Story By J.J. Green

J.J. Green

Space Colony One
Updated at Jan 5, 2023, 23:10
Revenge works both ways When humanity’s first deep space colonists touched down on the new planet, they had no idea it was the birthplace of a hostile alien species. After enduring numerous attacks, the survivors realize the aliens are about to enact their revenge by invading Earth. General Cherry Lindstrom commissions the building of a starship to carry a select band of colonists to the home world and warn the inhabitants of the impending war. Generations have passed since the original colony ship departed. What will the returning colonists find when they arrive? And will they make it back in time to avert a disaster? Restitution  is book seven in the epic space colonization adventure, Space Colony One.
Humanity's Fight
Updated at Mar 17, 2022, 02:52
Fighting for freedom from galactic tyranny General Cherry Lindstrom is responsible for the defense of the colony world, Concordia. This last outpost of human civilization lives under constant threat of attack from hostile aliens who claim the planet as their own. But decades have passed since the last assault, and the colonists have grown complacent. Thanks to the effects of time dilation, only Cherry and a handful of others remember the devastation wreaked on Concordia previously. The Concordians don't understand the danger the colony is in. Cherry must find a way to convince them and to build effective fighting force—before it's too late. Two galactic civilizations. One planet. Who will win?  Humanity's Fight is book five in the space colonization epic adventure, Space Colony One.
Interstellar Mission
Updated at Mar 17, 2022, 02:51
On a mission to save humanity  All that remains of human civilization is a fledgling colony on Concordia, a planet light years from Earth. Infighting and disaster dogged the colony’s earliest days, but through the determination and bravery of a few individuals, the remnants of humankind have clung to existence.  One of the grittiest of these characters is Cherry Lindstrom. A farmer turned freedom fighter, she helped to lead the generational colonists’ rebellion. Now she must travel to the Galactic Assembly and persuade the leading powers to accept humans into their alliance.  But everything goes to pieces when the Galactic Assembly is attacked. Hostile aliens who want Concordia for their own are determined to prevent Cherry from gathering support.  She must fight, again, for what she believes in. Two thousand souls and the future of humanity are depending on her. Interstellar Mission is book four of the space colonization epic, Space Colony One.
Final Onslaught
Updated at Mar 17, 2022, 02:50
Trapped on a dying planet General Cherry Lindstrom made a decision that killed millions of a friendly alien species and threatens the future of humanity. A deadly poison is creeping across the surface of her planet, but the allies of humanity won’t reach Concordia in time to mount a rescue. While the scientists battle to find a way to neutralize the lethal toxin, Cherry is chasing down another threat: an enigmatic visitor who arrived just prior to the chemical attack. Her guts tell her the new arrival is up to no good, but others think she’s wrong. For Cherry, finding and eliminating her target may be her only path to redemption for her fateful decision. All hope appears lost for the Concordia Colony, but the final onslaught is yet to come. Final Onslaught is book three in the second part of the space colonization epic adventure, Space Colony One.
Shadows of the Void Books 1 - 10
Updated at Mar 17, 2022, 02:48
Kickass sci-fi heroine versus deadly aliens. Growing up as a Martian on Earth has left Jas Harrington solitary, quick-tempered, and with zero tolerance for fools. All plus points when working as chief security officer aboard prospecting starships. Jas' latest berth is aboard the Galathea, which trawls the reaches of the galaxy seeking precious minerals and rare resources. She thinks it's a routine trip. She's wrong. An inspection of a far-flung planet leaves Jas suspicious that there's more to the place than meets the eye. If only she could convince the captain of the need for caution, but she might as well wish for a tasty meal in the ship's canteen. If she fails, the ship's crew, the galactic empire, and humanity itself are at risk. Shadows of the Void is a fast-paced, action-packed space opera. Complete series. Pick up your copy today!
Space Colony One Books 1 - 6
Updated at Mar 10, 2022, 23:25
Terror stalks a new world colony. After nearly two hundred years’ space travel, humanity’s first deep space colony expedition has arrived at its new home. Ethan, the descendant of six generations who lived and died aboard ship, treads on soil and feels the wind and rain for the first time. But the new planet is not the paradise the scientists predicted. Alien predators lurk beyond the camp’s perimeter, and stowaway saboteurs are determined no one will survive. Tensions in the new colony rise, and Ethan must fight to preserve the last hope of humankind. Download books 1 to 6 today and start this epic space colonization adventure!
The Scythian Crisis
Updated at Mar 10, 2022, 00:15
Humanity’s last stand. An attack by unknown aliens has devastated the Nova Fortuna colony. Its long-term survival seems impossible. But the colonists aren’t going down without a fight. Ethan must prepare the Gens for their final battle. Geneticist Cariad must decide whether to reactivate the sinister Guardians to aid in the colony’s defense. Earth is lost. The new world settlers are without hope. When the moment to decide humanity’s fate arrives, will they be ready? The Scythian Crisis is book three in the compelling, provocative space colonization epic adventure, Space Colony One.
Space Colony One Books 4 - 6
Updated at Mar 9, 2022, 02:18
On a mission to save humanity All that remains of human civilization is a fledgling colony on Concordia, a planet light years from Earth. Infighting and disaster dogged the colony’s earliest days, but through the determination and bravery of a few individuals, the remnants of humankind have clung to existence. One of the grittiest of these characters is Cherry Lindstrom. A farmer turned freedom fighter, she helped to lead the generational colonists’ rebellion. Now she must travel to the Galactic Assembly and persuade the leading powers to accept humans into their alliance. But everything goes to pieces when the Galactic Assembly is attacked. Hostile aliens who want Concordia for their own are determined to prevent Cherry from gathering support. She must fight, again, for what she believes in. Two thousand souls and the future of humanity are depending on her. So begins the second trilogy in the space colonization epic adventure, Space Colony One.
The Concordia Deception
Updated at Mar 9, 2022, 02:15
Terror stalks a new world colony. After nearly two hundred years’ space travel, humanity’s first deep space colony expedition has arrived at its new home. Ethan, the descendant of six generations who lived and died aboard ship, treads on soil and feels the wind and rain for the first time. But the new planet is not the paradise the scientists predicted. Alien predators lurk beyond the camp’s perimeter, and stowaway saboteurs are determined no one will survive. Tensions in the new colony rise, and Ethan must fight to preserve the last hope of humankind. The Concordia Deception is book one in the compelling, provocative space colonization epic adventure, Space Colony One.
The Fila Epiphany
Updated at Feb 16, 2022, 23:50
Humanity’s first deep space colony. Humanity’s last hope. Treachery and sabotage have dogged the early days of the Nova Fortuna colonization project, and worse problems lie in wait. The data the colonists received about their planet was wrong. No one knows what predatory life forms threaten the colonists. Ethan makes it his job to find out. At the same time, geneticist Cariad tries to root out any remaining saboteurs while also working to rebuild the colonists’ gene pool. Cariad and Ethan must secure the colony’s safety. If they don't the last hope for humanity will be gone. The Fila Epiphany is book two in the compelling, provocative space colonization series, Space Colony One.
Wrong Side of Time
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
When the greatest minds in the galaxy can't solve a problem through logic or reason, they call Carrie Hatchett. Carrie and her reluctant sidekick, Dave, have succeeded in driving the evil mechanical aliens, the placktoids, to their only remaining hiding place—the past. But the danger isn't over. The Transgalactic Council suspect the placktoids are trying to change the course of history and re-emerge as rulers of the galaxy. Carrie and Dave are assigned to defeat them, but even attacks from her psychotic cat can't prepare them for the challenges they face when they travel back in time to the placktoid planet: searing temperatures, a barren landscape and primitive robots with OCD. And waiting in the wings is the placktoid High Commander, whose 3D printing ability is lethal. Innocently optimistic Carrie needs to recognise what's staring her in the face if she's to defeat the placktoids and avoid being trapped in the past forever.
Carrie's Calamity
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Uh oh. Carrie Hatchett's back in town. When she returned from her most recent assignment as a Transgalactic Intercultural Community Crisis Liaison Officer, a weird wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey effect had taken place. The good news: Carrie now owns the company she used to work for. The bad news: the company's products have come to life and are on the rampage. They're terrorising the British population in a way oddly similar to the evil mechanical aliens everyone thought had been defeated. Rampaging robots are only the start of Carrie's problems. Her lovely new home is destroyed and she goes to stay with long-suffering sidekick, Dave. Her bestie's pristine flat isn't ideal for Carrie's pets or her messy habits. What's more, she's caught the most awful cold in history. Worst of all, Dave makes terrible tea. Things go from bad to worse, and Carrie realises Earth's local crisis has gone galactic. Can she really save the galaxy again? Carrie's Calamity is book five in the light-hearted, fast-paced Carrie Hatchett, Space Adventurer series.
The Galactic Chronicles
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
The final three books of J.J. Green's Shadows of the Void space opera serial, in one discounted bundle. Mars BornThe future of the galaxy hangs in the balance as the Shadows continue their invasion.Jas Harrington has escaped to the starship Bricoleur. In the brief respite from battle, she must decide how best to fight the Shadows, who kill and replace their victims.Along with her companions, she travels to her birthplace, Mars, where she delves into her murky past and uncovers surprising secrets. In the midst of the declining colony world, Jas finds something that might be the key to everything. Her discovery could explain where the Shadows come from, how they operate, and how to defeat them.The race is on to free the keepers of the knowledge and enlist them in the desperate war to save the galaxy. Shadow BattleHumanity is at war with invading aliens, and the battle's about to go galactic.Security chief Jas Harrington has exposed the secret invasion of Earth by hostile aliens called Shadows. She hopes the Transgalactic Council can come to Earth's aid, and she and her companions await the Council's arrival at Ganymede Outpost. The galactic adventurers have with them the enigmatic organisms they rescued from a military weapons research station. When the Council members hear Jas' story, they realize that the stolen organisms may hold the secret to defeating the Shadows. Meanwhile, in the deepest regions of the galaxy, the Shadow battle has begun. Jas and her friends want to fight alongside their galactic allies, even if it means parting company. Jas enlists with the galactic fleet and is sent to serve aboard the space battleship Infineon. As the battle rages, it becomes clear that the allies face more threats than just the enemy's ships.Shadow WarA galactic war. Star-crossed lovers. What could possibly go wrong?Jas Harrington has risen from a lowly ensign to the rank of commander in the Unity Alliance, which has been at war with the Shadows for the last five years.But her rapid promotion means little to Jas. She hasn't seen the love of her life for the duration of the war, and she doesn't know if he's dead or alive.As the battle to decide the fate of the galaxy draws near, Jas readies her starship, the Thylacine, to play its part in defeating the enemy.The fate of humanity and galactic civilization hangs in the balance, and she hopes that if the allies win, the life she'll lead afterward is worth fighting for.Download your copy today!
Passage to Paradise
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Carrie Hatchett is back. The Transgalactic Council may never be the same.  After a successful first mission, Carrie thought her job as Transgalactic Intercultural Community Crisis Liaison Officer was secure. But all bets are off when she travels to Dandrobia, a genetically engineered utopia. Beautiful and immortal, the dandrobians have been confined to their planet due their former tyrannical reign over the galaxy. Carrie must mediate between the dandrobians and their victims, the squashpumps.  She finds paradise isn't all it's cracked up to be, and, as often happens when she's around, things don't go according to plan. Dandrobians escape to Earth, and the negotiations descend into chaos.  With the help of her long-suffering friend, Dave, Carrie must send the dandrobians home and restore peace. If she fails, it isn't only her job at risk. There's more to the dandrobians than meets the eye.  Passage to Paradise is book two in the light-hearted, fast-paced Carrie Hatchett Space Adventures series.
Carrie Hatchett, Space Adventurer Books 1 - 3
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
If you like Doctor Who, you'll love Carrie Hatchett's Space Adventures. Carrie Hatchett’s been a dog walker, ice cream seller and birthdaygram girl—the clean kind. All she wants is a proper job. But Transgalactic Intercultural Community Crisis Liaison Officer isn’t what she had in mind. And neither is saving the galaxy. Book One - Mission Improbable The galaxy is in crisis, and Carrie Hatchett is the last person on Earth who should be fixing it. Carrie is a low-achieving daydreamer. After providing a good home for her butt-ugly dog and psychotic cat, her biggest challenge in life is to avoid being fired—again.  But a strange green mist sucks her beneath her kitchen sink, and an unusual clerical error leads to an offer she foolishly doesn’t refuse.  Book Two - Passage to Paradise Carrie Hatchett is back. The Transgalactic Council may never be the same.  After a successful first mission, Carrie thought her job as Transgalactic Intercultural Community Crisis Liaison Officer was secure. But all bets are off when she travels to Dandrobia, a genetically engineered utopia.  Rogue, Carrie's dog with a face only she could love, lends a paw.  Book Three - Transgalactic Antics Watch out! Carrie Hatchett has a plan. When the evil mechanical aliens, the placktoids, return, Carrie must put together a plan that actually works. A plan to rid the galaxy of the placktoid menace, and save her life. Join Carrie on her adventures today! 
Shadow War
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
A galactic war. Star-crossed lovers. What could possibly go wrong? Jas Harrington has risen from a lowly ensign to the rank of commander in the Unity Alliance, which has been at war with the Shadows for the last five years. But her rapid promotion means little to Jas. She hasn't seen the love of her life for the duration of the war, and she doesn't know if he's dead or alive. As the battle to decide the fate of the galaxy draws near, Jas readies her starship, the Thylacine, to play its part in defeating the enemy. The fate of humanity and galactic civilization hangs in the balance, and she hopes that if the allies win, the life she'll lead afterward is worth fighting for. Shadow War is book ten and the final book in the fast-paced, action-packed Shadows of the Void space opera serial. Download your copy today!
There Comes a Time
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Return to classic scifi with these shorts about time travel, future Earth, interplanetary exploration, Mars colonies, strange new subterranean life forms and other futuristic, weird and horrific tales.   There Comes a Time Corporal Elliot, the first Future Soldier, has only one mission: to find out why humanity will be wiped off the face of the Earth. But time isn’t on her side. The Last Days of Duane Dayton Brutal murderer Duane Dayton waits on Death Row for his second and final execution, hoping for a quick end. His new technician has other ideas. Breathing Space In the deepest cave ever entered by human beings, Collins searches for the body of a lost caver. But there’s something strange about a colleague of the deceased, and the patches on the cave walls she's investigating. Collins must figure out the mystery if he’s to get out alive. Never in Fear Fly to the Woods For the first colony on Perseverance to survive, Robert has to overcome his grief and fear.
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Kickass sci-fi heroine versus deadly aliens. Growing up as a Martian on Earth has left Jas Harrington solitary, quick-tempered, and with zero tolerance for fools. All plus points when working as chief security officer aboard prospecting starships. Jas' latest berth is aboard the Galathea, which trawls the reaches of the galaxy seeking precious minerals and rare resources. She thinks it's a routine trip. She's wrong. An inspection of a far-flung planet leaves Jas suspicious that there's more to the place than meets the eye. If only she could convince the captain of the need for caution, but she might as well wish for a tasty meal in the ship's canteen. When the captain disciplines Jas for insubordination, she has only two allies: a timid navigator and the second pilot, who has the hots for her. Not that Jas notices. All hell breaks loose, and Jas' skills are put to the ultimate test. Can she enlist the help of the only two friends she has? She's in a race against time to prevent the aliens from achieving their goal: Generation. If she fails, the ship's crew, the galactic empire, and humanity itself are at risk. Generation is book one in the fast-paced, action-packed Shadows of the Void space opera. Complete series. Pick up your copy today!
The Galathea Chronicles
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Kickass sci fi heroine versus deadly aliens. Books 1 - 3 of JJ Green’s 10-book space opera serial, Shadows of the Void, in one discounted box set. Hostile aliens called Shadows threaten to destroy all humanity. Appearing as perfect copies of their victims, the aliens are nearly impossible to detect and difficult to kill. It’s down to one woman to stop them. Generation Chief Security Officer and Martian, Jas Harrington, is in a race against time, fighting to prevent the Shadows from taking over her starship and spreading their deadly infection to Earth. Stranded The starship Galathea has crash-landed on a dangerous planet, and some of the officers may be possessed by aliens. Can Jas combat the threats outside and within the ship and rescue its crew? Dawn The colony world of Dawn harbors dark secrets, and as the Shadows draw near, Jas fights desperately to free the colonists. If she doesn’t succeed, no one can survive. Download The Galathea Chronicles to begin this fast-paced, galactic space opera serial today.
The Earth Chronicles
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Deadly alien stowaways… A determined starship's crew... The battle for Earth is on. Jas Harrington made it back to Earth after battling hostile aliens at the far reaches of the galaxy. What she doesn't know is, the aliens have hitched a ride. When the crew disembarks, Jas parts company with the pilot, killing their budding romance. Oh well, never mind. Then comes the game changer. Jas realizes Earth is being invaded, and no one's doing anything about it. The government's trying to sweep the problem under the rug. Can she reunite with her new-found friends to defeat the alien menace? They thought it was all over, but the fight has only just begun. Book 4: Shadowrise Book 5: Underworld Book 6: Burned Book 7: Trapped
Transgalactic Antics
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Watch out! Carrie Hatchett has a plan. Carrie's impulsive, reckless nature gets her in trouble again, and if she wants to keep her job as a Transgalactic Intercultural Community Crisis Liaison Officer, she has to pass remedial training.  Little does she know that her survival and the future of the galactic empire are also at stake. With the help of her level-headed bestie, Dave, and her fellow alien trainees—an intelligent slug, a mysterious box, a large green blob, and a cylinder of hair—she might just succeed. But so much stands in her way. A brain scan confirms that she isn't cut out for the job, and a blast from the past rears her beautiful head, sending Carrie into a crisis of self-doubt.  When the evil mechanical aliens, the placktoids, return, Carrie must put together a plan that actually works. A plan to rid the galaxy of the placktoid menace, and save her life.  Transgalactic Antics is book three in the light-hearted, fast-paced Carrie Hatchett, Space Adventurer series. 