I am a different person to different people. Annoying to one. Talented to another. Quiet to a few. Unknown to a lot. But who am I, to me? I guess I need to find out as a write my stories with these different personas of mine.
Soleri Ceshire reflected on how she had spent her entire life cowering. She died in a state of intense anguish and rage as a result of the two persons who purposefully brought her down. However, someone must have heard her pleading and she lived once again.
With this second opportunity, Soleri vowed herself that she would do all she regretted not doing in the past, and that she would make those two who had caused her pain pay for their actions. And in order to accomplish so, she must wield sufficient authority and influence.
As a result, she proposed a deal to the devil himself. Not literally, of course. Duke Nolan of the Vancloise, renowned as the empire's most evilly crazy duke, possesses everything Soleri requires. They must benefit one other in some manner; the duke will allow her to utilize his position and influence, and in exchange, Soleri will do anything he desires at the conclusion of the contract, which will be null and invalid after Soleri has obtained what she desired.
That is, assuming the duke agrees to let the contract end.