju. Armas que funcionaban perfectamente para derrotar a los poderes primordiales. Pero para hacerlo, necesitaban estar vivos. Una vez que la victoria quedó asegurada, las armas decidieron que no necesitaban servir a nadie y traicionaron a sus creadores. Como un último esfuerzo, Zeus crea al Ópticon utilizando los poderes de todos los dioses en el campo de la batalla final. Lo utiliza para robar sus almas y asegurar la victoria al precio más alto que se le pudo haber ocurrido. Eones después, las almas de los Yokaiju son liberadas en el mundo moderno de alguna manera, y lo único que quieren es venganza. Zeus consigue el Ópticon y elige a su campeona. Samantha Waters. Una criminal y guerrera dudosa, la última humana con sangre divina en la Tierra, involucrada en la batalla con un poder imparable. Ahora, el Ópticon, con una voluntad propia, y una humana que nunca ha hecho nada por nadie, deben trabajar juntos para enfrentarse a los Yokaiju, los dioses, y otras fuerzas cósmicas para salvar a toda la creación – o morir en el intento.
Updated at Feb 24, 2022, 22:39
Mythology is wrong. Everything anyone knows is an elaborate lie. The war against the Titans required more than just the power of the Gods. Zeus could not beat the Titans on their own, so he created a weapon: twelve weapons known as Yokaiju. Weapons that worked flawlessly to defeat the primordial powers. But to do so, they needed to be alive. Once victory was secure, the weapons decided they didn't need to serve anyone and turned against their creators. In a last ditch effort, Zeus has the Opticon created using the powers of all the gods on the final battlefield. He uses it to steal their souls and secure victory at the highest cost imaginable. Eons later, the Yokaiju's souls are somehow released back into the modern world, and they want nothing but revenge. Zeus obtains the Opticon and chooses a champion. Samantha Waters. A convict and unlikely warrior, she is the last human with divine blood on earth, in the battle against nearly unstoppable power. Now, the Opticon, with a will of its own, and a human who's never done anything for anyone, must work together against Yokaiju, Gods and other cosmic forces in a last ditch effort to save all creation - or die trying.
La Espada Mímica
Updated at Feb 24, 2022, 01:09
Pen Kenders es un lavaplatos en el Reino de Antacia, y le gusta que sea así. Pero en el Día de la Espada, pasa algo imprevisto. A Pen lo eligen como guardián de Tinea, la Espada Mímica, en un ritual de antaño. Nadie sabe por qué lo eligen, y nadie sabe qué pasa si un Guardián rechaza el llamado. Pen acepta de mala gana, sin conocer todas las consecuencias que tendría esta decisión. Al liberar a la espada de la vaina, cambia el curso de la realidad para siempre sin saberlo. ¿Cómo puede proteger al mundo de fuerzas que apenas puede comprender?
Red Mirror
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 18:03
The Vanir of the south speak of the Red Mirror, a legend hidden in the mists of time. In the desert of the Southern Kingdom, a grim message is left. No one knows who it is for, or why anyone would do such a thing. The hideous crime is being investigated by detective Cornell Nightworth and his partner, Jenny. The strange incident leads them towards the hidden history of the Last War, and towards someone thought long gone. Just when they start to get somewhere, the case gets taken away from them. But Cornell is unwilling to let it go, and decides to pursue the truth using his own methods - no matter where it might lead.
Commander Rex and the Black Unicorn
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 17:59
The unicorns are returning. A prophetic event heralds the return of the Black Unicorn: a mythical beast banished by the Gods ages ago.  Commander Rex and his team is summoned by King Lexam to investigate the cause of this strange event. The unlikely unicorn hunters don’t believe in the Black Unicorn at all, but when summoned by the king, you don’t say no. But soon, it becomes clear that there might be more to the events than just a prophecy. They must find who is responsible... and fast.
Camp Stonetooth
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 17:41
There is nothing easy about undeath in the Morglands. Young vampires need to prove themselves by passing various tests they call Camps... and the last one is Camp Stonetooth. If they can pass Stonetooth, they will be let into the vampire society, and yound Boron, Talcen and Ticcen are looking forward to their turn. But one of them has a secret: a dangerous treasure that could make them all rich once they get back. But after things take a dark turn, what could have fulfilled their dreams threatens to become their demise.