Story By Madelaine W. Blakeley

Madelaine W. Blakeley

So hey guys, I\'m a student. I love listening to music and dancing is my life. Literally. It\'s like breathing to me. Writing makes me feel good and not just books, I like to stay a little quotic (I write quotes) and as I discovered right now, I make words too. This is my first ever book and because of my schedule, I was and will be unable to write for sometime so I really hope every \'YOU AND I\' fan or at least who read and liked it (I will call you fans only) will have some patience. I will update when, I\'ll be a little free. If you want to tell me anything about the book which I would want to think Will be positive then, you can leave it in the comments. I do check them. I have \'YOU AND I\' on wattpad and Inkitt app too so check that out too because I might just post there first. If you like the book. FOLLOW. VOTE. COMMENT. SHARE. XOXO.
Updated at Apr 14, 2020, 06:37
“Stay away from me.” I yelled, I was breathing and seeing red would be the right term, thinking how could he do this? Why the bloody hell did he have to do it now? Now when I finally felt that everything would be okay, but also thinking of the fact that why in god's name did I kiss him again? Even though I felt confused, one thing was clear that whatever happened had ruined both of us. For better or for worse, was for time to tell. “Why?” He asked, a pained and distraught expression adorning his face describing exactly about the inner turmoil he was facing. He still tried holding me, but I shoved him away, it wasn't of much use since he was huge compared to me. “I can't let it happen again.” My voice was getting hoarse with each passing word and tears started to form in my eyes making my anger turn into dust. My mind was repeating the question I couldn't answer, 'Why? Why couldn't I stay away from him? Why did I kiss him?' “I'll never let you fall.” He placed his palm on my cheek, caressing it lightly with his thumb trying to make me realize that he would never hurt me, never go away. All I wanted to say, was that I did, I did fall a long time ago. ___________________________________________ Emarald O'Connel is everything a guy can ask for. Sweet. Innocent. Most all sarcastic. Beautiful, inside and out. Just perfect. But no one can be that perfect, now, can they? Brett Hartwell is your typical bad boy. Eyes anyone could die for. Trouble. Sexy and handsome. For any 'bad boy' leather jacket and behaving like jerk is just necessary. 'Why does this falling feel like flying?'