Story By A. C. Meyer

A. C. Meyer

In Love With You
Updated at Apr 28, 2023, 02:16
After the exciting romance between Daniel and Julie in Crazy For You, it's time for us to get to know the story of Johanna and Zach. She is an entertainment lawyer. He, a seductive businessman, business partner and best friend of her brother. When the passion heats up, an impasse arises: he wants to take over the relationship for everyone, but she is afraid of the possible reaction of her brother, who is somewhat jealous and does not seem to have realized that she has grown up.In the middle of passionate situations, a lot of romance and a considerable amount of laughter, the two will take you on a journey where they will need to overcome fears and insecurities to discover if the love they feel is strong enough to overcome any obstacle that life imposes.
Perfect Match
Updated at Feb 17, 2023, 00:30
Perfect Match, the reality show that will find the right girl to date Jonas Lopes, the prince of soap operas, is on air! Five candidates will compete for the heart and attention of the beloved TV actor. In the second episode of Perfect Match, you will meet, cheer, love and, maybe, and even hate the choose one.They will need to do everything they can to win Jonas and captivate the audience, using their weapons - be it charisma or foul play. But is impossible to resist the call of love. Even if its gets two people - who shouldn’t be together, and yet cannot let go - into trouble. Prepare your hearts, the popcorn and the crowd. In this game, only one girl can win. All that remains to be seen if he will be the right guy...
En Punta Del Pie
Updated at Oct 27, 2021, 21:31
Un romance que te hará reír, llorar, enamorarte y creer que el verdadero amor lo supera todo. Principalmente la maldad. La transición de la adolescencia a la edad adulta es un hito en la vida de todo joven... y no sería diferente para Amanda Summers, una chica tímida e inexperta llena de miedos e inseguridades derivadas de su propia edad y pasado. Como la mayoría de las mujeres jóvenes en esta etapa, sus sentimientos son intensos y sus cabezas llenas de dudas, miedos y sueños. En el libro En la punta de los pies, seguiremos el viaje de crecimiento de Mandy: El inicio en la universidad, la descubierta del primer amor, las relaciones de amistades y la transición de niña a mujer. Se suponía que iba a ser el momento más increíble de su vida... sella implemente no pensó que vendría acompañado por el terror del acoso físico y psicológico. De la autora de la serie After Dark y Las chicas, un romance que te hará reír, llorar, enamorarte y creer que el verdadero amor lo supera todo. Principalmente maldad.
Crazy For You
Updated at Sep 15, 2021, 07:12
Attention: this book contains high amounts of romance, hilarious moments, sensuous boys and the most wonderful BFF of all time... Julie has two big dreams: sing professionally and get Daniel to see her as a woman. He is the charming owner of the trendy bar After Dark, a guy that avoids commitment though being ready for one night stands. On a busy night, there's no singer at the bar to get on with the musical program, and Julie is put on stage leading the band by one of Daniel's partners in order to sort out the problem. However the voice and presence of the new singer captivate the well as the heartthrob. Dying of jealousy, Daniel will do anything to take Julie away from the spotlights and give his real love a try. He was blindsided by the insisting advances from Alan, the sexy band guitar man, who is ready to do anything to conquer our girl's heart. Is Julie's dream finally going ahead with Daniel or her real prince charming is the sensuous guitar man?
The Right Kind Of Wrong Girl
Updated at Jun 17, 2021, 00:40
Fun and filled with musical references: A. C. Meyer’s new story is the perfect companionship for those experiencing early adulthood challenges. This novel is perfect for those facing all the challenges of early adulthood. Choosing a career, moving out from their parents’ house, starting college, discovering personal skills, learning to relate. Phew! Adulthood is not easy at all, especially if you’re not the right kind of girl: that girl who attends college classes chosen by her father; that girl with perfect hair and healthy habits. Malu is none of those things. On the other hand, she lives life at its fullest and nothing seems to cause her courage and determination to falter. Amid a troublesome relationship with her parents, she unwillingly goes to Law school, where she meets Rafael, a senior student. They become inseparable, even though they’re just friends. However, another feeling speaks louder. When attraction gets out of control, they allow themselves to live a relationship with no constraints: free, intense and passionate. Until the day fate sets a cruel trap ahead of them. Can love itself be stronger than the fear of loving?
Under Pressure
Updated at Jun 10, 2021, 01:32
A romance that will make you laugh, cry, fall in love and believe that true love overcomes everything. Specially evil.The passage from the girlhood to the adulthood is a milestone for every young person... and it wouldn't be different to Amanda Summers, a shy, inexperienced, full of fears and insecurities that came from the age itself, as well as from her past. Like most of the girls in this phase, her feelings are intense and her head is crowded of doubts, fears and dreams.In Under Pressure, we will follow Mandy's growth journey: her entry into the adult life, the discovery of first the first love, the friendships and the transition from girl to woman.It was supposed to be the most incredible moment of her life... She just couldn't imagine that it would be followed by the terror of the physical and psycological bullying.From the ”After Dark” series and ”The girls” author, a romance that will make you laugh, cry, fall in love and believe that true love overcomes everything. Specially evil.