The Transferred Fuse

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Beru McSegar here, after a long day in my part-time job, I managed to return home. At this time, Beru is a college student with a part-time job, and as a working student, he was having a hard time living, working, and studying at the same time. Oh, I didn't see you there, I was just reviewing this man's life, it was one of the interesting people in this world, my name is A, and I'm the god of this world, The World of Axuuhh. That might be farfetched and not possible, but let's set that aside for now, since we have a human to load off the burden. My life is as wrecked as it is our elevator in the apartment, I haven't even seen it getting fixed, and yet the landlord is still excusing that it was on its way from being fixed. So that was a friggin' lie, I entered my apartment and rested, since today is Friday, I have no work or school tomorrow, as my school has no Saturday schedules except for the janitors. This man is struggling but could still pull off sarcasm, his blogs and journals are still a blast to read since I could see how he writes stuff as he struggles in life. He's studying Neuro Physics and just finished getting his Ph.D. in Engineering, working at a fast-food resto, and have his own invention he, himself, created, it was fascinating since it could transfer his consciousness to a virtual world without any motion needed. It was impressive at first, right after seeing that one-bit error. The next morning after waking up, it was Saturday, and the moment I finished cleaning my butt off, I scooted out of my apartment and leave for my lab. I am renting a studio for my experiments on my NVS, or what I termed it, Non-motion Virtual System, a stupidly long name, but I'm proud of it. I'm transforming the good old virtual reality system, the one that you need a lot of movement for, which for gamers isn't really an ideal routine for them, as most of them are shut-in, neets, and a bunch of kids in their parent's house. I love his sarcasm, it gets me really invested as to how his life went wrong in the first place. No offense to him. No one is willing to accept my offer to be a guinea pig for the prototype I created, after funding everything myself, and the reason why I took a lot of part-time jobs, which is pretty stupid of me since I could just request some in the university since that's where I'm associated with. I don't know, okay, cut me some slack, I ruined myself for this one thing I'm dedicated to. I don't blame him, he's still 26, he could go around the world after his inventions are successful, too bad it won't. I then got a brilliant and risky yet stupid idea. Here goes! I am attempting to put myself as a guinea pig for this project, I gave up on looking for someone for the job since nobody wanted 100,000 bucks, I figure I could use it for the hospital bill for when I severely injured myself. If this is my last post, please remember that I am the very first to attempt Non-motion Virtual System. He then started his experiment, using himself as the guinea pig would make you think everything will be fine, but working alone is still a hassle, having a group of team is still helpful. He then wore the Virtual Helmet or Band? It looks more like a band than a helmet. He is simulating a game called The World of Dura, a game of his childhood, but now is nothing but history. There are some still playing it, but right after the creators sold it, the popularity went plummeting downwards like an avalanche. He then activated the machine. And the next thing I saw is a Human Torch, literally, a person with his head burning, after that error on his wiring and coding. I don't know the full gist of it, but that's how I understood it. He then died, dying from his own inventions is a harsh thing to witness, but looking at the future timeline of this science world, it was a scar on the history of science. But since I'm watching him, I could save his soul from dispersing, literally and figuratively. I'll transfer him to this fantasy world, where all the fun and exciting things for a nerd, exist. —Start simulation on the transfuse. [ Simulating, Lord ] —Then start the processing of the sample medium I created in this world, put it at the Mince Plains, I'll call it, the V. [ Sample Medium, is beginning the process of creation, Decreation, and Recreation, location; Mince Plains ] Good, the plan is perfect. [ One thing, Lord? ] —Yes, X? [ Is the Lord certain to put an Otherworldly Warrior on the Land outside the continent of Axuuhh? ] —It's fine, he'll be fine in that Land, besides, I gifted his struggles in the science world, since the god operating it is lazy anyways. [ X already knows that] —Don't be such a know it all, now, begin collecting Beru McSegar Soul, and right after that, process his soul to revive his consciousness. [ Right away ] It then collected all of Beru's soul from that science world. I've taken about 6 humans there, 1 missing and one dead, add this one and it will be 7. A lucky number, I bet this will be a good one. I'll favor this one as he was a friend of another human I transported here, he was unruly but I liked his ways of leading his people. My next Ᵽɍøsɇȼᵾŧøɍ. [ Process complete ] —Then transfer his soul and consciousness into the medium, and give him the 3 gifts of A. [ Right Away ] I love my assistant, it does all the complicated work for me, normally magic of this level needs a wide and comprehensive knowledge of, get this. 9 million symbols of Agisnan, the language of Magic that was created by the former god of this world, I didn't bother recreating it, since it was a pain to deal with. Now after that, let's see what her reaction is, he was he in the science world, but here he is a she now. “Where am I? ” she asked. I also gave her a Gaming window to fit her choice of dream life. In the processing of his soul to retrieve back his consciousness, he was given a test. It was a lot, but Ж managed to compile it down for me, basically he wanted to live like a kid again, playing games, farming for items, and playing with her friends. His game character was a woman so that he will have an interesting life. “Why am I a woman? ” she asked herself. This is crazy, her voice is so lesbianish, and that's my target accomplished. “I shouldn't be in these plains in the first place, where am I!? ” she shouted. How did I end up here? I was supposed to be working on experimenting on my NVS, what happened? Wait, did I die? I remember my head feeling so hot. Oh, she remembered, that's a bummer, she'll sound like her old self again. I also remember taking a test, is that for this? I don't wanna be a girl, I'm supposed to hit woman left and right! Boy, she's still lying to herself, at least she doesn't sound too depressed like she was in the science world. And what is this thing floating in front of me? » Status Skills/Magic Inventory What in the world is this? I'll keep quiet and see what she'll do from now on, I'll still be talking to you so you watch for now as well. Is this world a game? Is this Dura? Wait. Am I?... No way... NO FRIGGIN' WAY! “I'm Vermilion! My old game character! ” she shouted in surprise. This is a trip down Memory Lane, this is the game character I created back in my childhood playing this game. She then saw a puddle and looked at herself, using it as a pseudo mirror. I did look beautiful, what is wrong with me creating a girl as a character? She then looked back at her floating window. This is definitely one of those floating windows I've read in the novels. But damn who would've thought I would see one of these, to damn to all who didn't accept my application for my NVS, I REGRET NOTHING!! “In all honesty, I wished I could've talked to father more if I know I'm leaving that world behind, and so as him,” she said. Now she sounds depressed. She then clicked on the Status button and led her to her Status window. STATUS 10 STR 10 SPE 10 STA 10 VIT 10 MAG A normal transporter in here only has 0 status, but since she has the 3 gifts of A, she has 10 each. “It looks like a perfect set up for a power fantasy novel, am I in a power fantasy novel?! ” She shouted, like a stupid woman, no your not of course! Lemme check the other window, Skills. SKILLS (none) MAGIC (none) “Figures,” she said disappointed. That's to be expected, I don't have any of my skills and status the first time I transported here, I'll be in a novel if I have those. Stop that thought, it's such a bad impression of you, not like you'll meet someone who could see your mind than me. How about the Inventory? He then clicked on the Inventory. INVENTORY • 3 Gift of A “What is this? ” she asked and clicked the item out of curiosity. CHOOSE • Power • Book • The Unknown Power means, I could gain a lot of statuses, but all is random, what if I get a negative one? Book means, I could get a certain unique skill, that might be my greatest bet, I mean what if that unique skill could copy other skills magic? Or what if it is a useless unique skill? Like the one who has all the power he had but he's too scared, Afraid Power, all his status will all skyrocket, and his skills will increase in power depends on his fear? What is this guy on about? This Unknown? it's unknown description as well, what is this? The universe itself? But I want to bank on the Book, but I want to see what this Unknown is, I should definitely risk it since Unknown most of the time led humanity to not trust each other, real stuff. This guy is rambling unrelated things, just open it! Oh, he opened it, without hesitation, lucky for you, I'm into those. THE UNKNOWN. —The past attachment The what? I don't remember having a good past attachment, this isn't good. REWARD OF THE PAST ATTACHMENT —Vermillion's Sarcher Set Wait, that's my past attachments? How come no one informed me? Must be because this Set took me my whole high school to complete. And also, that is when I met 2 of the greatest friends in the game, how I wish to meet them again, those two b*stards. Hey! Not the best way to call your close and old friends, and do not worry yourself you'll meet them soon, but for now, let's see what your accomplishments shall be. “I could also equip them, since equipping them doesn't require a. certain level, but it does need a lot of time to farm things up,” she said to herself. She knows this is a world, not a game, right? Why does she love talking to herself? Is that something you gain when you become isolated for a long time? I'm lucky I have Ж. Alright equip them all, I stalled long enough, I want to feel the first time I wore them since it's been like 15 18 or more years ever since I touched this game. And this is a different feel as I am equipping this in real life like cosplaying my own character, except it's less cringey, stupid and embarrassing. Finally, after her rambling, and talking to herself she finally wore the set I gave her, I predicted she will since I forced her mind to pick it anyways. And she was beautiful the moment I saw her 21 years ago in that science world.
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