Story By Aiki Flinthart

Aiki Flinthart

80AD The Sudarshana (Bk4)
Updated at Mar 24, 2021, 02:12
Ever wondered what India was like in 80AD? Well neither had Jade and Phoenix - until they end up there for Level 4 of the game, 80AD. Transported from the deserts of Egypt into the tropical heat of India, they have to face a whole new range of enemies. Snake-gods, invading armies, assassins and war-elephants are all on the list.  To complicate matters, the Game is now open to internet gamers in their world - adding a whole new level of difficulty. When they meet a fellow-gamer, they are in for the ride of their lives. Even though he's a reminder of home, they soon find that the addition of a charismatic stranger into their team causes all sorts of problems between the four friends.  All they want to do is complete their next quest, yet somehow, they end up involved in a full-scale war between Indian rival kings. Each army is over 100 000 strong and prepared to fight to the bloody death to hold the town of Pune. Unfortunately, it's also the town Phoenix and Jade must get to, to complete Level 4. They must return The Sudarshana to the statue of Vishnu in Pune, before the death of the moon - whatever that means. With two armies in the way, and snake-goddess and her swarm of angry snake-men as well, the task seems impossible.  Add to that the problem that Jade is dying too often and their quest is in serious danger of failing and leaving India, this world and ours in real danger.
80AD The Tekhen of Anuket (Bk3)
Updated at Mar 21, 2021, 20:33
80AD Book 3 finds Phoenix, Jade, Marcus and Brynn trapped inside a pyramid in ancient Egypt. No Pharaohs here, this is Egypt as you've never see it. Rome has taken over and the country is far from peaceful.  This adventure is the most insane yet. It has everything you'd expect: mummies, secret passages, treasure, an evil high priest, human sacrifice, walking undead and more. Together our four adventurers must escape the clutches of the high priest of the Egyptian god, Set and release the imprisoned goddess of the Nile, Anuket. Without Anuket, Egypt suffers endless drought and the country will die.  An ancient prophecy predicts 'the Phoenix' to be the savior of Egypt, but our Phoenix doesn't think he's up for it. Phoenix and Jade must battle not only external enemies, but their own inner demons, as they struggle to deal with this harder, harsher Level and its new enemies.  To make matters worse, Phoenix and Jade's old enemy, Feng Zhudai, is manipulating the Roman leader of Egypt, weaseling his way into things, trying again to upset the balance of this world by causing chaos.
80AD The Yu Dragon (Bk5)
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 19:00
This is it. The final Level of the Game. China in 80AD is the stage for the final showdown between Phoenix and Jade and their arch-enemy, Feng Zhudai.  Things don't start off so well. Jade is a prisoner, separated by vast distances from her companions; in the hands of Feng Zhudai himself. Phoenix and the others have to find her before they can even think of freeing her. What have they got to work with? How can they fight Feng Zhudai's incredible magical powers on his own home ground? How can they fulfill their quest to master the Yu Dragon, when they don't even know where to find it or what it looks like - or how to go about mastering a dragon?  To top it all off, they must stop Feng Zhudai from taking control of the Han Empire and the world. If he wins this round, it's all over.  Everything and everyone they know and love will be destroyed - in both worlds. With the fate of this world and their own in the balance, Phoenix and Jade have insurmountable odds stacked against them.