Story By Hedi_mahlo


I\'m just someone that peep into your imagination and spice it up a little, crafting your Mr perfect and Miss perfect, throwing them in scenerios that would make you love and hate them, messing up your head and heart but still mending them at the same time. I am that author you should follow ♥️. Lol. Thanks ❤️
A Baby Daddy And More.
Updated at Dec 31, 2022, 05:20
Ivory Perkins becomes pregnant for her biggest rival at college, Billionaire Collins Tyson. After manipulating her way to ensure that her pregnancy is accepted, Ivory has to sign a deal to leave immediately she conceives. But during her pregnancy stage, she unexpectedly fell hard for Collins. Would she be able to keep to her contract and will Collins accept her even after bringing in a new mother for their baby?