
Moonlight Shines on You

kickass heroine
another world
enimies to lovers

From frenemies to lovers. Rhea and Scott couldn't stand each other ever since they were kids. However, their attraction towards each other is something they couldn't avoid. Forced to face her mission as a member of her clan and has to leave the country, Scott suddenly confessed his feelings towards her which confuses her. Would she leave for her mission or would she stay and drop from her position as the heiress of their clan? Would she succumb to the patriarchal pack of Scott or would she reject his confession and stay at her own family and be the matriarchal leader of their clan?

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Look who's here." Scott arrogantly walk towards Rhea who's having lunch with her peer. He's with his friends, Raymond, the Alpha of Crescent Moon Pack watch Scott approach Rhea from the sidelines. He doesn't know why Scott has to hide that he likes the girl from them but seems to always approach Rhea who's not even a part of their group and not even a part of the Pack. "They're at each other's throat again." Anthony, the Beta, said as he watch the scene unfold, together with Raymond. "Let them." Raymond said dismissively and grab his tray and sat beside Rhea and Van's table. "What the hell, bro? Quit acting up." Van said with a scrunched up nose as he eyed Scott disgustingly. Scott always annoy the two of them for no reason. Scott glared at Van and growled, "Shut the f**k up." Van shut his mouth, face-paled. He seems nervous whenever Scott's group get near them but he gathered his strength and tried to tell him off. Rhea felt pitiful watching Van getting scared of this Ass. She wiped the sauce on her lips with a table napkin and eyed Scott as if she's looking at a waste, "As expected of a trash, I admire you're way of ruining my day, Jerk." Her remarks pissed Scott off. He hates the way she's looking at him as if he's just a piece of crap, not worth paying attention to. "For a rogue, you sure are gutsy." Scott leaned forward, his face close to her. She almost frowned when she saw how long his eyelashes are and she can't even see a tiny speck of blemishes. This fucker is really handsome. She instantly the wear an emotionless face. Rhea smirks at him while raising an eyebrow, "A rogue? Do I smell like a rogue to you? I'm a member of the Atlantea Clan, Asshole and for a trash, you sure living up to that title. Keep it up." Rhea stood up and grab her bag, "Let's go, Van." Van followed her but Scott is clearly pissed. Rhea passed by him, "Stop." Scott said threateningly But Rhea didn't listen to him. She didn't even look at him. He hates it. He clenched his jaw while the feeling of being set aside displeased him. He grab her shoulder and pressed her but Rhea slap his hands off and glared at him, "Don't f*****g touch me." When Rhea meet Scott's eyes, his eyes grew darker, "I told you to stop, didn't I?" He's sizing her up, using his pheromones to make her submit. His pheromones is no joke, it instilled fear for those whose rank is lower than him. The students' face paled. They clenched their jaw, they held their throat, gasping for air. The tension grew longer and other students complained within themselves. "That b***h is still continuing to provoke Scott when she should just shut the hell up." A hunter said. He's not one of the werewolves making him unaffected with pheromones. However, the tension within the cafeteria makes it harder for him to swallow his food. "Yeah, she should just obey and shut the hell-." Rhea suddenly grab the person's neck and strangle it forcefully with one hand; she turns her head slowly to the bastard who keeps on prying on their nose to her business and glared. He can feel the chill behind his back, her moves were too fast, he wasn't able to react. Fear is creeping him out. "I don't remember giving you the permission to speak?" She almost snap his neck. The guy tried to gasp for breath and his eyes were red and tearing up. Her glare is no joke, he can feel the death looming on her. "Speak disrespectfully one more time and I won't hesitate to snap you in to two." Her threatening words sent shivers through the audience' spines, she let go of the bastards neck and paid attention to the person in front of her. "As expected of the Heir of Atlantea Clan." Rhea put her hands on her pocket and chin up, they want her to submit to this bastard? Hah. Not in a million years! Not to mention, they're blaming her for the doings of this bastard. She brushed off his pheromones as if it was just a trifling matter, her eyes shows no hint of cowardice unlike the person beside her. "Who the f**k are you? Why should I obey you? You're not even my Parents. What made you think you have the right to order me around?" The tension between the two increased and the spectator shakes their head. "That werewolf is dead for sure." "Yeah." But Raymond didn't say anything. He sees something that others can't see. That's the reason why he ordered the people from the pack to not disturb the two and not mess with Rhea, not like he needs to say it anyways. Even if the two always bicker around, there was something that pulls the two together no matter how much they hate each other. They have always been bickering ever since their 8. It's almost as if the bickering is just a cover up to each other's feelings and Scott doesn't know how to deal with it. Though he recommends to wait for his mate. It would be better if she is his mate. Rhea Atlantea is a heir to Atlantea Clan and there's no doubt that her and her family have been helpful with the community. "Hah!" Scott chuckled, "In case you have forgotten, you're in Crescent Pack's territory. You are ought to obey every rule here." Rhea sarcastically laughed, "This is school's property, asshole. And I'm not part of your Pack, I don't take orders from anyone, especially from you." Facts. Priscilla High is a coed school where werewolfs, rouges and humans that are affilliated with the Supernatural world like the humans in Atlantea Clan can attend. "Why don't you strip her, bro?" A spectator asked with a smirk. Bang! Rhea grabbed a handful of the spectator's hair and slammed his face on the table. She's wondering why these bastards never learn. Crack! His nose broke and blood is oozing on his nose and mouth. When Rhea pulled his hair back, his teeth fell one by one. The spectators flinch with the disgusting sight. She fake a gasp and covered her mouth, "I thought I slammed a fly. I didn't notice it was your face." She said smilingly for a moment then her eyes darkened, "You should stop meddling to my business if you don't wants to be mistaken for a fly and accidentally die." "A-I understand, I'm sorry." The punk got chills as he saw her smiling face, feeling dizzy, his legs wobbled as he hurriedly stood up and left the cafeteria "Keep meddling more if you want your days to end here." Rhea Atlantea is no pushover. She could kill you here with no qualms. "A transferee meddling with two giants? Does he wants to get killed?' A passerby asked. "That guy is pitiful." "Even if he gets killed here, the teachers will turn blind eye to it. Even the Head wouldn't even bother about it." "Wait, what?" The authority in the school resides between the two powers, Atlantea and Crescent Moon Pack and among the spectators, there are almost half of the students and staffs are from Atlantea and they are secretly guarding their master. Atlantea Clan is known for its immediate response for help but it also known for its ruthless ways of dealing with werewolves and other creatures. They undergo different tortures whether be it physically or mentally. The clan is almost sizeable to a pack with the number of their subordinates and how wide their territories are and also its influence throughout the business world and werewolf world. That is also the reason why the Crescent Moon Pack does not meddle with the two. It was like a non-verbal agreement between the Atlantea Clan and Crescent Moon Pack. Not to mention, Rhea has one of the highest authority in the Clan. She forbade their subordinates from meddling with her affairs with Scott and to the affairs of Priscilla High and that is something the people involve in the supernatural world in Flinns City knew. Scott clenched his fist. It's always like this. She's didn't bother about him. She paid attention to that punk and even laid a hand on that fucker! He couldn't hold it in any longer and grab her arm that is holding the guy's hair. Not to mention, her Hazelnut chocolate and strawberry scent is driving him crazy. "Let him go." The moment their hands touch, he can feel the electrifying and tingling effect on his fingers. He wants more. She slap his hands away from her and a low growl made him shut up. Throb. He frowned and clenched his fist. The effects is still there and it's annoying how a simple touch can make him go crazy and how a simple action from her can hurt him. "Did i give you my permission to touch me?" Her cold glint eyes made him speechless. Scott smirks to hide his pain and bullshitted, "What? Do you think I want to touch you? You're not even pretty. Mila, our omega, is thrice prettier than you." Everyone sighed, knowing all of it is just bullshit. She brushed her long red curly hair with her fingers and a smirk plastered on her lips and ask confidently, "I'm ugly?" Scott's cheek turned red with how pretty Rhea is, he couldn't hold his embarrassment any longer and turn his back, "I'm going to find a girl who's prettier than you and I will make her my girlfriend!" "And what if you don't find one?" Rhea asked. "Then you be my girlfriend." Scott seems to mumble something but she didn't hear it. The guys were watchng the two and sigh. "Aren't they cute?" Brettman asked, one of the seniors and a rogue. "Definitely cute." Peter agreed while biting on his burger. "Kids are so willful this days." Anthony commented. Not realizing they're only 17. "Aren't they? They look so sweet though." Raymond commented. "I wouldn't even be surprise if these two were mates." Raymond commented

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