Story By Clare London

Clare London

That's Entertainment!
Updated at Nov 21, 2021, 21:59
Jack and Grady are casual extras in the adult erotic movies made by WrinkleTheSheets productions. Since the day they were caught making out behind the catering trolley during the filming of <i>Spurtacocks</i>, their director Gerry has decided it’s safer and more entertaining to keep them on the payroll, even if their devotion -- and lust -- for each other makes them rather unreliable players.<br><br>They support the darlings and divas of the company, from the vain Quinn to the surly Tomasz. They spend their time on cheap costumes and camoflauge, sex toys and phallic props, re-creating alternative classic movies in X-rated pastiches as never seen before. And throughout all the fun and banter, Jack and Grady’s modest love affair is a model of honesty and faithfulness.<br><br>But Jack is beginning to have doubts. Grady's sex drive is generous and he’s always eager for novelty. Jack’s no longer sure he can satisfy that, worrying Grady is bored with him -- that Grady wants something else. If only Jack had the nerve to ask outright. Instead, he has to rely on uninvited and distinctly dubious relationship advice from his fellow actors. Why is Grady keeping secrets? Just what are the strange noises coming from behind the locked door of their shared trailer? And does poor Jack really want to find out?
He's Behind You!
Updated at Nov 4, 2021, 21:55
Last Christmas, Francis had a promising acting career and a budding romance with Duncan. This Christmas, it seems he's lost it all.<br><br>When his mum persuades him to help her with the annual village production, he's drawn back into the wacky world of amateur pantomime. This year's production has all kind of new twists, the village players are eccentric although enthusiastic, and Francis isn't sure he ever saw himself as a director. And what his mother also didn't tell him was, he'd be working with Duncan by his side.<br><br>But if he can cope with charity shop costumes, squabbling characters, cross-dressing, and all the corny jokes, can he also believe in the show's magical triumph of Good over Bad, and win a second chance with Duncan? After all, in pantomime, everyone gets their wish granted in the end.
Updated at Sep 15, 2020, 19:29
Kevin knows his crush on his gorgeous but impossibly aloof boss Marcus isn't going anywhere. So it's a huge shock when Marcus mysteriously appears one night in Kevin's bedroom. Kevin has just enough time to enjoy Marcus' attention and warm familiarity, then Marcus vanishes. And then it happens again the next night. And the next. Meanwhile, back in daylight office hours, Marcus is as cold as ever with no obvious recollection of his night-time visits. What's really happening? Kevin's emotions run deep, but so does his confusion. He's wary of believing they have a chance together, yet his body and heart respond too joyfully to ignore. It will take a twist of fate, a break in the routine, and a bizarre time trip to bring them together properly and, hopefully, for real.
The Right Choice
Updated at Mar 12, 2020, 22:46
Although he's nervous on his wedding day, Pat is taking all the stresses and mishaps in stride until his mother announces that Nicky -- his first boyfriend -- is at the door. Unexpectedly. While his mum and sisters fuss around with family crises and preparations, Pat lets his mind wander, remembering how he met Nicky, their growing friendship, and the closeness and love that led to so much more. The fun and sexy passion they shared ... and the painful fights. But why is Nicky here, at the house? And why is Pat so worried about it? As he goes downstairs to face Nicky, his family waits with bated breath to find out whether there's another disaster looming ... or whether Pat and Nicky's story is something far more romantic.
Just Like in the Movies
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"All Bailey wants is to be a good negotiator, and to impress his boss and teacher, the legendary Drew Fletcher. He admires Fletcher for his skills in the field, but that doesn’t stop him admiring the man for other, more romantic reasons as well. In a tense hostage situation, it’s pretty unlikely Bailey’s usual, rash behaviour will cover him in glory, but in his dreams, it’s all going to happen just like in the movies. When he finally acts to protect his boss, it doesn’t go the way he hopes -- or does it? Will Bailey get to play the hero and get the guy of his dreams?"
Precious Possession
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Lucas Fides has inherited his Victorian family’s auction house, good looks and a keen, passionate mind. But he has far less control over his body’s desires than his business, hiding an illicit and unspoken love for his boyhood friend and dependent, Valentine. As a result, Lucas suffers recurring, deeply erotic dreams, where a mystery lover demands and guides his sexual responses. When the auction house runs into financial difficulty, Valentine introduces a new client to Lucas. Gideon Arnaud is a mysterious and charismatic man who seems to scorn society’s restrictions. He offers Lucas a spectacular collection of jewels for auction and also his intense, seductive attention. He appears to know more about Lucas than any stranger should. Affronted by Gideon’s bold pursuit, Lucas puts up a spirited defence, despite being increasingly exhausted by his dreams. His heart is already committed to Valentine, even if he thinks it’s his secret alone. When Valentine announces his engagement to Lucas’s sister, Lucas’s pain and frustration are almost intolerable. Torn between his need for Valentine’s comfort and the determination to avoid Gideon Arnaud’s disturbing presence, Lucas becomes more vulnerable by the day, until his loneliness forces his desire out of his dreams and into the light of day. The consequences will change his life forever."
Nowhere to Hide
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"In recovery after a serious car accident, Dan struggles with pain and depression until it becomes an ingrained part of his life. His most important support has come from his best friend and boyfriend Aaron, yet Dan knows he’s not giving as much as taking from the relationship. When he and Aaron are snowed in at a winter sports resort, Dan has to face up to both his physical and emotional restraints. Aaron is determined and devoted, and always willingly there for Dan, but Dan can see his weariness. Aaron wants Dan to accept his love fully, for them to become the best and most intimate of lovers. But how much longer will Aaron wait? It takes a particularly bitter Christmas -- and the weirdest of dreams -- to give Dan the courage to grasp what’s important to him, and find the way back to health and love."
Dish of the Day
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Three men together. Diverse tastes ... one common love. Richie Morton’s sunk all his hopes and savings into a new restaurant in South London promoting British ingredients and recipes. Yet on opening night, it all seems to be heading for disaster. Lost ingredients, manic chefs, no sign of the customers ... he’s in despair. And where are his best friends Craig and Ben, who’ve been helping him set up the new venture? The least they could offer is moral support. When they do eventually step in, though, they offer support of a very different kind. They tell Richie some home truths -- that he pushes himself too much, and must learn to share and trust his life with others. With them, specifically. And then, when Richie’s still unconvinced, they decide to let actions speak for their love instead. They’ll help him relax and dish up a caring, sexy, and far more intimate menu."
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"James is surprised when co-worker Vic disappears, but even more so when Vic shows up months later as James’s manager. As a single gay man with few responsibilities, James takes his fun wherever and whenever he can. He’d even played around with Vic a few times. But now something’s changed, something James can't quite put his finger on. In fact, almost everything about Vic is subtly different -- and maybe not so subtly, when it comes to them resuming their affair. James never used to think Vic was hot, but now Vic’s like a new man and he wants James. James should be flattered, shouldn’t he? Unfortunately, things don’t develop quite the way James hopes. He’s just out for a good time, but Vic wants something more than mutually satisfactory sexual games. He’s obsessed with finding out James’s idea of a perfect man. And what’s more, Vic seems determined to do whatever’s necessary to become that person -- whether James is a willing participant or not."
Santa, Actually
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Sequel to That's Entertainment! The cast and crew of WrinkleTheSheets Productions are back with a special seasonal production. As Gerry, the Director says, “Santa thinks he needs more positive PR this year. His market share has been seriously threatened by Amazon. No one uses him for a wishlist any more. He’s in trouble, and needs to re-establish himself with his adult clientele, so he’s on the lookout for a special gift. Something fresh, something marketable, something hot. This is just a short promo for the client, okay? Some fun with the elves, an X-rated update on the fat old man with the beard. Snow, sleigh bells, reindeer, plenty of bling.” The official stars are the diva Quinn and the sharp-tongued Tomasz, plus Tomasz’s new squeeze. But Jack and Grady are a constant presence. They continue on their merry way, engrossed in each other, in having fun and sex -- and usually both together -- and happy to be nothing more than extras in the movies. But this season, the mystery client appears to have rewritten the script for them!"
That’s Entertainment!
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Jack and Grady are casual extras in the adult erotic movies made by WrinkleTheSheets productions. Since the day they were caught making out behind the catering trolley during the filming of Spurtacocks, their director Gerry has decided it’s safer and more entertaining to keep them on the payroll, even if their devotion -- and lust -- for each other makes them rather unreliable players. They support the darlings and divas of the company, from the vain Quinn to the surly Tomasz. They spend their time on cheap costumes and camoflauge, sex toys and phallic props, re-creating alternative classic movies in X-rated pastiches as never seen before. And throughout all the fun and banter, Jack and Grady’s modest love affair is a model of honesty and faithfulness. But Jack is beginning to have doubts. Grady's sex drive is generous and he’s always eager for novelty. Jack’s no longer sure he can satisfy that, worrying Grady is bored with him -- that Grady wants something else. If only Jack had the nerve to ask outright. Instead, he has to rely on uninvited and distinctly dubious relationship advice from his fellow actors. Why is Grady keeping secrets? Just what are the strange noises coming from behind the locked door of their shared trailer? And does poor Jack really want to find out?"
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When Edward inherits the family textile mill from his deceased parents, he knows where his duty lies. As a young Victorian gentleman, he devotes himself to the family business and doing right by his customers and employees. What concern is it that he surrenders his own artistic ambitions and romantic passions? But a hideous accident at the mill one day brings him into close contact with Mori, one of his most productive workers, a beautiful yet seemingly delicate and vulnerable young man. Edward takes Mori under his protection, bringing him back to his house. At last, Edward has found a friend and companion. His fascination for Mori grows swiftly into love, and he’s drawn out of his quiet introspection into a world of delight and passion. Yet Mori has a private task that both baffles and concerns Edward: the completion of a stunningly beautiful, abstract tapestry. Edward doesn’t understand its significance, Mori’s devotion to it, or Mori’s strange behaviour when Edward tries to part the man from his mission. Mori loves him in return, he’s sure – but can that ever be enough? As Edward is tangled more deeply and irretrievably into the web of Mori’s love and mystery, what bittersweet price might he have to pay?"
What Not to Wear
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Beckett and Doug work together, travel together, live together ... and play very enthusiastically together. They're easily and cheerfully distracted by their desires, wherever they happen to be, whatever they’re officially meant to be doing. The work week starts normally for the newly promoted Beckett, but that's soon disturbed by his lover's sexual provocation. As each day of the week passes, Doug's behavior, and the slogans on his daily T-shirt, get increasingly outrageous. With the recipe of Doug’s unruly libido, Beckett’s masochistic tendency to surrender to it, and their shared fascination for sex in risky places -- it’s inevitable their career prospects are soon completely out of control. But measured up against the love they have for each other, the question is ... are they really bothered by that?"
The Mask
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"James is surprised when co-worker Vic disappears, but even more so when Vic shows up months later as James’s manager. As a single gay man with few responsibilities, James takes his fun wherever and whenever he can. He’d even played around with Vic a few times. But now something’s changed, something James can't quite put his finger on. In fact, almost everything about Vic is subtly different -- and maybe not so subtly, when it comes to them resuming their affair. James never used to think Vic was hot, but now Vic’s like a new man and he wants James. James should be flattered, shouldn’t he? Unfortunately, things don’t develop quite the way James hopes. He’s just out for a good time, but Vic wants something more than mutually satisfactory sexual games. He’s obsessed with finding out James’s idea of a perfect man. And what’s more, Vic seems determined to do whatever’s necessary to become that person -- whether James is a willing participant or not."
Making Camp
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Nick’s a dedicated city boy, Max is from the West Country: the chance of a compatible date seems unlikely until Max invites Nick to spend a weekend with him. It’s the chance Nick’s been waiting for, the opportunity to get to know the guy he's been mooning over at work, up close and personal. Nick just has to cope with the fact it’s got to happen outdoors. Through various disasters and culture shocks, Nick tries to impress. But finding himself a fish out of water, albeit on a camping site, Nick demonstrates far too well the fact he doesn’t do canvas. Can town meet country, and he and Max find more common ground?"
His Gift
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Steven Macklin wakes up in a ditch one morning in foul, wet weather with no idea where he is or how he came to be there. Seriously injured, he struggles across bleak heathland to find shelter. The only house he finds is weather-beaten and deserted, although he's too sensible a guy to fall for the cliche of a haunted mansion. Isn't he? When he collapses and is taken in by the handsome Eliot, Steven finds himself in a very disturbing situation -- and in the bed of this strange, possessive man."