
Between Brothers

second chance

Tara is ready to start her life anew, with her fiancee, Daniel. Life is exactly where it belongs, in the palm of her hand. Just like a storm he's always been in walks Christopher bringing old memories, emotions and feelings back to the surface she thought was buried under concrete. Right behind the drama of Christopher follows Julian, he's another face she wish she didn't have to see. She's set her goals and needs to make it to the finish line, but can she with three men all demanding the right to have her as their own?

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Prelude pt. 1
Christopher   Why the hell did I agree to this s**t? I hate when my mother talks me into things. Normally I would just shrug it off, but I am being forced to inhabit the same space as Daniel and his little girlfriend for the entire f*****g summer.  Someone, please shoot me now! I’ve spent most of the spring building this trailer, converting the tiny home to my specific design; luckily I have a private investor, or I’d be stuck sharing a damn room. I’m 21 years old, and I’d have to share a room with Prince Dipshit. NOT GONNA FUCKIN’ HAPPEN!  Today seems to be the hottest day of the year because my air conditioner is on the fritz, the first time it’s done this since the start of May. Maybe, later on, I’ll make Gregg and Julian run with me to the store to get a new one, but right now, I need a damn shower.  I climbed out of bed, peeling off the once-needed layers because my air was arctic. Now, It’s like I’m a melting popsicle, and I’m sticking to everything around me. I hate the summer. I peel off my boxers and t-shirt, climbing under the cool stream of water cascading down my back. I stand there knowing I eventually have to climb out from the only comfort I’ve found, but there’s one thing left to do, and that’s to wash my ass.  Rubbing the soap across my skin causes it to tingle, and not in a good way because it makes my d**k hard. It’s been months since I’ve had the pleasure of ripping open someone’s lotus flower; I miss the feeling of stretching them open. There’s no other feeling like it. f**k! My d**k is hard, and I think I only have 10 minutes before Asshole and Asshole show up.  Against my better judgment, I ignore my now aching d**k and climb out of the shower. And right on cue, Gregg and Julian are banging on the door; I wrap the towel around my waist and let them in. Only briefly allowing them to inhabit my sacred space because I speedily throw my clothes on and push them out the door. Off to the store we go.   We return around noon and get straight to work. First things first, my f*****g air conditioner. As we’re attempting to rip the old one out and take the debris with it, my mother starts with her complaints.  “CHRIS! What the hell are you doing?” She screams at me, trying hard to talk over the blasting music I’m purposely playing to drown her out. I pretend I don’t hear her and continue the destruction of the old air conditioner; I need to get this done. It’s too f*****g hot! “CHRISSY! I know you can hear me! Turn that God-awful music down,” She demands, I can feel her eyes boring into my neck from behind, and it sends chills down my spine.  I can’t ignore her forever, can I? “Yes, mother?” I reply, turning around to face her but regretting every second of it as I do. “Chrissy, what on earth are you doing? My yard looks like a construction site! Clean this mess up, NOW!” You can tell my mother’s pissed because her green eyes turn to shades of hazel and ember; she starts to be more furious than when she began. Mom continued on her long list of complaints for the day when I saw her, the girl that was going to be the cause of my nightmares for the rest of my fuckin’ life...  She tried to sneak in but walked right into the cluster f**k of the backyard, and I stared at her because honestly, she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her, but I plan to do so before the day ends.  My mother calls her over to introduce her to the guys and me, probably the worst mistake my mother will make for the year.  “Chrissy, you remember Tara?” My mother says beaming, the Cheshire cat’s smile wasn’t as bright as hers. I stare at her because there’s no way this is Tara. The same Tara that used to play hide and seek in the backyard and would cry when no one found her after 10 minutes? The same Tara I used to help tie her damn shoes? there’s no fuckin’ way.  This girl is stacked, and my d**k agrees that I would love to see those full pouty lips of hers wrapped around it. Get a damn grip! I just nod because opening my mouth would lead to a different conversation that I’d rather not have in front of my mother.  I watch her sashay away, and I can’t help but stare at her ass; that thing could make a grown man fall to his knees and beg her to kiss it. If I don’t get laid soon, I’m gonna do something fuckin’ criminal. “How old do you think she is?” Julian asks, clearly staring too. It brings me out of my trance because I completely forgot the idiots were still here.  “Too young for you, I bet!” I laugh, turning around to get back to work.  “I’d f**k her brains out and beg her for more,” Gregg says, shrugging his shoulders. Julian and I stopped to stare at him as if he had two heads. “What? We were all thinking about it.”  He’s right; we probably all were. Oh, little Tara, you have no idea what kind of summer you’re signed up for.  After a few more hours of ripping out windows and reinstalling my air, finally, I can cool my balls.  Ah! I pass out across my bed only to be interrupted by the subtle knocking on the door, I wipe my eyes and glance over to the clock. It’s 9:30 PM, s**t! I had no idea it was so damn late, I rolled off the bed and went to see who dares bother me at this hour. Peeking out the window, I see Miss Tara standing there waiting for me to answer. She looks nervous as if she’s been sent to the lion’s den and I’m about to pounce.  Sweet little Tara, I’m no lion. I’m a wolf on the edge of insanity and you’re my next prey. Swinging the door open, I nod for her to come in. I flip the light switch, and wouldn't want to make this awkward. I lean against the counter, closely watching my visitor and I must admit she’s beautiful up close without the sun beaming in my damn eyes. Thank God the guys left.  “Hi, umm. Your mom told me to come to get you for dinner” She mutters, staring at her own feet. I’m standing right here sweetie. Don’t you see me? “Not hungry,” I reply, still staring at her. She starts to wring her hands together as she slowly looks up at me. There we go. I’m met with almond-shaped eyes, gray with storms of blue in them. Her hair is wild but she has one streak of pink that she has hidden in the back, I guess that’s her rebellion slipping. Her frame isn’t slight AT ALL! Just the way I like it, it’s full all over. From her hips to her thighs, I could be crushed by those thick thighs and I’d die with a smile on my face. Her full breasts are hidden by a sweatshirt, only adding to the things I want to see on her. Note to self: Turn off the air conditioner so she’ll have to get naked! Stop it, Chris! She’s way too young. “Well, your mom sent me. So should I just tell her you’re not hungry?” “Yep, tell her Chris said he’s not FUCKIN’ hungry,” I said half laughing, the horror displayed on her face is hilarious.  “Oh, ok then.” She says scurrying away, almost tripping down the stairs to put some space between us. Laughing to myself I follow behind her, admiring that glorious ass of hers. And the only image crossing my mind is filling her to the brim of my c**k, and grabbing handfuls of ass like I’m holding on for dear life.  Goddamn, that’s a beautiful ass. Entering the kitchen, my mother asked a million questions about my plans for the summer and was going to be around for the next few weeks. I almost rolled my eyes but then she hit me with the bullshit. “Your dad and I need to head to Miami for some business, and it may take up to a week for us to get back. Could you keep an eye on your brother and Tara?” “No. I’m not a damn babysitter” “And this isn’t a damn trailer park but here we are” “FINE! But if something happens to either of them, I don’t wanna hear it!”  “How about you watch them so nothing happens?”  “Whatever, just don't come for me “ “Fine!” “Fine”  The conversation left stagnant air surrounding us, this is going to be the longest few weeks ever! I quickly left after the argument, I figured a drink or two would make life a tad bit easier. It didn’t get any better when I came back, I returned to my parents having left and two idiots left at the house. One of which was standing outside in the pouring rain, in her underwear. What the f**k? I decide to pretend I don’t see her, seeing her isn’t the real issue here. It's seeing her wet body up close, and there’s not a damn thing I can do except jerk off later to the image I store in the spank bank.  I run past her heading towards my door, trying to avoid being too wet. My macho attitude lasted all of about two minutes, she’s shivering and crying like a kitten that’s gotten lost without its mama. I can’t be THAT guy! I slowly turn around trying to give myself time to change my mind, but I don't. I just run towards her full speed, throw her over my shoulder and run for the hills.  Thank god I left the heat on before I left because the freezing rain has caused the temperatures to drop drastically. I can feel the chill in my bones and I was only stranded for a few minutes, God only knows how long she was out there. “Why are you outside? In the rain? In your underwear?” I ask her, grabbing towels from the laundry basket I left on the chair. She’s standing there shivering, teeth-chattering as if she’s slowly defrosting. Poor girl, I bet Daniel did this. “I, um, was trying to get my phone. But when I went to go back in, the door was locked, and then it started to rain and I figured standing under the umbrella was better than trying to run over to the gazebo.” She replies as I hand her a towel. I dig through the clothes again and grab a T-shirt and Shorts, handing them to her so she can change out of those wet clothes.  She stares at me for a moment as if I’ve forgotten to provide the details of what she’s supposed to be doing, I chuckle shaking my head.  “It’s so you can change your clothes. Can’t exactly dry clothes with you in them can we?” I say pointing towards the bedroom. She smiles and retreats to the room behind the safety of a door. I change my clothes, drying myself off in the process, leaving nothing on but shorts. I make tea because hell I’m a sensible guy, warm tea in the cold rain will probably lead to me getting laid.  Stop it, Chris! She’s way too young for you, resist the urge. I snap out of my internal battle of being a good guy when I hear the door pop, She’s now standing in front of me wearing my shirt with no shorts on. Didn’t I give her shorts? Her once wet hair, now a frizzy mane on her head makes her seem taller. I’m attempting to focus on her face and hair because looking down is a danger zone. I hand her a cup of tea and lean against the counter, we are having a stare-off whilst we enjoy a good cup of tea. I stare at her wondering what she could be thinking about, but then again why do I even care.? I shake the notion out of my head and move forward staring at her. “Didn’t I give you pants?” I say glancing over my cup at her.  “Yes, I’m a little bigger so that made them rise” She blushes, causing her brown skin to glow. I notice her pulling on her shirt, trying to hide those thick thighs.  The things I’d do to her, I need to go to f*****g bed.  “So umm, the loft is available. There are blankets in the closet, I’ll be behind that door. I guess you can sleep here if you want.” I utter as I place my cup in the sink. I slide past her and her large breasts press against my chest, her n*****s are hardening and I can feel her breathing becoming shallow.  “I’m terrified of heights, can I just sleep on the floor or something?” She says peeking at me under those long lashes, It’s the unasked question for me.  “Fine, you can sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep in the loft,” I say, backing away. I can feel the distance between us surging with energy, I need about ten minutes alone. Just ten, okay maybe fifteen.  “No, that wouldn’t be fair. Maybe we can share?” Is she insane? There’s something she wants and I want to give it to her.  “Fine, If you’re ok with it. You can have the blanket.” “That’s perfect” We both climb into the king-size bed and lie there in the darkness together. I’m staring at the ceiling as I feel her readjusting to get comfortable.  “Thank you Christopher” she whispers in the dark, the only light shining in is the moon dancing against her skin. “Goodnight, Tara,” I replied, resisting the urge to touch her. After a few minutes of unbearable silence, I hear her snoring. I laugh to myself because you’d think that’d be a turnoff but no, it’s cute. I have no time for cute, I need to stay away from this girl before I do something I will probably regret.  The hours slide past slowly, as slowly as she wiggles her ass across the bed towards me. I should move away but I can’t, it’s like I’m frozen in time or I want to feel her next to me.  Chris, what are you doing? This is dangerous. Getting close to this girl, letting her get under your skin will end badly, you need to leave this where it is and go on with yourself.  She flips over and throws her leg over me, she’s sound asleep just moving with the motions I can tell because of her snoring. She’s so warm and smells of honeysuckle, her hair frizzy and wild covering the pillow next to me. I feel her snuggle in closer as I pull the blanket over her, I have to admit that I’m comfortable. I’ve only felt this way once before, Marissa. I miss her.  The longer we lay this way, the more I never want this to end. I haven’t even f****d her yet, and she’s under my skin. Something is wrong with me, I need to get away from her. Thank God, I have work in the AM.  I lie there, my breath becoming shallow as I restrain myself from doing so much more. I glance over at the clock on the nightstand and note the clock reading 3 AM. Only three more hours, I can do this.  I can do this. I can do this.  I cannot do this. I need to swear to never sleep with this girl, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. I’m not going to f**k her, touch her (anymore), or bother with her. But I can finish up tonight, can’t I? No, I need to scoot away but I’m enjoying this way too much.  Beep! Beep! Beep! I jolt up and look directly at the clock, 6 AM. Damnit, that went fast. I slowly turn to look at her, what a f*****g mistake that was. The shirt had ridden up and now her ass, in its full glory, is being welcomed by the summer sun. I can’t help but notice she’s a little liar, there are absolutely no shorts insight. There’s a loud noise coming from outside my window, must be Julian picking me up for my first building project.  I jump out of the bed, being careful to not wake her, and hop in the shower. I do what any sane man trying to stay out of trouble, especially with someone so young, would do. I jerk off under the cold jets. The slip of my hand around my shaft, thinking of her beautifully full ass and breasts makes this an easy task. Imagining what it would feel like to cause her lotus to bloom around my c**k throws me overboard, throwing my head back and stroking myself to freedom. I come with a force like I’ve never known. Damn, that was good. Almost worth the fifteen minutes it took to get there. I rush and throw on a clean shirt and jeans, grabbing my boots and beating it out of the door before Julian starts his s**t. Off to work I go, let’s get dirty. I am broken, I am tired, I am horny AGAIN!  Finished up the first steps of building a tiny home, the goddamn frame. I refused to leave a moment before the framework was complete, logic said finish it and Julian screamed to leave it alone. Logic won! Walking through my parents’ backyard gate, I hear loud music playing and someone screaming bloody f*****g murder. I walk closer to the sound, only to find Daniel and Tara fighting in the pool. He’s attempting to drown her, or at least that’s how it looks. She’s swimming away from him and the i***t follows her, only to pull her under the water and hold her there.  I should walk away, let them settle this battle on their own. The Asshole in me is saying I’m tired, she’ll learn to leave him alone. But the guy who likes her already has us walking in her direction to save her from the jackass. I reach the end of the pool and without thinking I reach in to pull her out, ripping her from the grasp of my brother and the water trap she’s in. Her white bathing suit sticking to her body redirects any thoughts I had to what I want.  Chris, We talked about this. Leave this little girl alone. I look up for my eyes to meet hers, a small smirk plays in the corner of her mouth. Oh, the things I’d like to do to her mouth. I can almost feel those lips wrapping around my c**k, it causes me to twitch in my pants. Thank God for Jeans. “Thank you. You’re my hero!” She says, wrapping her arms around my neck. Her wet body soaking my clothes as she holds onto me for dear life. My brother cursing in the distance as he swims to the other side of the pool, little s**t. He’s lucky too, because either I can punch him in the face or f**k her pretty little brains out. I personally would like to have my Kate and Edith too, but neither will be happening at this moment.  “I just keep saving you from sure death, huh?” “Mmmhmm,” She says, laying her head onto my shoulder. I can feel my d**k responding to her gentle touch and I step back putting much-needed space between us. I look at her, noticing something has changed. Just yesterday morning she was attempting to avoid me at all costs, spending one night behaving, and now she looks like if I wanted to make her scream my name for the neighbors to hear I could.  Get a f*****g grip! And not of that sweet ass of hers. “I need to go lie down, stay out of harm's way while I do,” I say, walking away. I can feel her following me, better yet, I can smell the honeysuckle. She smells f*****g amazing and I need to separate. “Can I nap with you?” “Why in the hell would that be a good idea?” “Because I’m tired too” “There’s a bed in the room my mom set up for you” “It’s not quite as comfy as the one I slept in last night” “Too bad that bed turned into a pumpkin this morning” “Lucky me then, I love pumpkins.” She squeaks, as she slips past me walking inside.  What have I done to deserve this? Is it because I used to cause trouble? GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME? SATAN! I Refuse to give in to temptation, no matter how much I, really, really wanna. f**k ME!

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