Story By Heitcleff


The Pretender (Love and Betrayal Series I)
Updated at Feb 14, 2023, 21:57
Is it a sin to love? If secret love is a sin I am willing to accept whatever is at stake. I'm Marina Daughn Welch, who will pretend to be the wife of my twin's fiancé. Love and Betrayal Series I The Pretender
Marco's Revenge (Love and Betrayal Series II)
Updated at Feb 14, 2023, 21:56
Marco Freniere a handsome and wealthy man. He has everything except one. To be able to avenge the woman who hurt him, not physically but his heart has been broken to this day. Mirana Vaughn Welch, the woman who regrets everything that happened. And now begins a new life with her son. But the day will come when everything will change. Will Marco accept a decision of destiny for both of them?