
Finding Myself

Girl Power Counterattack

Growing up thinking your nothing, then finding out your the "chosen one". But your lost, lost in your thoughts, lost in life, lost on who you are. It is time to find yourself...who are you really?

This is what I tell myself so that I can continue "Finding Me"

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Lost In My Thoughts
I opened my eyes slightly the sunlight pouring in through my red, cotton curtains. Looking towards my window I sigh. Its a heavy sigh, wishing I could stay in bed a little longer. I looked at the time and jumped up, I had to hurry and leave for work before I was late again.  I led a pretty normal, boring life. Worked Monday through Sunday at the diner down the street from my apartment. It managed to pay for my necessities and nothing more. Working there for almost 2 years since I was 14, I grew accustomed to the strain it put on my social life. Although I didn't mind the quietness. Running to the diner I got there just as 9 am struck and walked in to see my manager having a heated discussion with my best friend Jacqueline. Hearing the bell ring as I walked in Jacqueline looks at me and points as if she was making a point. "Hi Natasha" "Hey kid, you are so lucky you got here in time because you would have been on the street were you a minute late!" She angrily stomps off mumbling something about me that I couldn't comprehend. "Girl you don't even understand how close you are to being kicked to the curb. It ain't even funny." "well thanks Jackie (nickname) I'll keep that in mind with my every waking step" I say sarcastically "Well yeah I would appreciate that. Anyway how you been" "I've been the same" I say walking to the changing room and putting down my stuff. How bout you?" I wasnt actually in the mood this morning but I had to entertain jacqueline or she would try to kill me. I wonder how were even friends.  "Well me and my new boo went out yesterday" I looked at her confused "What new boyfriend?" "Kyle? You don't remember him?" "Um no....is he the one with red and purple hair?" "Yes that him!" "When did you two start dating?" "Last week" "why did you not tell me sooner" "I wasn't sure if we would be together this long" "Hmm ok, well lets get to work now." "Ok" The day seemed to drag on as I waited tables with a fake smile plastered on my face. I loved these people but today I was not in the mood. Between waking up late and this anxious feeling in my stomach I didn't wanna socialize at all today. Walking over to the next table I couldn't help but notice how tense the two people were. "Hello, welcome to Rosa's diner. My name is Andreka and I will be your server today. Would you like to order?" "A water and a Sprite, hurry up" the guy said looking annoyed at my intterupting their conversation. "Of course sir" sometimes I just wish the rude customers would just go somewhere else, but then of course we would lose business.  I come back to the table with the water and Sprite  placing it down. "Here you are sir, would you two care to order your food now or do you need some more time" "I wou-" "That would be all thank you " The guy interrupted the girl  "Miss would you like anything?" "Ye-" "No", I looked at the girl questiongly she gave me a small smile in return, with that I walked back to collect the orders of my other tables.  For the rest of the day I could not get them out of my head.     ***************************** 7 o'clock finally hit and my shift was over. I waved good bye to my manager and Jackie as I started my walk home. Today wasn't all that eventful aside from the man and woman from earlier. I wonder what was up with them.  It was a 10 minute walk and I was tired but that anxious feeling in my stomache did not fade away even as I grew busy during work and now its stronger.  I feel as though someone is watching me, but I can't tell where its coming from. I look around not spotting anything suspicious and start walking faster. I'm a block away from my house when a car comes speeding down the road, I swear it is as if everything moved in slow motion. The car stopped right nxt to me and as I went to run away a figure stepped from the car and dragged me into the back seat I felt something prick my skin just before I see darkness clouds my  vision and I'm sleeping.

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