Chapter 4

1040 Words
I stumble at our apartment's doorstep. Tired from today's events, I let out a huge sigh. I heard a gasp. I looked up I saw Nancy coming towards me. "Avery! Are you alright? " She held my shoulders. I gave her a small smile. "I'm fine, Nancy. Thank you." "I was waiting for you. I couldn't stay still when they took you. Let's get you inside. I'll cook dinner for you." I was at the dinner table while waiting for Nancy to finish. It took a long time for her to cook since she kept asking what happened when I was dragged away. I told her that I was just sentenced to commit service to Ranallo until I'm free to do so. I left the other details. That's enough drama for today anyways. I looked around. "Nancy, are you alone here?" She settled the food on the table. "No, dear. My husband is with me but he's not here for the mean time. He's in the hospital right now." She sat in front me. My eyes followed her while listening. She sighed and looked at me straight in the eyes. She held my hand. "This is why I couldn't give up the place. My husband, Henry, and I took care of this ever since. This holds a lot of memories. And now he's weaker by the day, I just couldn't. It hurts to think about it. This is all we have left." I furrowed my eyebrows."What about your children? Grandchildren?" She shook her head. "We don't wanna worry them anymore. They've been helping us so much. I think it's time that they focused on their own families." I opened my mouth to talk but she immediately cut me off. "He'll be home again next week. I'd like to you to meet him. I told him about you. He was ecstatic to see the girl who risked herself to defend me." She said with a smile . "Like I said Nancy, I did what just I have to do." I smiled at her reassuringly. She shook her head. "You did more than that. You almost go to jail because of me. I can't thank you enough." "Well, you made dinner. Most of all, you gave me a really great place to stay. That's more than enough." I smiled ear to ear. "Enough with that, Nancy. I know you're just worried about Henry and this place. I assure you I would do it all over again just to drive them away. I mean I do live here and all. The least I could do is save this place too." I smiled. "Let's eat. I'm famished." She chuckled and we started to eat right away. This woman will literally be my soft spot. My heart wants to help her so much. And I'm going to help her as much as I can. I woke up at 5am did a bit of jog and took a shower. I grab a breakfast at a cafe around the corner and rode a taxi towards Ranallo's house. "This isn't a house. It's a freaking mansion." I mumbled. The gates opened and they let me in. I rang the door bell until someone opened the huge door. "Oh, it's you." I said bored. "Good morning, Ms. White. Your punctuality is very much appreciated." He welcomed me inside. I went in and looked at the mansion with awe. It's freaking huge, elegant and beautiful. "Whatever." I answered. "My name is Carson Graham, Miss White. Not you. I'm Mr. Ranallo's personal assistant. " "Whatever." He frowned. "I just know you as Nancy's annoying itch. You know, no matter how you scratch, it just won't go away. It's so annoying that you decided to burn your skin." I said sarcastically. "That's terrible, Miss White." He said trying to be calm but the temper is obvious in his eyes . It makes me want to laugh. "Who is this young lady, Carson?" A deep voice boomed. I looked up at the man who just came down from the stairs. He was a tall well built man. The grey hair and the eye glasses suit him very well. He looks very handsome despite the age. I say he's around fifties and he looked quite similar to an asshole I just met. "This is Mr. Ranallo's new driver." Carson stated. "Ms. White, this is Marco Giovanni Ranallo. Stefano's father." Stefano? Probably the asshole's name. Are they Italian or something? Marco furrowed his brows in confusion. "Why is a lady going to be my son's driver?" "I beg to differ. I was forced to be his driver." I glared at the man beside me. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "That's because she's going to redeem herself for doing a stupid stunt." Stefano suddenly came who just went down the stairs. "Stefano. Did something happened?" He asked with curiosity. "Nothing that has your concern, Dad. I'm leaving now." He patted his father's shoulder. "What about breakfast, son? Your mother's going to look for you." "I'll just have it on the way. I have an early meeting." "Alright. Take care, son." He said with a small smile. Stefano looked at me blankly. "Let's go, Ms. White." We followed him towards his- of course million dollar car. I rolled my eyes. I noticed that he's eyeing me from head to toe. I saw his brows going to go London Bridge now. "What are you wearing, Ms. White?" "It's called clothes, Ranallo. Are you not familiar with that? Is it not in your dictionary?" I said with sarcasm. I was of course insulted with the way he judged my looks. I was wearing a black tshirt under my olive green hoodie leaving the zipper open. A grey pants and my combat boots that I got used to wearing. "It's Mr. Ranallo to you. I don't tolerate any disrespect from anyone." He said coldly. "Do I look like I give a fuck... 'Stefano'?" I made sure to emphasise his name with sarcasm. He glared at me and scoffed. "Carson, make sure to have her uniform." He ordered. "Of course, sir." I eyed him and gave him a teasing smirk. "Servant." "I suggest you start driving, White, before I change my mind and throw you to jail instead." He got in the backseat of the car. I murmured 'asshole' to myself. I saw Carson returned the teasing smirk and got in the front seat. Fuck all of these people!
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