

small town
another world

Revenge, a love triangle, and a romance between a human princess and a werewolf are all part of this fantastical love story. Bridgette Montgomery, the unpopular princess with exceptional beauty and magical abilities, was drugged by her envious sister, Lucienne. Princess Bridgette was saved, thankfully, by Lord Zacharias Blackwood, a well-known fighter and assassin from a neighbouring noble house. Princess Bridgette fell in love with Lord Blackwood, a half-human, half-werewolf. Will they ever be able to live happily ever after?

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As her eyes followed the long trail of white lace, other parts of her body felt numb, and she silently screamed in agony. She was hurting like hell, but she had to smile at everyone who attended the most celebrated event in their place. For a moment, she was afraid that the pain of losing him forever wouldn’t stop. It was painful for her to watch him with another woman, but she had no choice in the matter. She could endure the pain, she thought. While her eyes followed the long line of white lace, the rest of her body went numb, and she moaned silently in anguish. She was in excruciating pain, but she had to smile at everyone who had attended the city's most recognised event. For a brief moment, she feared the agony of losing him would never end. It was agonising for her to watch him with another woman, but she was powerless to stop him. She reasoned that she could withstand the pain. Lucienne donned an ivory satin gown embellished with glittering sequins and pearls. Why was Lucienne chosen? If it were someone else, she would not allow him to be taken from her. On the other hand, their father argued for their release because it is in the entire family's best interests. If she were not illegitimate, she would be permitted to marry Zacharias Blackwood. She, like everyone else, attempted to focus on Lucienne's bridal gown, but how could she? How could she concentrate on anything when her sweetheart was marrying her sister's sister? That is the same sister that sullied her reputation by circulating false information about her. Before returning to the palace to join the royal household, she went by Miss Bridgette Montgomery's name. When she moved into her father's estate, a witch was added to her name due to Lucienne's slanderous statements. She is not a witch at all! She is truly enchanted! Her mother's clan was formidable, relying heavily on magic and amulets. However, throughout time, the present generation has expressed a desire to avoid being a part of an ancient tradition. Magic was despised, and anyone who continued to practise it was regarded as evil. She couldn't care less! She adored magic, and the tribe punished both her and the woman who taught her how to wield it; her mother. She was hopeless at a very young age until Lord Montgomery discovered her. It was possible to inherit magic in the Grim Mountain, where she used to live. When her mother died, Bridgette received everything, and she never used it even once. When Lucienne accused her of witchcraft, she chose not to fight because the accusation was somewhat accurate, but she had never utilised her skills on anyone. It might potentially be transferred to anyone she wishes, but it is risky! “Are you all OK, Miss?” Bridgette nodded in response to her chaperone's absurd inquiry. How could she possibly be fine? She desired to scream his name to prevent him from marrying, but everyone within the church would object. “Y-yes,” she said, her voice barely audible. “I need to use the restroom,” she stated and then walked away from everyone on their cue. She was aware that someone was tailing her, that someone had been hired to keep an eye on her, but she was used to it. The restroom was located on the opposite side of the church, which required her to trek at least fifty metres. As she continued to walk, heavy sighs began to escape her lips. She was unable to think straight and needed to step outside the sacred structure for some fresh air. She was meant to return promptly, but she was tempted to look in the mirror first. At times, she wondered if something was wrong with her beauty, for no one dared to ask for her hand except Lucienne's future husband. She chose a beautiful pink long-sleeved gown with a flowing skirt. The Queen Anne neckline showed the gorgeous gown beneath it in an endearing manner. It's shorter in the front, revealing some skin on her legs. Many deemed the design obscene and inappropriate for a formal occasion such as a wedding, but she is not in the mood to follow the procedure. She heard some definite noises close by and was compelled to listen, all the more so after hearing Zacharias' name. Bridgette inched closer to the door in a stealthy manner, and when she heard everything, she crossed her fingers and waited for those men to depart. Her heart nearly missed a beat as she hurried back to the church, and she struggled in her thoughts to recollect the spell her mother used whenever she transferred her power to another person. She hoped it would succeed because no one else could assist him...except her! Several of Lucienne's mother's henchmen stood in her way as she approached Zacharias, but she couldn't be deterred, especially when she noticed someone strange near the altar. Was he the assassin? No, the man was only a few metres away from Zacharias, and she struggled to free herself from the man's tight grip. They were, however, more powerful than she, and she was outnumbered. When Zacharias noticed the uproar, he shook his head and told her to calm down. She mouthed the word 'danger,' but he was so preoccupied with the ceremony that he missed it. “Leave me alone!” She shouted at the man who dared to touch her and glared his daggers in the eyes. “Let go or face my wrath!” She cautioned him, and this time she was dead serious. Zacharias Blackwood is facing a life-or-death situation, and she should not be delayed any longer. Although it was heartbreaking to see him kiss Lucienne as the ceremony neared its conclusion, she couldn't forgive herself if something happened to him. Lucienne's mother, too, noticed the disturbance and promptly rushed to investigate, gritting her teeth when she discovered her husband's illegitimate daughter caused it. “Bridgette, snap it out! What is the matter with you? For heaven' sake, it's your sister's wedding!” “He is in grave danger!” She reasoned, but Lady Serena shook her head and issued orders for her removal...to an asylum for treatment. Indeed, she had had enough! Everyone within the church was aroused by a piercing sound in the clouds, including the couple who had sworn to spend their life together for better or worse. Following the ear-splitting sound, complete silence ensued. It was deafening, and Lucienne's screams could be heard from afar. That was the point at which Bridgette lost control of her power and transformed into someone she didn't want to be. She stunned everyone except the man who pierced Zacharias' heart with a lethal weapon in the blink of an eye. It was a jagged gold blade that she remembered from her recollection, and she grew enraged! It was the same weapon that killed her mother, and after years of concealment, the devil's son reappeared with the same aim of shattering her heart. While she may be a little late, there is yet hope for reversing the issue! She needed to act quickly, or the razor-sharp weapon would pierce Zach's body with hundreds of holes. Even from a distance, she could make out the inscription on the blade: it was a talisman with an untamed power. “Zach!”   Bridgette screamed his name as she finished the spell and dashed to meet him on time. She was unstoppable, and everyone who attempted to obstruct her flew into the air as if they were weightless. “Zach,” she said as she placed her hand on his bleeding heart and performed the spell that would save him. "Withdraw your hands off my spouse!" Bridgette ignored the fuming woman, but as Lucienne yanked her off Zach's body, rage took over, and she ended up cursing the woman for eternity! “I'm sorry,” she said, but it was too late. Lucienne had been cast a magical spell, and she did not have enough time to reverse it. At the time, Zach's life was all that mattered, and she resolved to do whatever it took to bring him back to life...even if it meant sacrificing her own! “Sweetheart...” he murmured in a barely discernible whisper, yet it was enough for her to hear him. At the very least, she was successful in reuniting him... Nevertheless, a peculiar sensation began to pervade her entire body. She was exhausted, her body ached, and no matter how hard she tried, darkness began to obscure her eyes to the point where she couldn't see. “I'm sorry, sweetheart,” she murmured. "No!" Zach screamed and clutched her hand. “Stay with me, sweetheart! It is a command!” She heard him and, as she took her final breath, she promised him with all her remaining might that she would always be by his side. She nodded, but it was the last thing she could do for him before she lost her ability to feel. She attempted but to no avail!  

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