

Updated at Sep 30, 2020, 14:58
This is a novel that explicitly details on the covenant of brotherhood between blood brothers. A covenant that ought not to be broken for any reason whatsoever. There is no soap or detergent that can wash away the common blood that flows in the veins and arteries of any blood brothers. It describes a life well lived by two brothers Preston and Connector. It brings on board the memories of the moments they enjoyed together, the experiences they dreaded, the fears and anxieties they had those days in their early years of growth. Though sometimes they disagreed over some petty tiny ideas, they never parted ways. The misunderstanding could only last for a half a day. After marrying, their wives try to separate them basing on the fact that they are not on the same page, although they're on one leaf. Preston is older than Connector by five years. This gives him a chance to marry and get to the top first. This is not to mean his life has been a bed of roses all along. He has experienced many traumatizing bottlenecks which he has overcome. Preston's wife, Cecilia, questions his husbands kind heart that's too unbecoming. He gives everything out to his larger family till he remains with nothing to give to his newly created family. He doesn't think about the future. He believes in predestination. This makes Cecilia to hate his husbands family, especially Connector his brother-in-law who's a first year at the University of Nairobi since he solely depends on him for everything now that their parents are jobless. She devises a scheme to separate them. But finally it ends in threatening to eat up her marriage. After Connector marrying, her wife assimilates herself into the antics and tries to separate them but fails.
Updated at Sep 30, 2020, 14:39
This is a novel that explicitly details on the covenant of brotherhood between blood brothers. A covenant that ought not to be broken for any reason whatsoever. There is no soap or detergent that can wash away the common blood that flows in the veins and arteries of any blood brothers. It describes a life well lived by two brothers Preston and Connector. It brings on board the memories of the moments they enjoyed together, the experiences they dreaded, the fears and anxieties they had those days in their early years of growth. Though sometimes they disagreed over some ideas, they never parted ways. The misunderstanding could only last for a half a day. After marrying, their wives try to separate them basing on the fact that they are not on the same page, although they're on one leaf. Preston is older than Connector by five years. This gives him a chance to marry and get to the top first. This is not to mean his life has been a bed of roses all along. He has experienced many traumatizing bottlenecks which he has overcome. Preston's wife, Cecilia, questions his husbands kind heart that's too unbecoming. He gives everything out to his larger family till he remains with nothing to give to his newly created family. He doesn't think about the future. He believes in predestination. This makes Cecilia to hate his husbands family, especially Connector his brother-in-law who's a first year at the University of Nairobi since he solely depends on him for everything now that their parents are jobless. She devises a scheme to separate them. But finally it ends in threatening to eat up her marriage. After Connector marrying, her wife assimilates herself into the antics and tries to separate them but fails.