Story By R.M. Galloway

R.M. Galloway

Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
In the dark of the parking lot I couldn't possibly have seen his eyes, but in my memory or my imagination I saw them as dark pits of rage and madness. He came up swinging, or so I thought. I never felt the knife, it slid across my body so easy it felt like nothing more than a regular punch. When a motel stakeout turns into a gun battle, Special Agent Gavin Holder stumbles across a vast and deadly gang-related conspiracy, including a secret stockpile of stolen money, drugs and jewels. The search for the treasure hoard leads Holder into a hunt for his own past, a woman who may hold the key to the missing millions – and to Holder’s own darkest secrets. As his past closes in on him, Holder must find a way to take down the criminal gang, find the missing money, save the woman he loves... and not get caught. Or has he underestimated the magnitude of what he’s up against? A suspenseful crime thriller in the classic noir tradition.
Gavin Holder Series
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
I checked my gun to make sure I had a full clip, chambered a round, and ran downstairs. When I put a gun in this guy's face and maybe knocked out a tooth or two, he would sure as hell tell me where Jackie was. But he was gone when I got down there, no trace of his presence left behind. Just as if I had imagined the whole thing. I stood on the street with a gun in my hand, and looked around in all directions. She was lost, the people who took her from me were lost, and I was more lost than any of them. Special Agent Gavin Holder is a man with secrets – among them his relationship with Jackie Cole, widow of a dead FBI informant. What the FBI doesn't know about Gavin Holder could put him in prison, but what Holder doesn't know about Jackie Cole could put him in the grave.  As Holder desperately tries to keep his past a secret, the consequences of his involvement with Jackie become more and more deadly. Holder is slowly drawn into a vast conspiracy, directed by a sinister fanatic known only as Father - the leader of the terrorist cult Ultima Thule.  Gavin Holder may not be a very good FBI agent – but he may also be the only man alive who can stop the cult. Sometimes the "bad guy" saves the day.  
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
I was once an FBI agent, a man with a respected career, an officially certified Good Guy. Now I was hiding in a drenching rainstorm outside of a scared man's house after my very public firing and repudiation. I could quite easily die in the next few minutes, or be forced to take the life of an innocent man. That was my life now. So be it. We all make choices. Most of my choices are bad ones, and that no longer bothers me. Gavin Holder, rogue FBI agent turned lawbreaker, is now the head of security for the Quod Corporation – a fantastic new tech start-up promising everything from artificial intelligence to flying cars. The Quod Corporation's president is a charismatic and brilliant public speaker, but his charm masks a sinister obsession. Gavin Holder is soon in far over his head, dealing with heavily-armed mercenaries, ruthless hitmen, fanatical vigilantes and a Mongolian Buddhist monk with ties to the Chinese Mob. When Holder finds out what's really going on, all the threads of his past will come together – Can Holder finally make the right choices or will Father take him down for good?