Chapter 2: Meeting Again

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Xander's POV I was turning the corner when my drink spilled over my hand. Who the heck can watch where they're walking? Damn, this gorgeous angel is at fault. “What the hell?” were the first words out of those pretty, juicy lips. I didn't have time to argue since I was running so late for a meeting. I felt bad that I ruined her shirt, and now she's complaining about it. I was in a good mood, so I dragged her into the nearest restroom. Wearing my business suit, luckily, I always wear a t-shirt under my dress shirt, so I started undressing in front of her. I could tell she was checking me out, her hazel eyes roaming around my arm down to my six-pack. She noticed I was looking at her, blushed, and went into the stall to change. After a few minutes, she came out looking so sexy in my shirt. The way my shirt hugged her body and her curves made me think of so many dirty things I could do to her. We were both stuck checking each other out, and we snapped out of it when her phone rang. I finished fixing myself and left the restroom. I was so in a hurry that I forgot to ask for her number. Hopefully, we will run into each other again someday. Two hours before… “Dad, I'm here.” “It's good to see you, Xan. How have you been, son?” “I've been doing well. Why did you call me into your office today, father? I'm kinda in a rush today.” “Let me guess… Some hot date tonight… wait, wait… let me guess the blonde chick from a couple of nights ago, or is it that brunette from last night?” “Neither. It's the ginger from last week.” “Son, this is what I mean—you need to settle down. You're always being photographed with some random girl every day. You're almost twenty-four.” “Dad, I don't want to settle down yet, and you know that… I want to live my life a little more before settling down and taking over the company.” “Hopefully soon… Speaking of the company, you know that we want to expand and work with the Michelson family.” “Yes, I know that.” “Well, the plan is for you to marry their sister, Maddison.” “Over my dead body. I won't do it.” “Then you could say goodbye to being CEO and your inheritance then.” “You can't do that.” “Oh yes, I can. It's my company and money.” “But father…” “No 'buts,' we are meeting Michelson later today at 3 pm, and you will be there, and it's final.” “I won't be there.” “You better be. Now please leave my office; I have a meeting to attend.” Present time After speaking with my father in his office, I decided to just go with the flow because I don't want to risk being CEO. Plus, I understand that my parents might want to retire soon. Eventually, I decided to head to the mall since I needed to find the perfect birthday gift for my little sister. I was trying to stay in a good mood after that incident, and I couldn't stop thinking of that gorgeous angel with her full pink lips. All I could think of was her being naked in my bed and making her mine. It got to the point that it was hard to drive with my arousal. Hopefully, this meeting goes quickly, and then I can relieve myself pronto. Maddie's POV As I was trying to speed through traffic, I couldn't stop thinking of that hunk of a man. His strong arms full of ink gave me a turn. I like my men with some ink and good looks, especially those with green eyes and dark brown hair. When he smiled, I could see his small dimple, and that made me melt for him even more. But no, Maddie, snap out of it! You can't fall for this guy. Remember, you're still heartbroken, and it's still early to date. You're not ready to trust men, not right after… Flashback My boyfriend, Max, had texted me telling me that he had to cancel our plans because he wasn't feeling well. So, as a good girlfriend, I made him some chicken noodle soup, packed some of his favorite snacks, and went straight to his house. Once I got there, using the hidden key under the mat to surprise him, I saw my “so-called best friend,” Jackie, on top of my boyfriend, moaning his name. I guess I was so shocked that I dropped the glass container which caught their attention. “Babe, it's not what it looks like.” “Oh really? So, you're not sleeping with my best friend? Why did you do it? You were my best friend!” “Oh, cut the crap, Maddison. You know you were never my friend. I was just that person who would always be in your shadow while you had the spotlight on you.” “That's not true. I included you in everything. If you were feeling that way, you could just have talked to me about it. You didn't need to get with my boyfriend.” “How long, Max?” “Babe, please let me explain.” “I said how long?” “Six months.” “You've been with her for six months? You son of a b***h. You're over here thinking I'm cheating on you, while it was you the whole time.” “Please, baby…” I slapped him so hard that he fell onto the couch. Eventually, I told him I was done with him and to not contact me ever again. It took about two days until the whole school knew about Max cheating on me, and the worst part is that they started dating after that week. It was a rough senior year, so I decided to take early admission to Columbia University. I left California with a bittersweet memory, but it's time to live a new chapter in my life. End of Flashback I parked my car quickly and ran straight to the elevator. Hopefully, my brother won't scold me right now, but I know once this meeting is over, they will. “Sorry, I'm late. Hopefully, I didn't miss anything.” “Of course not, principessa.” That voice...
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