Story By Jo D

Jo D

I\'m a big fan of stories. Reading them, thinking them up, it took a little while to start writing them down though.
I Wish
I Wish
Updated at Sep 13, 2023, 20:53
Okay, so the thing about wishing? It's an invitation of a sort. Basically prayer, without a name, or direction... and well, anything can answer. I was probably lucky that of all the things in the world it that could have, it was Ivy who answered. All the same, some things were not to be predicted. Like my very own Fairy Queen to call my own, or climbing the biggest Christmas tree I'd ever seen. Fields of flowers that explain that why humans think Faeries are so small when the aren't. It made a nice break from the shit show that had been running from 2020-ongoing. Name being stolen and people trying to kill me, and all. The only thing stopping this from being the perfect adventure? It just really made me regret the kind of person that it made quite clear I was, and the terrible things I was capable off when given the opportunity. Then again I guess that's the difference to being legally and adult, and actually growing up.
The Stolen Princess
The Stolen Princess
Updated at Feb 26, 2023, 02:50
It wasn't supposed to be like this, okay? All Grace wanted was a dimension where she wasn't a princess, wasn't watched every second while the vultures wait for her to screw up. She would go get coffee, visit museums... go on dates. What Grace failed to notice was that Arthur, the man she had been streadily dating for the last few months was not happy with the condition she was returning in. So he kidnapped her. Also Arthur is a werewolf, not that he knows that, because he thinks that he's a wizard that's been cursed. Just, ah, don't call him a wizard either. He doesn't like the term.
The 21st Floor
Updated at Jan 28, 2023, 14:01
There were 20 floors in the building that Maggie's lives in. Never any more, never any less. Until one day she notices a button for a 21st floor. Needless to say that she pressed it. What she finds there is unbelievable, and a world of its own... or rather slightly adjacent to to one. That was to say nothing of Jason.
Shoulder Angel
Updated at Jun 4, 2022, 21:02
Okay... So, I might have made a small mistake. It was just they introduced themselves as my personal angel and demon. Something about winning some kind of bet to determine who was superior or something. They didn\'t spell out which was which, how was I supposed to know that Owen wasn\'t my shoulder angel? Johna sucked at his job, and I was now dating a demon. Which is just as about as fun as it sounds, and no. I don\'t mean that sarcastically. All in all, it wasn\'t my fault, and now I was going to have to explain myself to an extremely tetchy mood-swinging, cosmic goddess of some sort. There\'s a chance I make it through this and not, you know, die or something? It is not my responsibility when they were the ones that let the two of them on Earth in the first place. I had under the impression that I was hallcinating them anyway, as kind of a semi-permenant damage from a riddiculous head injury. Honestly, how was I to know?! Now I was stuck with them, but you know what? It could have been a lot worse, because have the trouble we got into in the first place? Literally just Owen and I having fun.